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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

If Hamas were humans they would stop the death toll at 13000 by surrendering.
Isreal is gonna isreal which is to carry out genocide. They are scum and wont stop.
So why not be a bigger man and surrender???
israel want no less than for hamas to all die so obviously hamas wont surrender unless they get rid of their basic human survival instincts
15 Minutes....LISTEN VERY CAREFULLY!!! Israeli aggression predicted over 12 years ago. Not word for word but close enough. A WW3 is needed by the Zionists in order to transition to Pax-Judaica. A War that will collapse the West which the Zionists have used and abused for the state of Israel. A War which will cause mass-depopulation in preparation for the anti-christ.

the main goal seems to be eliminating potential insurgents 10-20 years down the line as well

the evangelicals and jews are serious this time

well do they really think that the relatives of the 5,000 dead babies will not seek revenge at some later place and date

of course they will

Hamas is a ideology born out of the dehumanisation of the Palestinian people

if they get rid of every single Hamas member then Hamas 2.0 will emerge

and the Palestinians will do anything anything to kill a Israeli
Exactly why i hate hamas.
hamas is responsible for not the preparing the civilians for this (and also perhaps for falling into netanyahu trap)

but israel can also stop the assault at any time

US and china can both apply real pressure on israel too, but choose not to

everything is stacked against palestinian civilians
hamas is responsible for not the preparing the civilians for this (and also perhaps for falling into netanyahu trap)

but israel can also stop the assault at any time

US and china can both apply real pressure on israel too, but choose not to

everything is stacked against palestinian civilians
How can you prepare for anything in a prison? Israel is being supported by USA , UK, France, Germany and all the other Nazi pampering countries, who is supporting Palestine other than with empty words?
burn in hell you two fuc$king p$g and hyenas

die again and again and again baby killers

a good Israeli is a dead Israeli

I hope your family live forever and suffer for the rest of their lives

and on the Day of Judgement you look at the Palestinian children in heaven before being dragged away by your necks into the hell fire

because on that day there will be no injustice only justice

p$gs and hyenas rest in pi$$

How can you prepare for anything in a prison? Israel is being supported by USA , UK, France, Germany and all the other Nazi pampering countries, who is supporting Palestine other than with empty words?
then perhaps objectively there was no way for palestinians to win this conflict

we just didnt see it, we did not expect this amount of apathy from the world

Released today as a sign.
Loitering drone for armor to be carried in one hand
Any sensible palestinian will curse hamas for bringing hell on to them.

yes this was Gaza but Gaza is rebuilt every 5 years because every few years Israeli bombs totally level the place

why do you think all the buildings are new

7th October or not Israel has been bombing Gaza non stop for decades

7th October is just another excuse in the long line of excuses

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