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said the country with north korea and pakistan as the only real allies :haha:

LOL i bet not even India dare mess with North Korea. North Korea scares even the US.

And Pakistan? They have the most superior/best trained air force in South Asia, so good luck India!

LOL i bet not even India dare mess with North Korea. North Korea scares even the US.

And Pakistan? They have the most superior/best trained air force in South Asia, so good luck India!


God help the country that messes with South Korea and regarding Pakistan dont worry we have been upto it for the last 63 years.
And forums and discussions are not firewalled unless you try to overthrow the government.

Just get it from Hong Kong servers. Google is still there.

Good to know that you have freedom on net, this will reduce the trust deficit you have with India.
India's great enemy is of course Pakistan. Everyone knows it.

Have you thought about why? Did we ever committ atrocities on the Pakistanis for them to seperate? We didnt even have freedom when Pakistani leaders accused Hindus/present day Indians of being hegemonic....
When faced with a foe that has made up its mind to hate your existance....are we left with any choices?

Why not the British, who were the ones who exploited you guys, and split you up in the first place? Why is your greatest enemy your neighbour who was born on the same day you were, and equally mistreated by the same colonial power (Britain)?

As I mentioned....The british did not committ atrocities....Exploitation and atrocities are very different.....and a different punishment fits the crime for each...
Exploitation was our own fault....we allowed it....Our kings allowed it....anyone with aspirations would take advantage.....The British were never our friends...

On the other hand, Pakistan tried to take on an armed struggle into Kashmir....especially when we had the instrument of ascession to prove our legitimate right....followed by arming Kashmiris against us....
Incidents like Mumbai massacre are not something that friends or neighbors do...

I'm not saying you should attack them, or hurt them diplomatically/economically... just that it's confusing as to why you hate Pakistan and China yet like Britain.

Which is why Indians outside of the subcontinent get along just fine.....Its only when we are neighbors that we get to each others throats.
America certainly didn't care about China when they started invading Japan. It was in their own interests. As for India you didn't even fight for your own country. Britain let you go because they were too busy getting pwned by Germany.

3 thousand Brits Vs. 300 million Indians :disagree:

Indians didn't even put up a fight. It's amazing how easy their country got colonized. But from an Indian point of view, their highest point of civilization and richest part of history was during British Rule.
Said the country with no one as its real ally. :D

Russia is already with China, both are founding members of the SCO.

Congrats now ur member of a new galactic order,SCO,it sounds Draconian,Russian's r now not with us what can we do.

China is the biggest trading partner of all those countries. :P And there is no open conflict with any country.

Open conflicts r the story of past my friend,and I like the way u love to twist the realities,So japan and China r fiend because of trade,nothing happened anything between,no we did not saw anything,we were in deep sleep.

India on the other hand is still fighting militants and insurgents, and has been having military conflict with its neighbours up till recent times. Even up till 2008 with the Mumbai attacks.

You guys are getting smacked by everyone around you, and you're pointing fingers at China? 五十步笑百步。

I feel if u were true,because all those nation's keep complaining how we r smacking their a$$,at a time when we even did nothing,good u understand the truth.
LOL i bet not even India dare mess with North Korea. North Korea scares even the US.

And Pakistan? They have the most superior/best trained air force in South Asia, so good luck India!

i agree with the bold part:D
You mean gifted as China which if it was not for the west would have the name of Japan written all over it by now.

Didn't your colonial master teach you history? The India today did NOT exist. You need to thank your colonial master for uniting what is today known as India.
Didn't your colonial master teach you history? The India today did NOT exist. You need to thank your colonial master for uniting what is today known as India.

Calm down. Respond to recent posts so we don't have to keep rehashing things.
So what is this that we here about this great firewall China has for its netizens for example- no one can search Dalai Lama, Jasmine revolution and all that.

It's reverse censorship. Negative evidence about white racism in the West is blocked. In fact, negative comments about India are also absent from the official media. However, people on forums know about US KKK, stormfront, white supremacy, Russian skinheads, australian skinheads killing a Chinese professor and only getting 15 years, etc.
America has done that longer and with far more weapons. Why don't you care about that more?

We just don't like being singled out.

Because we have always had a neutral relationship with the US......not the case with China....

So in this case, if on one hand you say you want peace, but on the other you arm our enemies, then it creates further barriers to our relationship....
Compare that to us giving your enemies (Tibetians and DL) refuge and you can see how what we did was not aggressive or at least used to agress against the Chinese...

And unlike the US, China gave Pakistan the bomb that is being used as a tool for blackmail....US never provided Pakistan with weapons that would create imbalance....China did...

Do note that the US pre 65 war was arming India and Pak....so the US example is not apt
I love how the Asians here, who's countries were all exploited and crushed by the Western powers + Japan, are all going for each other's throats with greater ferocity than they would have done against the old colonial powers themselves.

I've never seen an Indian bash Britain, it's always Pakistan or China.

Indians had always worshiped Brits (white people) as Gods, ever since the days of colonization. Why you do think they never put up a fight? They would also never bad mouth a Brit because to them, Brits are of the highest caste and Indians at any level are below Brits and other "white" people.

Not even Indians will try to deny this.

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