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Ahmadinejad: Iran not afraid to make nuke weapon

Any country that at some point wanted to make a nuke does not suddenly loose the desire to get one.
Of course iran is working on one if they already havnt got one.
but i doubt the international community will ever know that unless one is used.

But isn't that going back on their word about right to peaceful nuclear energy? That's what your government said about being wrongly denied nuclear access? Won't this be proving the Americans and Israelis right if A'jad pursues this? The only reason nukes are in his head is because with nukes, the Revolutionary government will be immune from being overthrown by Iranian common public.

Just to save itself from usa ...... just like north korea.... they need it.....

Don't compare Iran to North Korea mate. Iran looks very very very civilized and very peaceful compared to what North Korea is--- a total nightmare for north Koreans. The nuclear obsession is nothing for Kims but a guarantee for their regime to continue oppressing and torturing North Koreans to death. Iranian government at least doesn't round up Iranians and gas them. Just ask the south Korean member here about what Kims are like.

Compared to NK, Iran's claim for nukes looks much fairer.
But, Why Wud Iran wud build a bomb to Destroy Israel ?, Even if Iran gets successful in destroying Israel then almost all European Nation will come to destory Iran completely .
So why wud Iran want to get Destroyed ? I think Iran is just want to have Bomb so tht it can Guard its nation frm US, Saudi and Israel but not to bomb any of those i guess .
And If US thinks tht Russia is a Friend of Iran then No doubt Iran already got hands on atomic Bomb .And Iran is stoping US's encirclement of russia by such harsh Diplomatic comments and saving time for till russia will ready to lead Nato Alternative .
But, Why Wud Iran wud build a bomb to Destroy Israel ?, Even if Iran gets successful in destroying Israel then almost all European Nation will come to destory Iran completely .
So why wud Iran want to get Destroyed ? I think Iran is just want to have Bomb so tht it can Guard its nation frm US, Saudi and Israel but not to bomb any of those i guess .
And If US thinks tht Russia is a Friend of Iran then No doubt Iran already got hands on atomic Bomb .And Iran is stoping US's encirclement of russia by such harsh Diplomatic comments and saving time for till russia will ready to lead Nato Alternative .

Listen, Iran is perhaps the only country that as a country, has no enemies in real. Its regime has enemies everywhere. That's the reason they want nukes. The reason being that nukes would guarantee their regime's survival. Come on tell me; which stupid nation on this planet will be crazy enough to obliterate Iran and send the prices of oil to $ 500 a barrel? Which country? No one!! No one is interested in attacking Iran because of the oil reserves it sits on. Not even Israel. Technically Israel has nothing to do with Iran at all since they neither got borders nor they have territorial disputes. The only reason why there is an issue is because of Iranian regime's obsession with trying to score brownie points with over sheikhs about palestinian issue by arming Hizbolla and other fringe groups.

Look at the middle eastern map and tell me what enmity could Israel and Iran have in rational terms? They don't even border each other or come in each others' way!
But, Why Wud Iran wud build a bomb to Destroy Israel ?, Even if Iran gets successful in destroying Israel then almost all European Nation will come to destory Iran completely .
So why wud Iran want to get Destroyed ? I think Iran is just want to have Bomb so tht it can Guard its nation frm US, Saudi and Israel but not to bomb any of those i guess .
And If US thinks tht Russia is a Friend of Iran then No doubt Iran already got hands on atomic Bomb .And Iran is stoping US's encirclement of russia by such harsh Diplomatic comments and saving time for till russia will ready to lead Nato Alternative .

When a suicide bomber goes on his mission does he think about the ramifications of his actions on his family and friends...No, the only thing that is on his mind is the completion of his mission ie to kill as many people as possible. The same theory can be applied to the Iranian regime. Iranian regime ranks second only to North Korea in paranoia factor and constitutes of clerics who think themselves to carry out God's will which makes them even more dangerous than North koreans.
Only proves that the Iranian leadership is a pack of liars. Everyone said they were trying for nukes, and they moaned that they were only trying for civilian reactors. So next time they say something...remember this. The west was right all along, and the Iranians lied through their teeth.
Only proves that the Iranian leadership is a pack of liars. Everyone said they were trying for nukes, and they moaned that they were only trying for civilian reactors. So next time they say something...remember this. The west was right all along, and the Iranians lied through their teeth.
saddam got mass destructive weapon :whistle:
Only proves that the Iranian leadership is a pack of liars. Everyone said they were trying for nukes, and they moaned that they were only trying for civilian reactors. So next time they say something...remember this. The west was right all along, and the Iranians lied through their teeth.
Name me one country whose leaders 'tell the truth'.
you might need to ring a friend for help.
Maybe Iran has nuclear bomb. But are they afraid to declare it publicly? I think thats the more important question.
yep they do, the same guy said that Isreal should not be there in middle east map, if he intened to use one, if he builds one then his experimental ground might be Isreal.

wow dude are u serious, the guy u r talking about is just a random guy on this forum and he can say anything that he wishes, that does not mean that Iran will bomb israeil just because a random guy on internet said so,
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