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America has done that longer and with far more weapons. Why don't you care about that more?

We just don't like being singled out.

America was (and still remains) the biggest source of external funding for the Pakistan Army. Yet there are no scaremongering articles about them in the Indian media.

This goes back to the same trend, that India's greatest enemies are fellow developing countries in Asia, who were also exploited by the colonial powers. China and Pakistan went through all the same hardships that India did at the hands of the colonial powers, you would think that they would empathize with us.

Instead, we're their greatest enemies, while they look up to the West... i.e. the formal colonialists.
America has done that longer and with far more weapons. Why don't you care about that more?

We just don't like being singled out.

fair point tan, but allow me to point out that pakistan deliberately went in to the US bloc in cold war days thinking it will take kashmir back militarily.
the fault lies with pakistani military establishment. fyi even in that time we were in NAM
Yes i tend to forget Chinese citizens posting here are not really in China otherwise you wont have such a liberty to talk on these issues. Let there be any governing idealogy be it democracy or communism as long the people are happy and there is peace both external and internal.

Actually you can. As long as it doesn't involve treason, or sedition.

There are actually government forums where you can bring up issues and complain.
Actually you can. As long as it doesn't involve treason, or sedition.

There are actually government forums where you can bring up issues and complain.

Thanks man i did'nt know this. Can you guys freely discuss complicated issues on these forums amongst yourself.?
Actually you can. As long as it doesn't involve treason, or sedition.

There are actually government forums where you can bring up issues and complain.

That is right, it's a common misconception. In fact, Chinese forums are full of all sorts of insults against all kinds of political leaders.

Even in this forum, we have mainlanders who openly say "fu*k Hu Jintao, fu*k Wen Jiabao!"

Though personally, I would say "fu*k Jiang Zemin!" (Since I like Hu/Wen a lot more than Jiang).
There is a difference. Japan was never going to be convinced with peaceful protests and wasn't getting destroyed by Germany.

Britain was.

Agreed and my point was to highlight the difference....

Unlike Japan, Indians werent facing atrocities at the hands of the British......so werent cornered into an armed conflict....

My point was.....there is no need to undermine the struggle of our people....Chinese or Indians...We are only scoring cheap points here

Theres 2 things:
Chinese dont like being picked on about the Japanese atrocities
Indians dont like their freedom struggle or their existance (India never existed) questioned....

If we stay away from these 2 uber sensitive topics....there is still room for sane discussions
Just don't talk about overthrowing the government. Anything else is fair game.

In fact you can talk about that stuff and get away with it, as long as you don't actually try to start a political movement.

Here in Hong Kong though, we can start political movements all day long. But the CPC is popular enough, to make such parties mostly irrelevant.
Just don't talk about overthrowing the government. Anything else is fair game.

So what is this that we here about this great firewall China has for its netizens for example- no one can search Dalai Lama, Jasmine revolution and all that.
So what is this that we here about this great firewall China has for its netizens for example- no one can search Dalai Lama, Jasmine revolution and all that.

Exactly what it says. It's a firewall.
So what is this that we here about this great firewall China has for its netizens for example- no one can search Dalai Lama, Jasmine revolution and all that.

And forums and discussions are not firewalled unless you try to overthrow the government.

Just get it from Hong Kong servers. Google is still there.
What, you think we should have gone for "non-violent resistance" against the Japanese?

And hope that one day they would just let us go? Out of the kindness of their hearts?

No one questioned your method.... You obviously missed the point

And who is ahead now?

Could you have said that 50 years ago? Everything makes sense in hindsight...

And do you think that the current success of your country is because of your violent past? Actually I think it caused more problems for you than solutions....

And as far as "who is ahead" goes both countries are not that far apart and far behind the western countries, especially America....
So "who is ahead" is a relative term...

And not like our method got us
And as far as "who is ahead" goes both countries are not that far apart and far behind the western countries, especially America....

We are certainly both behind the Western countries, but there is still a fairly large disparity between China and India.

I don't attribute any success to violence in our past. However, I am pretty sure that going for non-violent resistance in front of the highly racist Imperial Japanese Army would have been a disaster.

Have you heard of Unit 731? Unit 731 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Around 20 million innocent Chinese civilians were butched by the Imperial Japanese army. Imagine how much worse it would have been if we didn't try to stop them.
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