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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Trump is definitely not a symptom of events. Trump was the next phase of PNAC - MAGA.

Trump was mentored by mafia linked Roy Cohn, the same Roy Cohn that was involved with FBI deepstate blackmail of politicians. Old pals with Kissinger, Rockefeller, Rothschild, and other deepstate spooks and creeps.

Trump has been warning about the decline of America since the 1980s, when Trump warned about the threat of the rise of Japan replacing America. That was Trump's main issue, keeping America dominant over European and Asian rivals, including the EU. When globalism failed America, Trump was the deepstate tool to make America great again. That was the Kissinger assigned task of Trump. This Ukraine War is about shifting the fall of MAGA to the fall of the EU.


October 13, 2017

President Trump met with alleged war criminal Henry Kissinger on Tuesday, the third meeting Trump has had with Kissinger this year. While the media has focused on Trump’s push to use the former secretary of state’s visit as a ploy to bash Obamacare, their recent meeting likely also signifies something more sinister than the plan to destroy an already woeful healthcare system.

According to the Daily Beast, a White House official told the outlet that Kissinger was meeting with Trump mainly to discuss North Korea and China. The White House transcript shows Kissinger’s first statement on the matter was specifically about Trump’s upcoming trip to Asia, which should tell you something about the real reasons Kissinger was eager to meet with Trump.

For the record, Henry Kissinger was responsible for the U.S. government’s secret bombings of Indochina, as well as disastrous coups in Latin America. His travel is very much restricted for fear of arrest.

Kissinger also wrote a strong opinion earlier this year where he actively warned against defeating ISIS simply because the terror group’s downfall would empower Iran.

With this information in mind, Kissinger’s meeting with Trump at this point in time is a troubling indicator that something frightful could be headed our way. As CBS reported:

The meeting with Kissinger comes after the president has offered explosive foreign policy-related comments that has Washington waiting with baited breath. Last week, Mr. Trump alluded to a ‘calm before the storm’ after a meeting with military leaders, although the White House wouldn’t offer much clarity on what he meant by that…Over the weekend, Mr. Trump said 25 years of diplomacy with the North Korean regime has failed, and ‘only one thing will work,’ fueling speculation over military action. The president’s Cabinet has emphasized that diplomacy is still the administration’s first choice.”

Not only is President Trump continuing his incessant saber-rattling against North Korea, but reports are also stating he is moments away from intentionally derailing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) formed with Iran in 2015. He is also supposedly planning to designate Iran’s core fighting forces as terrorist entities, which could see both the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Hezbollah on the receiving end of U.S. missiles in Syria.

Henry Kissinger is a stalwart architect of American foreign policy, especially when it comes to covert initiatives. His meeting with Trump may very well signal the end of the relative calm and the beginning of the storm, and who better to advise Trump on navigating his way through the storm than a peace-prize laureate wanted for war crimes?

As China was getting bigger than the US, militarily and economically, Trump was the deepstate tool to knock down China. And for that reason, Chinese hate those with white skin, NATO white skin.

The anti-white stuff is the Berkley California communism.

The anti-white agenda is promoted in Anglo nations, so you never name the Anglos, instead blame white Armenians, Finns, Swedes for wall street crime and washington crimes. "Finns have the same white skin color as Bush and Trump, therefore Finns are dehumanized."

Anglos claim fake victimhood from minorities with the anti-white agenda, as Anglos dominate the globe with a sense of fake victimhood. (on a site that only blamed whites, I named the Anglo and got instantly banned by the shills, you can hate a whole skin color, though the wagons circle around Anglos if you name the Anglos as the evil warmongers. A bank robber never wants to be named. To the bank robber, you can name the skin color and blame every whitey for the bank robbery and the bank robber gets away with the crime)

Chinese are 100% on board with Putin/Trump and Kissinger in blaming whitey Europe and wanting to take down the US rival and foe - EU

The Russians have a similar thing, issued fake victimhood when Anglos and Russians are the deepstate perps.

WoT gave fake victimhood to Americans with "scary Muslim terrorists". Muslims were the greatest victims in the War on Terror. Rarely if mentioned on Faux News.

COVID gave fake victimhood to MAGA with "Chinese super spreaders", which Europe and the American left rejected these lies.

Fauci and Gates gave fake victimhood to MAGA, when the depopulation shots were targets at unsuspecting Democrats.

Trumpers are given fake victimhood with Mexicans crossing the border.

Trumpers are given fake victimhood with LGBTQ.

Trumpers are given fake victimhood with wokeness.

Putin and cronies are actually trying to take down Europe, this is not fake victimhood. This is a war on many fronts. Energy war on Europe. A Russian led migrant war on Europe to take down the moderates ruling Europe to replace them with MAGA and Russiabot Identity and Democracy political parties.

You can tell the players and the deepstate when you realize the fake victims - Russians - and the real victims - Ukrainians. The deepstate wants to make the real victims into "criminals" - the Ukrainians are called "Nazis". And the deepstate wants their Republican political base to believe they are the victims - MAGA.

Scapegoating, fake victimhood is how the cia Republicans maintain political control over the masses in a somewhat ordered global system.

The GOP Is Always the Victim​

The Republican Party and Victimhood as Ideology​

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The vast majority have had enough of the clown of Kievs antics....

Not to worry, Pakistan will fill the gap.

Another Russian ally let down by Putin: they couldn't even help Armenia keep their enclave.

This is why Ukraine would rather die that be under Putin's influence, and Finland be part of NATO.

Armenians hit at Russia after losing ‘motherland’​

Moscow was long seen as Yerevan’s key ally and security guarantor in the enclave​

Exodus: refugees fleeing NagornoKarabakh queue at Armenia’s border this week


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Last week, Vardan Tadevosyan was still the health minister of a small if unrecognised republic in the south Caucasus Mountains, managing dozens of government employees and running one of the busiest medical facilities in the region.
But in 24 hours, the government of Nagorno-Karabakh ceased to exist. Tadevosyan’s staff began to leave their offices; patients vacated hospital beds; and there were so few police left that the streets started to feel unsafe.
Only the roads out of the region’s capital, Stepanakert, were busy, jammed with the tens of thousands of ethnic Armenians fleeing the city after Azerbaijan retook the breakaway enclave by force in a brief but bloody war last week. Some 200 were killed, according to local officials; the injured were soon ferried to Yerevan, the Armenian capital.
“We don’t have [an] army any more, we have no police, no state . . . in two days, only ghosts will be around. The city will be totally empty,” Tadevosyan said, from the centre he founded 25 years ago. He had come to the centre to pack up its equipment. “Just a couple of people are still here, but all of them want to leave.”
Stepanakert’s empty streets mark a tragedy for Armenia, a country that sees the mountainous region as its ancestral heartland, a point disputed by its oilrich neighbour, Azerbaijan, which also has historical ties to the area.
It also marks an abrupt and brutal end to one of the most bitter land disputes born of the Soviet Union’s collapse, one that had defined the region for decades. The territory, which was internationally recognised as Azerbaijan’s, became known as a textbook “frozen” conflict, one that allowed Russia to continue playing power broker in what it terms its “near abroad”.
But as Armenia reels from the events of the last week, Russia’s hold over it also appears to be beyond repair. Moscow was long seen as Armenia’s key ally and security guarantor; Armenians expected it to protect the status quo and stop Azerbaijan absorbing Karabakh.
“Our hopes rested on the Russians, they are our brothers. Why did they allow the Azerbaijanis to treat us this way?” said a former village shopkeeper, who had brought her 85-year-old mother to hospital after fleeing Karabakh. Both had lost a son to one of the many wars for Karabakh.
The hospital was in Goris, a town in southern Armenia that has processed most of the 50,000 refugees that have left so far, nearly half of Karabakh’s total population of 120,000. Many of the families who fled are in hospital recovering.
One woman spent two nights with her daughter in the huge queue of cars that has formed along the serpentine road from Karabakh, laying the 12-year-old down when she had fits. Another’s husband had suffered a stroke after crossing a checkpoint set up by Azerbaijan.
Armenia’s premier, Nikol Pashinyan, last week criticised Russia and questioned the work of the 2,000 Russian soldiers that had been deployed since 2020 to keep the peace in Karabakh.
Pashinyan told Armenians “the security systems and the allies we have relied on for many years” were “ineffective”, and that the “Armenian-Russian strategic partnership” was “not enough to ensure Armenia’s external security”.
It marks a historic shift in the country’s foreign policy, and a loss, for Moscow, of one of its oldest allies. “We are convinced that the Armenian leadership is making a huge mistake,” the Kremlin said, decrying Pashinyan’s “pivot from Russia” and “a frenzied anti-Russian campaign” in local media.
As protests broke out in Yerevan over the loss of Karabakh, some Armenians said they feared Russia could fuel the protests to put pressure on Pashinyan, or overturn him, which the Kremlin denied. Distracted by its draining invasion of Ukraine, Russia is unlikely to muscle in, as it has done when countries drift from its orbit, said Richard Giragosian, director of the Regional Studies Center, a think-tank in Yerevan.
“Yes, Moscow is angry with Yerevan. But Moscow is more angry and much more challenged by Baku,” Giragosian said. The seizure of Nagorno-Karabakh revealed “Russian weakness in the face of the Azerbaijani use of force”, furthering the “steady erosion of Russia’s standing and the slow death of the ‘myth of Russian military might’”, he said.
With Armenian public anger over the loss directed more at Russia, as well as the breakaway region’s elite, and at the west for its inaction, Pashinyan’s position seems secure, Giragosian said.
As the exodus from Karabakh continues, Azerbaijani security services have not yet entered Stepanakert, locals said. But border guards have made the first arrest of one of the Karabakh elite. Another yesterday decided to give himself up, travelling to Azerbaijan.
The disarmament is ongoing, with Karabakh soldiers handing over weapons to Azerbaijan at Russian peacekeeping bases. That process is going peacefully, said Elin Suleymanov, Azerbaijan’s envoy to the UK. He rejected the notion of ethnic cleansing, saying people were leaving of their own accord, and though he acknowledged that they might be driven out by fear, he said they were victims of manufactured hysteria.
He described the region as being restored to “normalcy” after the fighting, with aid being delivered, field kitchens going up and doctors soon to be sent to work in local hospitals.
Armenians fleeing Karabakh see things differently.
“It was chaos. Everyone was rushing around in a panic,” said a teacher, holding her granddaughter in the hospital in Goris as the baby fought an infection.
The child was saved by a doctor who chose to stay on when the baby’s condition worsened. On Monday, when nurses began handing out the hospital’s medical supplies for free, the family decided to risk it and leave.
Tadevosyan added: “It’s a tragedy when you lose your motherland.”
Looks like the ongoing Ukrainian counterstrike has flopped.

Ukraine needs a well-equipped Air Force, a large number of well-equipped HIMARS, and expanded air defense portfolio to turn the tide of war.
Looks like the ongoing Ukrainian counterstrike has flopped.

Ukraine needs a well-equipped Air Force, a large number of well-equipped HIMARS, and expanded air defense portfolio to turn the tide of war.

What ever people think of the Russian General Surovikin, he did organise a good defensive line that has proven to be very difficult to overcome for Ukraine.

However, I do think Ukraine also made a meal of hit, not willing to hit hard at a given point for fear of large scale casualties - i dont think it is all down to the russian defensive line alone.

This just means that the war will drag on for longer and go into 2024, and possibly 2025, I dont see Ukraine stopping now or giving up - it is a national fight for survival, there is no hiding that now. I think the west will hanker down and get ready for the long haul. I dont see the west wanting to see russia get away with this approach of trying to occupy new terrorities, Putin has to fail and be seen to fail aswell. They made a mistake in 2014 by letting Putin get away with it in the Donbas and Crimea, and seperarely in Georgia and i dont think they will want to repeat that mistake again.

Wars take time - so this war will go on…
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The Fall | Sabotage Operation In Ivano-Frankivsk. More Destroyed Bridges. Military Summary 2023.9.30​

But but but, we are superpower with gazillions of dollars to give away while our own citizens burn..... Reality is people have had enough of the Clown of Kiev. He can fcuk off back to Tel Aviv and leave the Ukrainians in peace.

Congress on Saturday blocked new aid for Ukraine in its government spending deal, a rebuke to Kyiv with geopolitical reverberations that came despite a concerted lobbying push from senior Biden officials and the highest-ranking GOP senator.....
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