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India second to none in battlefield technology research

The man was just trying t create some hype, common practice all over the world by such people in such positions. But it is fair to say India's battlefield tech R&D expenditure and number of projects is dramatically increasing year on year and now starting to produce some real results and in terms of "bang for buck" ie return India really does deliver despite relitively less cash investment (compared to developed countries).
short failure list.
LCA (+ all parts)


Satellite launching

AESA radar development (plane drop, RIP for Scientists)

etc (just like "second to none" etc mean go google urself find plenty more :rofl: "hum kisi sey kam nahi")

one more failure . totally failed to describe the terms like "Indigenous" and "second to none"

Three points in bold show the "depth" of your knowledge!

Do some research on INSAS , ISRO and LRDE before you create further pollution.

About LCA and Arjun, keep on cryin "faliure" from the rooftops! These projects are still marching ahead!:lol:
What a preposterous assertion to make. Never heard so much rubbish. This should be in stupid and very funny section
read it carefully it said second to none not 1st. both seem same for a primary failed like u but actually have a very different meaning. :disagree:

if you understand english, second to none means you are the best.. you are number one.. and if you decide to stretch the meaning a bit, it could mean no one is better then you, but possibly they are about the same as you ... so your either equal 1st, or your first

either case.. india is no where near the best in that area
lol more clueless excuses for your primitive defense industry..here is the reality

INSAS a copy of Kalashnikov's action system and receiver, and failed
Modern Firearms - INSAS

INSAS has been in service

Arjun a copy of German Leopard turret (almost identical) and British 120mm rifled tank gun and with many foreign components..

you say "copy" and in brackets you mention " almost identical" , make up your mind

Arjun tanks are already in service

LCA a copy of French Mirage fuslage and areodynamics, again with foreign direct imports, failed
these are few classic examples, you cant copy probably even with way much better accessibility to western components.

One more self-contradiction, first you say "copy", then mention foreign components , and finally conclude we can't even copy with foreign components.

for all the internationl trade fairs i have been too in Europ, either you dont find india company exhibting or an Indian company with all those copied products from bags, shoes, jeans to others with such low quality

Pics or it didn't happen
short failure list.
LCA (+ all parts)
Satellite launching
AESA radar development (plane drop, RIP for Scientists)
etc (just like "second to none" etc mean go google urself find plenty more :rofl: "hum kisi sey kam nahi")

one more failure . totally failed to describe the terms like "Indigenous" and "second to none"
You ever tried your hand at it buddy??
sorry to burst your bubble but this stuff is really hard to develop!! Plus indian organisations are grossly underfunded:hitwall:
At least we are trying!
Is this a joke??

SO where did the usual defence tech pioneers like USA, Israel, EU, Turkey etc go??
Last time I checked India was haggling to purchase over a 100 forgein made fighters and actively looking for co-operation to develop technology at home. Why do Indian administrations make a joke of themselves with foolish statements?
Even through the satement sound like a freudian slip, i'm curious what includes the term "battlefield technology "
Is this a joke??

SO where did the usual defence tech pioneers like USA, Israel, EU, Turkey etc go??
Last time I checked India was haggling to purchase over a 100 forgein made fighters and actively looking for co-operation to develop technology at home. Why do Indian administrations make a joke of themselves with foolish statements?

sir jee saade paise...saadda mulk ....twaanoo kee?????????
Is this a joke??

SO where did the usual defence tech pioneers like USA, Israel, EU, Turkey etc go??
Last time I checked India was haggling to purchase over a 100 forgein made fighters and actively looking for co-operation to develop technology at home. Why do Indian administrations make a joke of themselves with foolish statements?

Turkey?!! India is way ahead of Turkey!! Yes of course India is a new nation on the scene but if you just look at the number of defence labs and the breadth of knowledge and research being accumulated it is easy to scene India will ba a mojor player very soon. The fact is unlike others India isn't focusing on particular technologies but developing an industry as a whole wherein it can produce most, if not all, components of a system. Of course this is A LONG road and isn't as quick to bear results as other program's but it truly will bear some SWEET fruit at the end of it.
Tech= air in tires, decals and the chicken tikka in the MRE. Hmmmm, chicken tikka.

Maybe they meant second to none in chicken tikka production?? Not that I would agree. I say Pakistan produces better chicken tikka production
Is this a joke??

SO where did the usual defence tech pioneers like USA, Israel, EU, Turkey etc go??
Last time I checked India was haggling to purchase over a 100 forgein made fighters and actively looking for co-operation to develop technology at home. Why do Indian administrations make a joke of themselves with foolish statements?

You seriously are a joke here.
Israel imports almost all of its fighters... currently about to import F-15SE/F-35B.
Eu countries like Britain is also going to import American F-35B while most of them work in collaboration to make defense equipment... importing things from US.
Turkey imports all of its fighters, Ships, Tanks etc..etc... even Battlefield rifle are from outside produced under license.

Tech= air in tires, decals and the chicken tikka in the MRE. Hmmmm, chicken tikka.

Much better than the toxic chowmin available at the China town in US.
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