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1986: How India and China almost went to war

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The Economy is what allows a powerful military to build up.

Your own Armed Forces have already admitted that there is now no chance of them matching China.

as i said many times

India cant match china and India knows it

India's aim is to retaining its edge on western front and remaining enough strong on eastern front so that china cant win war due to india's ability to resist PLA and if required pose huge damage
CCP will never dare to fight with us. they know what they will loose. At what level they will end up.
when dealing with india talking negociating is a complete waste of time, china tried all that talking rubbish with Nehru in 1962, the more you talk the more they see you as weak,The language india will understand is brute force just go smash their heads in like brtain and china and that will make them listen.
China should colonise india in 1962 when we had the chance, it was the biggest misatke in the entire history of china, just look at how indians still love their white master when they managed to colonise them till these days and hated every one else
China should colonise india in 1962 when we had the chance, it was the biggest misatke in the entire history of china, just look at how indians still love their white master when they managed to colonise them till these days and hated every one else

what is the difference?

now we export them power generators, networking devices, mobile phones, then import iron and cotton from them
Now pay for the mistake :lol:

they did the right thing in 62, ie making a quick thrust and running back to the border.

if they waited any longer, indian army would have launched its main counter attack and our 50 cent army friends here would have nothing to gloat about
Operation Indian Liberation

-Complete break up of india
-Complete removable of corrupt and oppressive Brahmin regime
-Temporary installment of Muslim government
-Divide india amongst neighboring countries (Pakistan, China, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Kashmir, Goa, etc)
-Distribute indian wealth amongst liberators
-Temporary Marshall law to eradicate all Hindu extremists

The future of india is looking bright.

I am sure you tear up the Indian map every week, probably burn the indian flag and break some idols and feel good about it?
If there are more people in China and Pak like yourself, the future of both countries looking extremely bright (for us) :))
Everybody in the world know 1962 war, China beat India but nobody will bother or remember this self invent 1987 thing...

In everybodies mind. CHINA BEAT INDIA..

Space program - Check
ICBM - check
Nuclear power - check
Armed Forces - check
Economic power - check
Infrastruture - check
Education - check
International influence - check
what is the difference?

now we export them power generators, networking devices, mobile phones, then import iron and cotton from them
Thanks... thats all we can say.. trade wins.

China should colonise india in 1962 when we had the chance, it was the biggest misatke in the entire history of china, just look at how indians still love their white master when they managed to colonise them till these days and hated every one else

are you living in 1959?

when dealing with india talking negociating is a complete waste of time, china tried all that talking rubbish with Nehru in 1962, the more you talk the more they see you as weak,The language india will understand is brute force just go smash their heads in like brtain and china and that will make them listen.

Some stats of 62 war...
you guys fought well I see..... Bold figures are indian


Commanders and leaders
Brij Mohan Kaul
Jawaharlal Nehru
V. K. Krishna Menon
Pran Nath Thapar
Zhang Guohua[2]
Mao Zedong
Liu Bocheng
Lin Biao
Zhou Enlai
10,000–12,000 80,000[3][4]
Casualties and losses
1,383 Killed[5]
1,047 Wounded [5]
1,696 Missing[5]
3,968 Captured[5]
722 Killed.[5]
1,697 Woun
when dealing with india talking negociating is a complete waste of time, china tried all that talking rubbish with Nehru in 1962, the more you talk the more they see you as weak,The language india will understand is brute force just go smash their heads in like brtain and china and that will make them listen.

Too much of Chest Thumping! Forget it War with India is too costly for China when the economy is growing at 10% year on year and trade with India going in the scale of 60 Billion and show a steep possibility of increase in trade all in favor of China!

As I said again and again... China will fight India till the last Pakistani! What is the point of giving advanced Nuke missiles and Advanced jet at less price for India, If Pakistan cannot fight India!
Well done India...Keep the pressure up on the western border and increase the size and strength on the eastern front. Go after the rouge groups in the east which is even more dangerous than China.

India is doing well against the terrorists in the western side.
Everybody in the world know 1962 war, China beat India but nobody will bother or remember this self invent 1987 thing...

In everybodies mind. CHINA BEAT INDIA..

Space program - Check
ICBM - check
Nuclear power - check
Armed Forces - check
Economic power - check
Infrastruture - check
Education - check
International influence - check

The only winner in the next Indo-China war is US of A.... Frankly China reached this current place with too much of Hard work!

I agree that India is behind China in all the above fields.... Same same trend is true when you compare China with USA. If there is another war I don't think US will hesitate to provide its Multi-Megaton nuke technology to India by covert means! So at the end of MAD... US is the ultimate winner!
The only winner in the next Indo-China war is US of A.... Frankly China reached this current place with too much of Hard work!

I agree that India is behind China in all the above fields.... Same same trend is true when you compare China with USA. If there is another war I don't think US will hesitate to provide its Multi-Megaton nuke technology to India by covert means! So at the end of MAD... US is the ultimate winner!

China is the biggest oversea market for US, what the US can get from such "multi-megaton" nuke transfer?

you may want to check why india started its own nuke program -- yes, the US threatened to use nuke against india.
The Chinese education system and culture fortifies the concept of subservience to the state. The Chinese are currently incapable of looking at facts objectively because they firmly believe whatever their government teaches them or feeds them. They have always been subservient - either to their Emperor or to the Japs or to the Commies. We must not chide them, but as Asia's leading democracy we must make our Chinese brothers take baby steps toward liberating themselves from the stranglehold of the Commies.
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