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India Accepts Pakistan Air Force is a Leading Force


May 21, 2006
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By Raja G Mujtaba

“The Pakistan Air Force is stronger than ever. Since the last Indo-Pak air war of 1971, the Pakistan Air Force has with steely determination built up numbers, lethal capabilities and a combat force now counted as one of the most disciplined and well-trained air forces in the world. Headlines Today has a disturbing proof that all this has made India worried.” India Today 20th April 2011

Over the years since 1971 the leadership and planners of Pakistan Air Force (PAF) have not slept, they did not believe in status quo. 1971 was the watershed period of PAF when the country had fallen from grace and truncated through internal and external conspiracies. To rise from ground zero is no mean job. But PAF has been lucky that by and large it remained in the hands of committed, dedicated professionals who took the challenge from the horn.

The US, true to its traditions dried all sources of military hardware and economic resources. But those sanctions proved blessing in disguise. Pakistan looked inwards and laid the foundations for self reliance with technical assistance from dependable friendly countries like China, Ukraine, Sweden etc. France was also willing to provide but its costs were prohibitive that kept the cooperation to a minimum level.

The bulk work was done with the cooperation of China that helped Pakistan in almost all the defence production, overhauling and rebuilding. The foundation of Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, Kamra was laid. Here a very modest beginning was made when the light Swedish aircraft (Mashak) was launched as a basic trainer to meet the needs of PAF and Pakistan Army. From assembly to manufacture and enhancement this aircraft became the training bed for a full fledged fighter aircraft production.

F-6 Rebuild Factory that rebuilt the Chinese MIG 19s re-designated by PAF as F-6. When all other sources had dried and Pakistan did not have the finances to go for highly expensive Mirage aircraft F-6 became the mainstay of PAF. It was modernized with latest avionics, ejection seats, armament, breaking system and taxing capability that added much more lethal power to an old vintage technology.

On the drawing boards of F 6 Rebuild Factory, newer aircraft designs were developed that were given computer simulation for design tests. First a Super Saber that was to be developed on the frame of MIG 21 or F-7 fighter bomber but due to some technical snags, it was called off. Then with a little gap and new thought process, a brand new design was developed with active participation of China the end product was JF 17 that exceeded all the performance parameter envelop by significant margins. This aircraft was designed, built, tested and inducted in the PAF in a record time.

JF 17 is a close match to F 16 with a huge price difference. It has been displayed at International Air Shows of China and Farnborough in the UK where it was admired by all. It soon became the most fancied aircraft of the developing world for its performance and low price tags and complete absence of any strings. China has also emerged as a major buyer with 300 copies of JF 17 and about the same number would be acquired by PAF.

Its not just the Chinese origin induction but PAF has also received latest F 16s that has a total strength of 60 aircraft half of which are block 52, the latest upgrade. The F-16 As already on the inventory of PAF are also undergoing major upgrade and soon will become equivalent to Block 52 version, in capabilities.

Not stopping here, as reported by India Today in its latest issue, “There’s a deeper threat at play than just fighter numbers. Consider these newly inducted force multipliers that all but kill the Indian air advantage. Pakistan is inducting four Swedish Saab Erieye and four Chinese Y-8 airborne early warning aircraft, while India, currently, has three. India no longer has the mid-air refueller advantage. Pakistan is inducting four identical IL-78M aircraft.”

After the acquisition of four mid-air refuelers (IL-78) from Ukraine and early warning systems like Saab 2000 from Sweden and ZDK-03 from China, PAF has had a quantum jump in reducing the gap with India over technology and firepower.

Whereas Pakistan is fast phasing out its old vintage, India is still stuck with old Russian equipment that is fast losing its edge over Pakistan. India Today states, “Finally, with an ageing Soviet fleet of aircraft (MIGs)that are troublesome and facing retirement, the Air Force looks at an even greater dip in the numbers advantage. The message to the Defence Ministry and the government is simple. Cut your losses and plan hard for the future. If you don’t, the Indian Air Force will lose the one thing you’ve always counted on: its combat edge.”

PAF has not stopped here. According to official sources, PAF is in the process of acquiring J10 the latest machine from China. The exact number or its assembly or production in Pakistan has not yet been finalized. This aircraft would surpass most of the advance jet fighters and compete with any aircraft in its class.

Now most PAF aircraft are nuclear capable and all can be refueled in mid-air. This is a punch that’s hard to match in any given theatre. What PAF lacked in deep penetration aircraft has more than made up with mid air refueling and latest F-16 Block 52 aircraft, which has a long range.

In last decade, the induction of latest aircraft by PAF has completed the requirements of fighting a modern concept of net centric war, in future. All these modern aircraft and allied air defence systems acquired by PAF are now fully integrated in a net centric environment, ready to deliver a decisive blow to the enemy in any future encounter.
Doesnt this thread already exist. ?
Wow, Shiv Aroor and Durga Nandini's writings in Headlines Today has been taken seriously across the border. But it was'nt even meant for this Raja Dude.
It was meant for the Mandarins in North Block to scare them into unshackling their brains and loosening their purse-strings for the IAF's acquisition plans.
Shiv Aroor bowled a googly this time; or was it a doosra?
I agree 99% of times countries dont go into other countries with the attention to kill... but the Military is dere for the 1% it does happen, if they cant protect us when that 1% happen den dey dont deserve to get paid from my tax money
Doesnt this thread already exist. ?

Yes it does. It was on the original article written by Shiv Aroor and Durga Nandini, not by this Raja bloke.
That thread was started by Fatman 17. Trackback and read it there, also read Fatman's comment; its interesting.
this thread exists every other week on this forum

however, for some reason I thought they would stop after the OBL operation.....how effing naive I'am:hitwall:
Good Article. Atleast Air Force budget will be increased.
Well I sadly agree than PAF is presently more advanced than IAF...they have 900 aircraft majority being 3rd generation Mirages f-7...only 93 fall in 4 gen category and most of them like J17 and early F-16 are far less capable than contemporary 4 gens. While India has 280 4 gen aircraft of which atlest 180 are 4++.
as of now iaf is at disadvantage. but with mmrca, arrival of fgfa, lca Mk 2 , amca iaf will again have superiority over paf.
even now iaf has edge over paf but slight one. as i mentioned above it will further increase.
I agree. IAF is no challenge for PAF, which is the best Air Force in the world. The fact that PAF is so confident in their abilities that they keep radars switched off sends chills down my spine.
No doubt that PAF is a leading force in S.Asia. It is very well capable of defending its borders and has made sure that it does not fall behind technologically or in numbers....given that they work with a very modest budget...this is by far a great feat!

However....I have my doubts about PAF being an offensive force with the ability to take the battle into enemy territory (depending on the enemy obviously) and maintain its bite....
F-16s, 30+ Years old of Mirages III/V, 20+ Years old F-7P, 10 Years old F-7PG
Let not discuss JFT they are under going extensive training and continuous upgrades..

I do not think so PAF is a challenge or poses a challenge but it is good for many small states around it.
22 Years is a long time the only thing we came up in this time is couple of awacs, couple of air refullers and initiated and complete JFT project as JFT has still to prove itself in the next 5/7 Years, I am seriously doubting where the money is channeled in the past 22 Years that we had to come up with these only? Amazing, I remember just before OBL Operation, Air Force Chief 2 days or so earlier said our Air Space is secured mahfooz like his predecessors and yeah bad luck struck him 2/3 days later.

I have to ask this question we are in the state of war both our Eastern and Western Borders are engaged how in the Hell were radars inactive and then run away with such statement and then explains that we will initiate an investigations what investigations when PAF Chief Orders to keep radars inactive, does he plan to oust poor young men and get away with it safe his .
No doubt that PAF is a leading force in S.Asia. It is very well capable of defending its borders and has made sure that it does not fall behind technologically or in numbers....given that they work with a very modest budget...this is by far a great feat!

However....I have my doubts about PAF being an offensive force with the ability to take the battle into enemy territory (depending on the enemy obviously) and maintain its bite....

I think you are raising a good point but guess the answer to this is pretty much clear if we look at the numbers. Lets take a hypothetical situation of India carrying out some surgical strikes in Pakistan. India may loose half of its strike package with Pakistan loosing only a few of its jet. However the raid maybe successful in neutralizing some of the scum of this earth.

The thing to ponder about is what can PAF do... not a lot I would presume. They don't have good quantities of strike aircrafts and I guess F-16 do face lack of parts as far as maintenance and repair are concerned. All in all the only credible threat that I see from Pakistan maybe in the form of some cruise missiles ( which maybe shot down by some of our airplanes) .

Not sure if another 26/11 can trigger such strikes but whether or not we do it is more a question of will. We can spend some million dollars if we can get rid of some terrorist machinery. (Also if I only talk about economy , then the loss from surgical air strikes maybe less then the loss incurred after Mumbai. However, the stocks will definitely go down temporarily .Who knows , maybe its a risk that we may have to take)

As a conclusion , I would say that PAF is a very weak offensive force when compared to IAF ( its primary enemy) and that surgical strikes are always a viable option. ( Another thing we should keep in mind is the suicidal nature of Pakistan , where people will say that they have lost everything anyways , so why not try and take India down with them. I also dread a day when a General comes to power and launches a few missiles towards India in anger, Guess that would be the end of Indian subcontinent.)
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