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Why muslims don't support Palestinians? They need weapons

Why should we Pakistanis support Palestine?

Do Arab Muslims support Pakistan in its Kashmir cause against India?

So you see the world is not so black and white as it seems.

Erm .... maybe you enjoyed the Jews desecrating AL AQSA like your Hindu friends over the border but real Muslims will show solidarity with anyone who defends AL AQSA
Erm .... maybe you enjoyed the Jews desecrating AL AQSA like your Hindu friends over the border but real Muslims will show solidarity with anyone who defends AL AQSA
Are you an idiot? Al Aqsa Masjid and Dome of the Rock I can understand.

Thing is the Palestinians lost a war against the Zionists.

Two State Solution with Jerusalem as an international city where all three religions are respected: Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are respected.

That is the best solution to the problem.
Arabs are renowned for backstabbing. Their history is filled with such treachery. The fact that Arabs have backstabbed their own blood reveals plenty.

Arab monarchies are donkeys. They have plenty of resources to cooperate among themselves. The Arabs could easily start their own union and concentrate all the wealth and resources domestically. These Arab monarchies instead choose to worship Western powers. Well, they will pay a very heavy price. Every action has consequences.

Not since Salahuddin was the region united in a singular and meaningful way. Each local ruler wants to have full control while the Europeans (and East Asians) accepted their strength is their discipline (but also their rule of law and personal liberties to motivate them) and found a way to put aside their differences and cede some authority for the sake of unity and formed the European Union.

Not since Salahuddin was the region united in a singular and meaningful way. Each local ruler wants to have full control while the Europeans (and East Asians) accepted their strength is their discipline (but also their rule of law and personal liberties to motivate them) and found a way to put aside their differences and cede some authority for the sake of unity and formed the European Union.

Arabs aren't united and that is hurting their cause. That much is clear.
Arabs aren't united and that is hurting their cause. That much is clear.
And their disunity is giving more space for the Iranians to exploit. Iranians which they claim to be trying to contain. If only they put aside all other issues, were united in this cause to negotiate in a united manner, could they resolve the issue once and for all. Otherwise all external and internal actors will play off the different parties to maintain the status quo and regional backwardness (squandering their demographic advantage and oil wealth before the world transitions away from fossil fuels).
And their disunity is giving more space for the Iranians to exploit. Iranians which they claim to be trying to contain. If only they put aside all other issues, were united in this cause to negotiate in a united manner, could they resolve the issue once and for all. Otherwise all external and internal actors will play off the different parties to maintain the status quo and regional backwardness (squandering their demographic advantage and oil wealth before the world transitions away from fossil fuels).

Most people are forgetting the sequence of events.

MBS normalised relations with Iran through China.

The Americans couldn't accept and requested MBS to normalise relations with Israel.

It is Saudi Arabia that yet again chose the wrong side.

This is the sequence of events.
Rather then helping any party to destroy both parties , we should bring all parties to agree on something that can save us all.
You mean to say as suggested in below quote:
Air, more air, hot air and then after US blocks it the reps will go back home feeling they have done their bit. So the story repeats itself .....
Most people are forgetting the sequence of events.

MBS normalised relations with Iran through China.

The Americans couldn't accept and requested MBS to normalise relations with Israel.

This is the sequence of events.
Saudi relations were broken but Saudis recognized Iran. It’s wasn’t to the level of what normalization with Israel would entail; to go from non-recognition to full recognition. Iran hosts no holy sites for most Muslims, while Jerusalem is Jerusalem. To recognize without a proper settlement is to give up the last major leverage. Besides, what Saudi seeks from the US is not as major as what israel could expect to gain, as Iran is easily contained economically and politically, as is currently self evident. The danger is the pressure this causes on the Arab street and how that could led to unrest undermining economic efforts, making recognition moot after all.
Two State Solution with Jerusalem as an international city where all three religions are respected: Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are respected.

That is the best solution to the problem.
At the moment the occupying Zionist regime has total superiority and intends to leverage this to ethnically cleanse remaining Palestinian areas to create a one Jewish supremacist state instead of the solution you propose. Which is exactly why Palestinians need weapons. You are so close.
Saudi relations were broken but Saudis recognized Iran. It’s wasn’t to the level of what normalization with Israel would entail; to go from non-recognition to full recognition. Iran hosts no holy sites for most Muslims, while Jerusalem is Jerusalem. To recognize without a proper settlement is to give up the last major leverage. Besides, what Saudi seeks from the US is not as major as what israel could expect to gain, as Iran is easily contained economically and politically, as is currently self evident.

No doubt. Nevertheless, we all know that Israel is only seeking legitimacy for the Israeli state. The relationship between Israel and many Islamic countries should be seen in this perspective. There is an economic component, but that is not the end goal here.

The Saudis are making a grave error by normalising relations with Israel when Palestine issue is unresolved. Israel won't budge. What will the Arab countries do when Israel continues to steal more land after recognising the Zionist state? Have the Saudis thought about this? Unless the Saudis have already given up on Palestine...
No doubt. Nevertheless, we all know that Israel is only seeking legitimacy for the Israeli state. The relationship between Israel and many Islamic countries should be seen in this perspective. There is an economic component, but that is not the end goal here.

The Saudis are making a grave error by normalising relations with Israel when Palestine issue is unresolved. Israel won't budge. What will the Arab countries do when Israel continues to steal more land after recognising the Zionist state? Have the Saudis thought about this? Unless the Saudis have already given up on Palestine...

During the 2006 Lebanon war, the Arab street/masses started to respect Hezbollah, for their defiance, much to the chagrin of the monarchs. In the face of what was happening in Iraq since 2003, the Arab populations saw the difference and it created the ground swell that led to the Arab springs. Discontent youth with limited economic prospects and limited civil liberties is a recipe for a powder keg. The Arab world hasn’t yet recovered from the Arab spring, neither has Europe, Libya is a Highway for migrants to Europe, and the arms that came out of Libyan arms caches have flooded the Sahel, arming every militant group from Sudan to Timbuktu.

In a post-Covid post-Afghanistan world, with even more limited economic prospects, and even larger populations, it could get even worse.
Are you an idiot? Al Aqsa Masjid and Dome of the Rock I can understand.

Thing is the Palestinians lost a war against the Zionists.

Two State Solution with Jerusalem as an international city where all three religions are respected: Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are respected.

That is the best solution to the problem.

Get out of your fairytale Snow White

Hamas commander says attacks are in defense of Al-Aqsa, claims 5,000 missiles fired​

Muhammad Deif calls on Arabs in Israel and West Bank, as well as Iran-backed terror groups, to join Operation 'Al-Aqsa Deluge'; 'Today the people are regaining their revolution'​

Drink milk go back to sleep , people like you give us bad name .
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