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In Japan, a town rebuilds

Water Car Engineer

Sep 25, 2010
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United States

With a damage bill estimated at up to $308 billion, the disaster in Japan is likely to become the costliest in history.

Many Japanese are now facing the enormous task of cleaning up.

Al Jazeera's Andrew Thomas visited the town of Hachinohe, on the country's east coast, to see how residents were coping, still bereft of government aid that has gone to areas worse hit by the March 11 tsunami and earthquake.
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Hard working and dedicated people. I salute the Japanese with their calm attitude even in the toughest of times. :tup:
I'm not religious but god believes in Justice, and freedom of speech. Justice for Japan: it has hundreds of war criminals remaining unpunished and the dead war criminals are put in a shrine. Why not put Hitler as a saint in a cathedral? Same principle.

Its been over sixty years; I understand your feeling of resentment and won't condemn it, but I also can't justify those feelings either.

Why not simply bury the hatchet?
It's not up to 1 trillion. Damn.

Wow get a life you sick fvck :angry:

There were women and children as well, I bet you're gonna label them as war criminals too?

Look at your mao tse thung before blaming a whole community
I'm not religious but god believes in Justice, and freedom of speech. Justice for Japan: it has hundreds of war criminals remaining unpunished and the dead war criminals are put in a shrine. Why not put Hitler as a saint in a cathedral? Same principle.

I will not try and change your opinion. Simply because it would be similiar to cleaning a shthole with barehands and tongue.
The funny thing is a rtd German in the French foreign legions is much more likely to be a Nazi than our friend Below_freezing.
I do wish Japan all the best though for it's economic recovery as its wellbeing affects the whole global economy.
The funny thing is a rtd German in the French foreign legions is much more likely to be a Nazi than our friend Below_freezing.

Wtf does his ethnicity have to do with anything?

It's just sick how you people claim you're peaceful and all that bullsh!t then make absurd comments on innocent Japanese cassualties which most had probably nothing to do with your "war crimes" that you chinis keep crying about
Yasukuni Shrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yasukuni Shrine (靖国神社 or 靖國神社, Yasukuni Jinja?) is a Shinto shrine located in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan. It is dedicated to the kami (spirits) of soldiers and others who died fighting on behalf of the Emperor of Japan.[1] Currently, its Symbolic Registry of Divinities lists the names of over 2,466,000 enshrined men and women whose lives were dedicated to the service of Imperial Japan, particularly to those killed in wartime.[2] It also houses one of the few Japanese war museums dedicated to World War II. There are also commemorative statues to mothers and animals who sacrificed in the war.

n 1959, the kami of 1,068 executed as Class-B or C war criminals by Allied Forces military trials were enshrined at Yasukuni.[43] In 1978, the kami of 14 executed or died in prison who were sentenced or suspected as Class-A war criminals by IMTFE were enshrined at Yasukuni.[44] According to a memorandum released in 2006 by Imperial Household Agency Grand Steward Tomohiko Tomita, enshrined Class-A was the reason Emperor Hirohito refused to visit the shrine from 1978 until his death in 1989.[45][46] Since the enshrinement, there have been calls from some groups of people to remove the war criminals from Yasukuni Shrine. Shrine officials have stated that unlike traditional Shinto shrines, all enshrined kami are immediately combined and therefore become impossible to be separated for removal.[47] There has been no move to separate the enshrinements.
It's not up to 1 trillion. Damn.

I share your sentiments. Perhaps an earthquake of a magnitude 9.5 near and on Japan would cause 1 trillion worth of damage in the next few years. Japan recently picked fights with China and Russia over territorial disputes. They should pay attention to their immediate problems before picking fights with powerful neighbours like Russia and China and apologize formally for WW 2 mistakes and write the truth in their school textbooks and tell the truth to their people like in Germany.

The Japanese are racist, arrogant and too prideful and they look down on people of other races. That is a fact. If you don't believe go see Arudou Debito's website. :sniper:
The Japanese road repaired SIX days after it was destroyed by quake

The picture of gaping chasms in a Japanese highway demonstrated the power of the March 11 earthquake.
Now the astonishing speed of reconstruction is being used to highlight the nation’s ability to get back on its feet.
Work began on March 17 and six days later the cratered section of the Great Kanto Highway in Naka was as good as new. It was ready to re-open to traffic last night.


Amazing Speed :tup:

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