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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

A few thoughts before I head out on vacation...

What I find most interesting in this discussion is the tone. The attitude isn't one of Muslims investigating their own to see whether he did something wrong or not but to rally to his defense, misrepresent the U.S. government's actions, demand proofs from non-Muslims, and, when these are received, rewind back to the beginning.

I presume these dissimulation and mental distortions are what happens in a community consisting almost entirely of Pakistani Muslims: choosing the path of strife with non-Muslims, and then once these are gone, picking fights within one's own community to divide it further, to one's personal profit and supposed glory, until the stronger oppress the weaker, who must then join the oppressors, or else walk on eggshells. Essentially, Pakistanis have given up civil rule for, in a word, barbarism.

Misrepresent the US Government's actions by posting them all over this thread? You mean to say that we are misrepresenting the US Government's actions by quoting their officials about the bounty on information that may lead to prosecution as the US authorities lack evidence against an accused?

And everything comes down to religion with your kind when challenged, right? Everything that you state should be accepted at face value and courts in Muslim countries should hand out punishments on your dictation or else face the untiring propaganda and media war that you have at your disposal.

Western history of the past two hundred years shows that there are better ways to live and think than this. You can be sure I'll cite this thread when people ask me what could possibly go wrong when becoming a Muslim.

All I can say is that you do not exercise the Christian values that Hazrat Issa A.S. (Jesus) taught you. You are a liar, a murderer, an accomplice in terrorism and an overall stain on humanity. You know what works in favor of your kind of parasites? It is our faith in Judgement day and the fear of answering for all our deeds in front of our creator. If we did not have this fear, if only we were actually allowed to commit some of the actions that your kind tie us to....this world would have been a better place because we would have rid it of hate and war mongers!
In this case, we can probably qualify this to just "Pakistani Muslims".

It is consistently observed and pointed out on the thread that there is not even an iota of shame that their country was used by the "non state actors" for staging one of the worst terror attacks on another country's innocent civilians, not an iota of outrage at the actions which have demeaned their country and ideology worldwide, no demands that Pakistan should investigate and find the true perpetrators (if this scum is not one) and close the case.

Only foolish bravado and demands on others to forcefeed them the "evidence" (which they won't let others gather) and vomit all that is forcefed.

And that too clever by half "due process" canard!

Actually it is your nation that lacks shame and pride. You have no evidence, no proof, no idea and no vision. You are just as stupid as the western citizens who continuously believe their country's lies and propaganda. Blind, hateful fools!!
It's the USA's responsibilty to provide justice after 4 years of the 26/11 attack. It's also USA's responsibilty to provide justice to the victims of 26/11 after 4 years and the same time period that Pakistan shut down supply routes. Coincedence? LOLOL
6 Americans were killed that day, so yes i understand they do have concerns in the matter as well

but their approach is laugh-worthy. It hasn't worked, and it wont work. The indians sitting on the sidelines should also be informed that it simply wont work.

provide the evidence, otherwise STFU
These people were making the same noises about OBL and were humiliated.

The Americans killed that scum with impunity in the garrison town and showed them the middle finger.

The drones are having to do the job in the tribal areas what the PA will not do.

It seems they are used to others doing the job for them and making a show of protesting.

Well, whatever works for them. They are only behaving the way you would expect. ;)
You are yet to post that ton of evidence and name a foreign country besides India that has stated that the ISI was behind these attacks.

I made a post many pages ago giving specific links.

Either you did not read, cannot read, cannot comprehend, or simply do not care.

I also spoonfed one of yours with a 1200 page verdict from the Bombay High Court that details the involvement of both the scum and your ISI.

Again, either you did not read, cannot read, cannot comprehend, or simply do not care.

But what i do believe in is the court of law and justice can only be served if it is done through proper channel. If Hafiz Saeed is executed without a trial, than there is no difference between us and animals.

How many terrorists have been convicted and punished to date in the past 10 years by your courts in Pakistan?

How many Pakistanis have been blown up in the past 10 years?

You, Developer, Asim, and others like you may keep mouthing that you believe in law etc etc.

The fact is that in Pakistan there is no Law.

Now stand back and wait for the world to bring it to you. Or stand in the way.

Both serve me as an Indian just fine.

Generals speak for the Army and not the entire country. Pakistani's are more concerned about terrorism, sectarianism, economy and load shedding. You guys don't leave our Generals with much of a choice when you pitt your 24 infantry divisions, 3 strike corps and entire Aerial Western Command against Pakistan. Every actions invites a reaction.

Yes, but the point is that you are just one adversary our troops are deployed for. But we are very concerned about you. No false bravado there. I cannot have a snake on my doorstep, and walk around barefeet.

So please a little less of the false bravado. If ALL your troops are deployed against us - you are very concerned about us. Much more, proportionally, than we about you.
Sir provide us concrete evidence and we'll do that right away... Mind you this guy has been prosecuted not once but twice, every time got acquitted because of no sound evidence against him.

Please share one that you have against him.
i don't know what more evidence can we are any other inteligence agency will be able to provide you with so that your courts will convict this scumbag. Voice tapes of handlers of 26/11 is given to you, but your country says this can not be used as a evidence. What more do you guys want.
I don't think you guys are serious about controlling fanatic ideas spanning out of your country, because the all powerful army uses it for its favour to eat the biggest chunk of your countries economy and most of the Pakistanis are illetrate are delibratly kept in darkness so that the elites of your country ruin your nation to ashes.
i don't know what more evidence can we are any other inteligence agency will be able to provide you with so that your courts will convict this scumbag. Voice tapes of handlers of 26/11 is given to you, but your country says this can not be used as a evidence. What more do you guys want.
I don't think you guys are serious about controlling fanatic ideas spanning out of your country, because the all powerful army uses it for its favour to eat the biggest chunk of your countries economy and most of the Pakistanis are illetrate are delibratly kept in darkness so that the elites of your country ruin your nation to ashes.

Ofcourse you cannot provide us any 'evidence' because there exists none! I don't know why you guys cannot get in your head the fact that we do not support terrorism in India but India must also stop terrorism in Baluchistan. It is because of Indian terrorism that no team is willing to play in Pakistan while you get all the fun.....that too could have stopped in a couple of attacks on international teams in your country. But cricket in your country is flourishing at our peril simply because we do not support terrorism!

I don't know what else and how much more you want from us!
Ofcourse you cannot provide us any 'evidence' because there exists none! I don't know why you guys cannot get in your head the fact that we do not support terrorism in India but India must also stop terrorism in Baluchistan. It is because of Indian terrorism that no team is willing to play in Pakistan while you get all the fun.....that too could have stopped in a couple of attacks on international teams in your country. But cricket in your country is flourishing at our peril simply because we do not support terrorism!

A bit off topic but what has India got to do with your cricket?

You go anywhere or invite anyone. We have nothing to do with it. We just decide our own schedule.

I don't know what else and how much more you want from us!

Stop sending the terrorists and "non state actors".

Just leave us alone!

If you can stop obsessing with us and comparing yourselves with us all the time, that will be the cherry on the cake.
i don't know what more evidence can we are any other inteligence agency will be able to provide you with so that your courts will convict this scumbag. Voice tapes of handlers of 26/11 is given to you, but your country says this can not be used as a evidence. What more do you guys want.
I don't think you guys are serious about controlling fanatic ideas spanning out of your country, because the all powerful army uses it for its favour to eat the biggest chunk of your countries economy and most of the Pakistanis are illetrate are delibratly kept in darkness so that the elites of your country ruin your nation to ashes.

:lol: you do have some truths, anyway

As I have said before also, Im writing this post for 'International media' only, as per the things that happened to me with giving reference of Pakistan’s 26/11 2011, Afghan war, attack on Indian origins in West, and my current status. So only those would read it, who have enough digesting power. thanks

Certain ‘Mentality’ of US/ West

Sir, I got caught with unwanted political talks, I couldn’t run even if I tried hard but even if we are sitting in our home, few things we notice, whenever something big happens somewhere in world. Whenever a crime is committed, we try to analyze the situation, how crime was committed, what was the intention behind doing it. Money, women, or revenge, and even if the reason was one of these or something else, how crime was committed? what was the intensity of attack? Whether murder was done just to kill or any type of madness was also behind it? What was the 'level' of ‘offence’ other than just murdering or raping type crimes? I heard, in India, punishments for even rape and murder type crimes vary from 2 years to death penalty, as per the circumstances. I remember, sometimes in late 90s, I read that Delhi high court gave only 2 years of imprisonment for a rape case while the person was also over 18 years of age, 19 year old if I remember. He raped a nurse on night when she visited his room and he pledged guilty in court, cried for him life career giving reference of his good academic record and court said, nurse was also responsible to go to his room on night when no one was there. And in one case, I remember 2 people got death penalty in India who raped a women by first grabbing her hair and walking in whole village, treating with her like animals and then raped, which resulted in death penalty of those two people for one rape and then leaving that woman 'almost' dead.

And if we see the case of 26/11 2011 of Pakistan, I remember one statement of Ms Hinna Rabbani that “only apology from NATO is not enough.” She clearly stated this after few days of that incident when a wounded soldier told the story how that crime was committed, targeting different soldiers one by one by high tech helicopters. Even if few got wounded and tried to run, they were chased one by one and killed. And that wounded Pakistani soldier also said that those helicopters remained on the plot for over an hour. And here, we talk on the forums, “NATO soldiers did that because they knew that Pakistan simply can’t resist NATO. They simply can’t go against US as first US will block aid and also trade links with US/ EU will then come on the table, and it all will then shoot Pakistan to their foot.” Means we all know that a small developing country like Pakistan simply can’t go against US/ EU as they do have to feed their common public also, any heavy sanctions may break down Pakistan’s economy, Pakistan and NATO both know. Then here I want to ask, “Even if NATO is in the position to do this type of things with any country, what exactly they will do with those countries who may raise their voice against NATO?” As, what exactly Mr Kayani said in October 2011 which might have offended NATO leading 26/11 2011, may be? He just said that, “if anyone can convince me that NATO raid in FATA may solve the problems, I am ready at any time. But this type of raids couldn’t prove worth in past and over 10 years of continuous raids/ air strikes have been made and it only add militants as they are more likely to resist these efforts.” (as per what I remember his arguments why he said that, “think 10 times while any unilateral attack on nuclear equipped Pakistan.”, which might have resulted in 26/11 2011? just guessing as we do have our logic to understand the things while sitting in home also, isn’t it?)

But if we end this story here then it is ‘incomplete’. If we further analyze it, then we have example of a Western nation, France, which has a big fleet of Mirage2000N which are for nuclear strike purpose only, and their nuclear doctrine says, “If a country may come in the position to put their military in France, they may use nuclear weapons against that country.” Even if we all know that nuclear weapons are dropped on the common people, not on the military employed on the border, NATO doesn’t have ‘No First Use’ policy. Here, I would like to ask on my personal level, “what NATO’s helicopters tried to show while being there for over hours? That they just don’t value Pakistan, the nation? Isn’t it a serious offence to show people of a UN’s member country that they just don’t stand for anything and those NATO’s offenders may do anything with them? Isn’t it a serious crime to offend with a nation, more than killing their soldiers? What message they tried to give, they are free to do this type of things, and nationals of that certain country can’t do anything? What if one of the Pakistan’s national dares a suicide bombing in US to prove, his life does stand for something?”

We would also look on the US’s history while fighting with Taliban fighters in Afghan to see how exactly they treat their opponents, their ‘mentality’/ ‘approach’. I remember, there was a time that just to kill two key Taliban fighters, one time US dropped bomb on a whole marriage ceremony killing over 50 others. And then we discussed, “it was true that those 2 key Taliban fighters might have run in case of efforts to have face to face fight, then also, how it was justify to score 50+ just in hunt of 2-3?” we also found, “those 2 Taliban militants were illiterate enough to ever reach US/ West that they were really any threat to US for 9/11 type attack. So, how bombing on a marriage ceremony of a poor country, killing 50+ in one go, is justified while those people may hardly guess about US, most of them were just villagers of Afghan? This analysis has a clear cut relationship with Pakistan’s 26/11 2011, that is, US just don’t make enough difference between animals and people of developing countries, either Pakistan or Afghanistan. Google is filled with many examples when US/ NATO bombed on many different ceremonies of Afghan during last 10 years.

So, if we fit Pakistan’s General, then here, why is he wrong while saying this, while drone attacks were already allowed in Pakistan during that time? Yes it is found that militants generally get protection in FATA, hide there, then in that case also, how long will the war continue while drone attacks and a number of raids have already been done there for over 10 years? And even if US thinks that Pakistan cheat them and was hiding OBL who was helped by ISI, as what we usually read in news, then also, what is the difference between OBL and those NATO’s military men who killed 26 Pakistani military personnel one by one, very brutally, by chasing them individually when they were running on ground, what was that? I mean, about ‘mentality’? You wanted to kill few but in what way? while they know that Pakistan’s economy isnt strong enough to respond NATO? Then this means that they will kill their ‘government servants’ like cat/ dogs, who work for just normal salaries only? I find Ms Hina Rabbani absolutely right to say, “Only apology isn’t enough for 26/11 2011.” While from my side, we know that those NATO’s military men who killed 26 Pakistani soldiers don’t work for their military only for salary, like Pakistani soldiers :disagree:. it is estimated that if women are not supplied to US’s troops, US would lose at least half of their military men employed in Afghan. US military personnel don’t work for just salary to feed their families similar to a developing country like Pakistan/ India/ Thailand etc. first most of the US civilians don’t have family, they usually change every year and generally forget who are their real kids, while women they change 'countlessly' in life. And few of those prostitute habituated men of NATO killed 26 Pakistan’s military men like animals. is it a surprise? not for me :no:

Here, the story still doesn’t end. I find a similar type of ‘mentality’ while attack on the Indian students in Australia, and also continued attacks on Indian origins in US/ UK during the same period 2009/10. And I argued, “its true that whoever study in a developed country like Australia, try for green card/ PR also, I also did the same about 7-8 years before. Many are failed with application also as their skill lose ‘Skill Demand List’ on time to time. But organizing ‘beating’ of them and then doing publicity by full use of Western media, with a sense of 'proud' to do so, how is it right in either way? What was that? I mean ‘mentality’?” and in Australia, I found that certain 'mentality' was because of Hate Crimes against highly qualified migrants, that, an average highly qualified migrant earn more than twice to the local whites. highly qualified migrants have bright future but not of the locals, a majority of locals of Australia are 'hand to mouth', they just earn 5 days and spend on weekends. and it all has resulted in a 'Hate' for migrants. while what we have discussed before, even if Bill Gates type people are billionaires, its not because the technology they have, was developed by the US's citizens. almost 100% professionals of MicroSoft type US's companies are migrants. MicroSoft may type companies employ only local labors/ office people but their almost 100% engineering professionals are migrants. I saw over one year of continuous attacks on the International students doing ME/ MBA/ PHD by the local Australian whites who might hardly be class 6th 7th pass. what was that, I mean, 'mentality'? (any psychologist may confirm that ‘mentality’ behind Pakistan’s 26/11 2011 and attack on Indian origins in US/ UK/ Australia during 2009/10 are ‘almost’ same.)

I have said clearly, as per my experience, a ‘Rule’ by US/ West will never let rest of the world get ‘successful’. They will either bring a highly qualified professional to the level of their under high school pass local people, or, they will attack on them. An ‘equality’, providing equal opportunity to grow in life, ‘including to developing countries’, Western ‘Rule’ will never accept. They will either try to keep developing countries down, or, they will attack on them. But Western Rule will never accept that their whites would work in Work Shop and migrants doing white collar jobs, twice paid. They will never accept this type of ‘equality’. they will never let a country like India/ China 'successful', their nationals on high position and more 'successful' in life than western. whatever strength Western rules have, they will use it to bring nationals of rest of the world down, but they will never accept nationals of developing countries to be 'successful'.

And here, please read my post ‘824', I clearly confirmed that “I will prefer a ‘dog death’ as compare to be one among those, who may organize so many things for so long while using me.” It had a clear sense, that is, I don’t expect any ‘decent’ killing of mine, if it will happen, if we have a look on the way they kill people of developing countries, even if Im an Australian citizen since late 2008. I would also be killed like a cat/ dog, I have a clear understanding of it :agree:. Will they appreciate my courage/ thinking/ concept behind my refusal to be part of all those things, with resisting them also until they keep me somewhere, with my efforts to run some where from these involvements? :no: Im not living in this bluff. I even believe that my dead body won’t get respect also, few animals like cats/ dogs would piss on it also, I do have an Idea about it. But, what I wanted to confirm from my side that, I would prefer this type of ‘dog death’ in place of being one among those who may do this type of things with others. As, I myself have clear idea how they do the things. They generally count 20-30 to see how things go and then they plan for a big war. Many times I cried while seeing few killing which might be because of what I might have said, I just guessed but, I finally found that it were just ‘trials’ for doing something very big. They just checked what exactly the other side can do if something like this may happen and when there was no response from India, they were then encouraged to do very big also as they found India simply couldn’t answer the aggression so they won’t in future also, they analyzed.:wave:

And what I said, if they might have accepted to score 180 in Mumbai attack, for an example, then I might also have scored at least 180 of their side, I might have sunk their one aircraft carrier, if I was ruling India that time. And in case of 1000+, I might have reached New York/ London/ Sydney and have done something real big, ‘properly’. also, it had a condition that they had to accept it openly first also otherwise how anyone may take any step based on 'unconfirmed' information? As, the time all the government resources of West is behind organizing crimes against India, with involving media/ businessmen/ sportsmen/ lecturers of universities/ full efforts from the politicians, with full involvements of government agencies of West also, then in this case, we would simply answer people to people wise. Either they would stop, or, we would make them enough shameful to accept their crimes openly and then, we would also score the same number while bombing their home countries also. I have seen too many bombing in India during 2008 by using name ‘Indian’ Mujahidin while their ‘front men’ were found to be ‘hired’ Pakistan’s nationals like Kasab of ‘Indian’ Mujahidin of 26/11 2008 Mumbai attack? then how membership of Mr Kasab for ‘Indian’ Mujahidin is justified? Don’t forget, too many ISI’s agents are found to be ‘double agent’ of MI6 and CIA also who were found on the front while bombing Indian cities during 2008, scoring over 700 to 800 by using the name ‘Indian’ Mujahidin? Then why would it be wrong to bomb London by using a frigate/ destroyer or a submarine to ‘level’ the ‘score’? as, Australia type country lives next door in Indian Ocean itself, they can’t even run in worse case. So we would start with those who are on little big distance right now, I think.
Ofcourse you cannot provide us any 'evidence' because there exists none! I don't know why you guys cannot get in your head the fact that we do not support terrorism in India but India must also stop terrorism in Baluchistan. It is because of Indian terrorism that no team is willing to play in Pakistan while you get all the fun.....that too could have stopped in a couple of attacks on international teams in your country. But cricket in your country is flourishing at our peril simply because we do not support terrorism!

I don't know what else and how much more you want from us!
Again, you guys are blamming others for your failure to control the gun culture in your country. You armed every one in the idea of going to war with INIDA, BUT now every gun as formed self help groups to eliminate each other and the nation as a whole with out the iota of thinking that what ever they are doing is ruining the name of the nation as a whole.
The reason that no terror attacks from forign soil has happened in INDIA is the reason after 26/11, your country has understood that such attacks from your soil is creating the worst damage to your nation and name that Jihna stood for in the international arena.
Secondly we have made sure that the economic progress of our country gives good reason to love a peaceful and prosperous life for every youth of the nation. That is the reason every one out there who had the idea of fighting for some nutjob abroad has stoped responding to the calls given by people like HS.
Again, you guys are blamming others for your failure to control the gun culture in your country. You armed every one in the idea of going to war with INIDA, BUT now every gun as formed self help groups to eliminate each other and the nation as a whole with out the iota of thinking that what ever they are doing is ruining the name of the nation as a whole.
The reason that no terror attacks from forign soil has happened in INDIA is the reason after 26/11, your country has understood that such attacks from your soil is creating the worst damage to your nation and name that Jihna stood for in the international arena.
Secondly we have made sure that the economic progress of our country gives good reason to love a peaceful and prosperous life for every youth of the nation. That is the reason every one out there who had the idea of fighting for some nutjob abroad has stoped responding to the calls given by people like HS.
Actually, the reason behind that is the continuous and relentless action against those bastards. Hundreds of attacks have been foiled but still a few manage to go through. Case in point - Delhi HC Blast.
I made a post many pages ago giving specific links.

Either you did not read, cannot read, cannot comprehend, or simply do not care.

I also spoonfed one of yours with a 1200 page verdict from the Bombay High Court that details the involvement of both the scum and your ISI.

Again, either you did not read, cannot read, cannot comprehend, or simply do not care.

From what you posted on Page 23, there is nothing suggesting that the ISI was behind the attacks in Mumbai. I cannot help but notice that you are running round and round in circles but are yet to post any evidence that links the ISI to these attacks. You have not supported your arguments with either logic or any evidence, only wild unsubstantiated claims.

So clearly you are a liar, posting false information, and trying to spread your false propaganda.

How many terrorists have been convicted and punished to date in the past 10 years by your courts in Pakistan?

How many Pakistanis have been blown up in the past 10 years?

You, Developer, Asim, and others like you may keep mouthing that you believe in law etc etc.

The fact is that in Pakistan there is no Law.

Now stand back and wait for the world to bring it to you. Or stand in the way.

Both serve me as an Indian just fine.

It is because our Police is completely incompetent. They fail to collect any evidence that links the terrorists with their heinous crimes. If the law enforcement agencies present enough evidence in front of the court, the judge will have no reason but to sentence the defendant. But if no evidence is presented in front of the judge and the evidence is based on hear say, the judge will have no option but to set the defendant free. Anyways i am not here to defend the judicial system of Pakistan, but in my opinion justice can only be served if it is done through proper channel.

Yes, but the point is that you are just one adversary our troops are deployed for. But we are very concerned about you. No false bravado there. I cannot have a snake on my doorstep, and walk around barefeet.

The cream assets of your Armed Forces are deployed against us, so clearly we are a serious headache for India. As long as India tries to impose her hegemony over Pakistan and her other neighbours, we have no choice but to arm ourselves.

So please a little less of the false bravado. If ALL your troops are deployed against us - you are very concerned about us. Much more, proportionally, than we about you.

Indeed, that is why you are here on a Pakistani forum lecturing me about who is worried about whom more. Another funny statistic i will offer you, there are more Indians on this forum than Pakistanis. Tells you who is obsessed with whom more :).

You are not adding any value to this discussion, so unless you cannot substantiate your arguments with any real logic or evidence, don't mind replying.

Pakistani with US bounty said helping de-radicalize militants

Pakistani with US bounty said helping de-radicalize militants - Arab News

Published: Apr 6, 2012 18:26 Updated: Apr 6, 2012 18:26

ISLAMABAD: An Islamist leader who had a $10 million American bounty placed on his head this week has been helping Pakistan de-radicalize militants under efforts to stabilize the strategic US ally, a top Pakistani counter-terrorism official said on Friday.

Hafiz Saeed, suspected of masterminding an attack by Pakistan-based gunmen on India’s financial capital Mumbai in 2008 that killed 166 people, including six Americans, met government officials from the Punjab province and pledged his support for the drive, the official said.

“Hafiz Saeed has agreed with the Punjab government program of de-radicalization and rehabilitation of former jihadis and extended full cooperation,” the counter-terrorism official told Reuters.

the counter-terrorism official said that Saeed had not been paid for his de-radicalization activities.

US officials in Washington said the decision to offer the reward under the State Department’s longstanding “Rewards for Justice” program came after months of discussions among US agencies involved in counter-terrorism.

The $10 million figure signifies major US interest in Saeed. Only three other militants, including Taleban leader Mullah Omar, fetch that high a bounty. There is a $25 million bounty on the head of Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri.

The announcement of a reward for Saeed comes at a time of strained ties between the United States and Pakistan and is likely to increase pressure on Islamabad to take action against one of Pakistan’s most notorious Islamist leaders.

A senior police official in Punjab province, who is closely involved with investigations into militant activity, confirmed that Saeed and his supporters were helping efforts to transform militants into law-abiding citizens.

“Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) were consulted, and they approved the de-radicalization plan. They assured us of their intellectual input and resource materials. They also offered teachers,” he told Reuters, referring to the charity Saeed heads.

The bounty highlighted the divide between the United States’ direct approach to tackling militancy, and strategies employed by Pakistan, a nuclear-armed South Asian nation seen as critical to US efforts to pacifying Afghanistan.

While Pakistan has mounted offensives against militant groups like the homegrown Taleban, it also contends other tactics such as de-radicalization are vital to sustaining battlefield gains.

Yahya Mujahid, the JuD spokesman, said the group had not participated in the de-radicalization program.

Hafiz Khalid Waleed, another senior JuD member, declined to comment on whether the Islamist leader had been directly assisting the government in de-radicalization.

But he said Saeed and his followers were promoting non-violence.

“Hafiz Saeed was one of the first religious leaders to denounce militancy and suicide bombings,” said Waleed. “Our schools and madrassas (religious seminaries) are urging peace.”

Under the program, former militants are urged to develop technical skills that could give them long-lasting employment to keep them from taking up arms against the state again.

Experts also try to reverse what Pakistani officials call brainwashing by militants who preach holy war against the West.

To help the deradicalization program, Saeed identifies former militants who may still be recruited for jihad because they are jobless and idle and he helps steer them toward the program, said the counter-terrorism official.

India maintains Saeed is a criminal and has long called for his capture, blaming the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) — the militant group he founded in the 1990s — for the Mumbai carnage.

The two nations have a tentative peace process underway with Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari scheduled to meet Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Sunday, the first visit to India by a Pakistani head of state since 2005.

Pakistan is home to some of the world’s most dangerous militant groups, who carry out suicide bombings and beheadings in their bid to topple the US-backed government. There are also less violent groups with the same aims.

But many Pakistanis privately support Saeed’s animosity to India. The two countries were born out of the 1947 division of the subcontinent after freedom from British colonial rule and hundreds of thousands were killed in rioting at the time.

The bounty, which would be paid for information leading to Saeed’s arrest and conviction, however puzzled Pakistanis. His whereabouts are usually not a mystery. He wanders the country freely, fires up supporters at rallies and runs a huge charity.

Waleed mocked the decision to place a bounty on Saeed.

“President Barack Obama’s election symbol was a donkey and his government is acting like one. They have no evidence against Hafiz Saeed and are scrambling to make up stories,” he told Reuters.

Pakistani officials say Saeed, who Western officials suspect of links to Al-Qaeda, has the right to move freely because he has been cleared by Pakistani courts of a range of accusations.

Saeed abandoned the leadership of the LeT after India accused it of being behind an attack on the Indian parliament in December 2001. But his charity is suspected of being a front for the LeT.

He denies any wrongdoing and links to militants.

Over 1,000 of Saeed’s supporters protested against the bounty on Friday.

Saeed agreed to support de-radicalization because he felt that former militants should find jobs and re-join mainstream society, said the counter-terrorism official, who has been at the forefront of efforts to fight militancy in Punjab.

The counter-terrorism official, who engineered the project, said 200 former militants had participated this year in Punjab, Pakistan’s most populous province, including some from Saeed’s militant group.

Another 100 will be completing the program by June.

Saeed, a former professor of Islamic studies at an engineering university, appeared at a press conference on Wednesday in the city of Rawalpindi, home to headquarters of the Pakistani army, recipient of billions of dollars in US aid.

Flanked by some of Pakistan’s most virulently anti-American Islamists at a hotel about a 40-minute drive from the USembassy in the capital, he taunted the United States.

Saeed, a short bearded man, lives near a park and a mosque in a non-descript villa with a policeman stationed outside, in the central city of Lahore, capital of Punjab.

Some of his bodyguards wear olive camouflage vests while others are dressed in dark traditional shalwar-kameez, baggy shirt and trousers. Clutching AK-47 assault rifles, a few are positioned on his rooftop watching the street.

Saeed enjoys armed protection from the state because of his “new thinking,” sources said.

“Al Qaeda or factions from the Pakistani Taleban may want to kill him,” said one of the sources, adding India may want to target him as well.

Asked if the reward would anger Saeed’s followers and undermine de-radicalization efforts, he said: “There is resentment but I hope the program won’t be affected.”

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