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Chinese VP meets Vietnamese army chief

We can't really blame them for hating us...Vietnamese are forgottern people of China...our emperors had not properly took care of them beside having 3000 concubines in the imperial palace...otherwise we wont have any issue and we could have count them on our side.

take a look of the below picture, how differencialte the southern chinese people to these Vietnamese

Hát bội opera

It's not healthy to dwell on only the misdeeds of the past. We all done something bad to each other in the past but those are way out numbered by the good times we have had together.

Let the bygone be bygone and move on.
We can't really blame them for hating us...Vietnamese are forgottern people of China...our emperors had not properly took care of them beside having 3000 concubines in the imperial palace...otherwise we wont have any issue and we could have count them on our side.

take a look of the below picture, how differencialte the southern chinese people to these Vietnamese

Hát bội opera

It's nothing more than the artist played comedian related to China, like Harry Potter or US action movie in China to day. It reported that Mr. Xi canping is prefer to wach US movie:butcher:
It's nothing more than the artist played comedian related to China, like Harry Potter or US action movie in China to day. It reported that Mr. Xi canping is prefer to wach US movie:butcher:

really..how about these

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BEIJING, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping met with Vietnamese army chief Do Ba Ty Friday morning as the two sides reaffirmed pursuit of friendly ties as well as regional peace and stability.

"In the face of a complex and ever-changing international situation, the two sides should join forces and work to retain the correct direction in expanding bilateral relations, actively bring benefits to the two peoples, and maintain peace, stability and development in the region and the world," Xi said.

Ty said the Vietnamese side was ready to work with China to firmly safeguard the Vietnam-China friendship, properly handle disputes and make joint efforts to promote peace, stability and development.

He is heading a military delegation to China, which consists of top commanding officers of different services and legions of Vietnam's army. Ty is also scheduled to hold talks with Chen Bingde, chief of the general staffs of the People's Liberation Army of China.

During the meeting, Xi said the China-Vietnam friendship was created and fostered by older generations of leaders from both countries. Since China and Vietnam resumed a normal state of relations in 1991, bilateral links have made progress as exchanges and cooperation in the areas of politics, economy, culture and military bear great fruits.

Xi stressed that appropriate resolution of two major issues -- demarcation of land borders and maritime borders in the Beibu Gulf -- has brought tangible benefits to the two countries.

Noting that both China and Vietnam share identical social systems, similar ideals and connected destinies, Xi emphasized that these factors constituted a unique advantage for advancing practical cooperation and were conducive to properly addressing disputes between the two countries.

Ty said the Vietnamese people always cherished the support and assistance that China offered them in the causes of national liberalization and socialist construction. He added that Vietnam greatly treasured the tradition of friendship with China.

Ty said the Vietnamese side had always placed importance in, and would continue to work for, expanding the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.

Relations between the militaries of the two countries saw steady growth in recent years, Xi said, adding that this had not only contributed to the development of national defense and the armed forces of both countries, but also promoted the development of China's partnership with Vietnam.

Ty responded that the militaries should further strengthen cooperation so as to maintain the general situation of bilateral links.

Chinese VP meets Vietnamese army chief - People's Daily Online

Good. Peace negotiations: The first priority.
War is only the last.
Arguing on PDF: all time.
Good. Peace negotiations: The first priority.
War is only the last.
Arguing on PDF: all time.
The odd of actual war is low. But the war of economy is happening and you are losing it. Think about it, how many local Vietnam people can afford a house in Hanoi and how many houses in Hanoi belong to Chinese businessmen...
Most of the problems between China and Vietnam are caused by Hakkas. They're the Jews of Asia, so naturally they controlled most of the economy during the colonial and ROC days. Purebred native Hans and Vietnamese have no problems. Indeed, I think Vietnam would've given us back the islands if we didn't attack them in 1979 to avenge some Hakkas who never held Chinese citizenship and who were diehard supporters of the US and Taiwan Independence (switching their allegiance from KMT in the ROC on mainland era to DPP today).

The PRC elite is mostly drawn from Hebei, Hunan, Zhejiang, Shandong and Liaoning, and that is why we are developing fast.

If you want to increase awareness of how Hakka have hijacked China's government from 1900 to 1950, 1980-1990, and on Taiwan from 1990 to today, I've written a brief report that I can PM to you.
The odd of actual war is low. But the war of economy is happening and you are losing it. Think about it, how many local Vietnam people can afford a house in Hanoi and how many houses in Hanoi belong to Chinese businessmen...

We have prohibited foreigners to buy property in Vietnam, how can you buy it? Or is it your a dream?
We have prohibited foreigners to buy property in Vietnam, how can you buy it? Or is it your a dream?
My hometown in China is a province close to Vietnam. I personally know some Chinese businessmen holding Vietnam nationality while live in China. Whether or not the property is owned by Foreigner or Vietnamness don't change the shadow of international hot money.
Why I say the price of real estate in Hanoi was affected by Chinese/American? It is because these foreign investors raised the Ho Chi-ming index single-handedly for later harvest. In 2003, it was around 100, 4 years later, it was 1170. The domestic Vietnam businessmen found an easier way to make money. They moved their money from real economy to virtual one, such as stocking market, real estate.
And the foreign investors feasted on the bubble of Vietnam stocking market in 2008. Ho chi ming index fell from 1106 to 396 in a single year, that's 60%. And the price of real estate of Vietnam halfed. Did the government of Vietname showd any ability to counter act the international hot money? I see none.
I don't see why the situation in 2008 won't happen again in Vietnam.
My hometown in China is a province close to Vietnam. I personally know some Chinese businessmen holding Vietnam nationality while live in China. Whether or not the property is owned by Foreigner or Vietnamness don't change the shadow of international hot money.
Why I say the price of real estate in Hanoi was affected by Chinese/American? It is because these foreign investors raised the Ho Chi-ming index single-handedly for later harvest. In 2003, it was around 100, 4 years later, it was 1170. The domestic Vietnam businessmen found an easier way to make money. They moved their money from real economy to virtual one, such as stocking market, real estate.
And the foreign investors feasted on the bubble of Vietnam stocking market in 2008. Ho chi ming index fell from 1106 to 396 in a single year, that's 60%. And the price of real estate of Vietnam halfed. Did the government of Vietname showd any ability to counter act the international hot money? I see none.
I don't see why the situation in 2008 won't happen again in Vietnam.

I don't want to break the "Global Chinese harmony forever" sing along here, but we all know who are the ones manipulating China's stock and housing market, and it's not just the Wenzhou Clique. They're not that strong.

But why Chinese have such a short memory. Jap topics really hurts u guys.

so you have not confessed or you have not had your relief?

when a country is weak they hide behind the shadow of a stronger country as if it were their achievement. india is hiding behind japan when they want to forget their humiliation in a war against us!
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