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North Korea threatens to 'blow up' Seoul

this Kin jong un is not wasting any time in telling the world that he is going to carry on his fathers legacy. If anyone was under the illusion that things are going to change in NK, that is put to rest now!
North Korea has reportedly threatened military action against South Korea unless Seoul apologises for 'insulting' the centenary celebrations of Pyongyang's late founding leader Kim Il-sung.

Pyongyang said it will wage a 'sacred war to wipe out the group of the Lee Myung-bak group of traitors' and 'blow up everything' in Seoul, in a series of statements carried by the official KCNA news agency.

The threats follow comments by South Korean President Lee Myung-bak last week that North Korea's failed rocket launch cost Pyongyang about $850 million, and that it could have spent the money towards buying 2.5 million tonnes of corn, the Korea Times reported.

North Korea has suffered from acute food shortage since a famine in the 1990s.

South Korea also said a further $350 million went towards 'propaganda purposes' and renovating a landmark hotel for the centenary festivities, the equivalent of feeding North Korea's 24 million people for 100 days.

Pyongyang said the rocket would put an earth observation satellite into orbit, but the US said it was cover for a missile technology test.

The UN Security Council condemned the launch and ordered fresh sanctions.

North Korea threatens to 'blow up' Seoul | Deccan Chronicle

All this drama over a failed rocket? N Koreans are amusing, just like their Chinese pals :china:

Masters at bull$hit and empty warning. :china:
If he says that he want to chemical bomb Beijing or Honk Kong i would make the same question.

He won't have the gut because his longer range missiles have all been monitored by our air warning and satellite under 24/7.

We will take it out before he can make a move against us, but to attack SK, those artilleries are enough to handle the job, while it can't reach China.

If we allow them to survive, then we can also make sure that they can't turn and bite us. :coffee:
this Kin jong un is not wasting any time in telling the world that he is going to carry on his fathers legacy. If anyone was under the illusion that things are going to change in NK, that is put to rest now!

Why is everyone here assuming that Young Master Kim is calling the shots? The fat kid is nothing more than a sock-puppet.
Why is everyone here assuming that Young Master Kim is calling the shots? The fat kid is nothing more than a sock-puppet.
Indeed, the real power holder appears to be his aunt(Kim Jong Il's sister) who was entrusted with the task of looking over the little one for the next 10 years based on current intelligence analysis.

But the problem is that Kim Jong Il's sister currently doesn't have a full control of the military which is calling its own shots. This is the reason why the military launched the rocket shortly after the launch freeze agreement.
Indeed, the real power holder appears to be his aunt(Kim Jong Il's sister) who was entrusted with the task of looking over the little one for the next 10 years based on current intelligence analysis.

But the problem is that Kim Jong Il's sister currently doesn't have a full control of the military which is calling its own shots. This is the reason why the military launched the rocket shortly after the launch freeze agreement.

What about his uncle? Wasn't he made a four-star general? I had the impression that both the uncle and aunt was in charge.
What about his uncle? Wasn't he made a four-star general? I had the impression that both the uncle and aunt was in charge.
The uncle-in-law is sort of a bodyguard for the aunt, who is the daughter of Kim Il Sung almighty.

this threat is real serious
This wasn't even on the top news, people ignored it the usual BS and the stock market is up. The biggest buzz is about the newly elected parliamentary member who had his Ph'D revoked because he had someone else write for him(He was an Olympic champion, not really an academic figure) and kicked out of the ruling party.

hope the south koreans act wisely
The current policy is a hardliner policy, that the time has finally come to liberate North Korea if it comes down to this.
NK - what a bunch of immatures with dangerous weapons. They should be disarmed by force if necessary. Iraq, Afghanistan, OBL, Taliban arent as important as bunch of lunatics in NK. This King Joke Sung better have some common sense as fast as possible.
Korean i belive you are sane, if you understand what Juche stands for you will know this is not fanboyism, this threat is for real North koreans really mean it.
The man who created Juche fled to ROK, and spent last twelve years of his life in Seoul criticizing Kim Jong Il and endorsing the ROK as the sole legitimate government of Korea.

Hwang Jang-yop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hwang Jang-yop

Hwang Jang-yop (17 February 1923 – 10 October 2010) was a major politician in North Korea who defected to South Korea in 1997, making him to date the highest-ranking defector from the isolated state.[1] He was largely responsible for crafting the Juche Idea, North Korea's official state ideology.
Remember after a South Korean boat got sunk (They said Korea did it.), the South Korea kept wang-wang but dare not to revenge.
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