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Most savage move ever: Aliyev

Where is Iran? We are waiting .. all talk no walk

Iran never said anything about preventing Baku from retaking Karabakh.

On the contrary, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, seyyed Ali Khamenei (h.A.) clearly stressed that all occupied lands should return to Azarbaijan:

This military skirmish should end as soon as possible. Of course, all lands belonging to the Republic of Azerbaijan and occupied by Armenia should be liberated and returned to Azerbaijan.

Read more about Iran's position on the issue here:

lol. Armenia already agreed to the land corridor. Let’s see if you can do anything. ✊

This statement is attributing unreal intentions to Iran.

As part of the 2020 ceasefire agreement, Armenia agreed to a land corridor running through sovereign Armenian territory. Iran has absolutely no issues with that.

What Iran opposes, and very clearly announced in no unmistakable terms, is military occupation and annexation of that land corridor by Baku's forces.

Can you see the difference?

From Turan

You were talking about red line. Where are you ? We are here hahah

Iran's red line is military occupation of the Zangezur corridor by the Alyev regime. Since that has not happened, Iran's red line has not been crossed.

Baku has insinuated it is eyeing invasion of that area. But failed to do so to this day. It's been talk, no action.

This is what Iran will not allow:


Retaking Karabakh - no problem at all from Iran's perspective. Please don't confuse the two.

Your red line keeps changing lol

Not at all.

Iran's red line has been one and the same from the start, never changing an iota.

To repeat: the moment Baku's military crosses into Syunik province of Armenia proper, Iran will set in motion counter-measures.

So let that happen first, then you may evaluate Iran's response. For now it's the Baku regime doing the talk but failing to take action.

Make our day!

I hope they are stupid enough to make a wrong move.

What move? As declared by Iran, she will respond to the Aliyev regime trying to forcefully modify internationally recognized borders. Since the Aliyev regime has not dared to cross this red line, Iran has no reason to intervene.

Should Baku go ahead with such an illegal undertaking however, then Iran will act one way or another. When it comes to this question, the ball is not in Iran's camp but firmly in Baku's.
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Iran aside,where's superpower India to project its strength and save Armenia? After all,aren't they the ones saying "PAAAKISTAN-AZERBAIJAN ALLIES,WE NEED TO DO SOMETING ABOUT IT"?

Oh yeah,it's like when they said they might send forces to protect the last pocket of resistance against the Taliban after Kabul fell...and they did nothing. And like they stopped supporting "good friend AND ally Russia always brothers we love Russia and Mr.Putin sir,ok" when the war in Ukraine started.

It's also very unpleasant if you see interviews of what Russians, Georgians and Armenians think of Indians. I honestly feel bad for decent Indians, but these egoistic ones need to take a good, hard look.
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Iran aside,where's superpower India to project its strength and save Armenia? After all,aren't they the ones saying "PAAAKISTAN-AZERBAIJAN ALLIES,WE NEED TO DO SOMETING ABOUT IT"?

Oh yeah,it's like when they said they might send forces to protect the last pocket of resistance against the Taliban after Kabul fell...and they did nothing. And like they stopped supporting "good friend AND ally Russia always brothers we love Russia and Mr.Putin sir,ok" when the war in Ukraine started.

At the least, to prove their loyalty and "neutrality" they would have opened medical facilities in the Russian Federation.
Indians pride themselves in being known as doctors. They would be good now to showcase whatever medical tech they have and create rehabilitation facilities for injured Russian troops.

Build these troops prosthetic limbs to help them. But no, Bharat seems to have nothing to showcase or help their allies in crucial times. Isn't that right @nahtanbob
My Sunni brothers and sisters in Palestine are in our front against Zionists. So no hard feelings about your non sense. With anti Jewish Sunnis, we make a family of prophet's true followers.
There are many who have been fed the stories of how some imaginary jew created Shia sect or how Shias were responsible for killing of the third Caliph or how Shias have been against the Sunnis from the inception.

What they are not told is that Shia Sunni differences are basically of political in the nature and the split started to occur right after the Prophet passed away. The insidious role of Banu Ummaya, Muwawiya et. al., in fracturing the unity of Muslims accelerated the process and the oppression of the followers of Imam Ali by Banu Abbas finally sealed the fate and the division became permanent.

Rest is just all hulabalu (in urdu we call Mirch Masala) and little details.
At the least, to prove their loyalty and "neutrality" they would have opened medical facilities in the Russian Federation.
Indians pride themselves in being known as doctors. They would be good now to showcase whatever medical tech they have and create rehabilitation facilities for injured Russian troops.

Build these troops prosthetic limbs to help them. But no, Bharat seems to have nothing to showcase or help their allies in crucial times. Isn't that right @nahtanbob
Right? It's like all talk and when a war starts "we are peaceful people,we don't take part in other people's wars"


It's also very unpleasant if you see interviews of what Russians, Georgians and Armenians think of Indians. It's not pleasant. I honestly feel bad for decent Indians, but these egoistic ones need to take a good, hard look.
I knew that Armenians don't like Indians much,but the others I didn't know :P
My Sunni brothers and sisters in Palestine are in our front against Zionists. So no hard feelings about your non sense. With anti Jewish Sunnis, we make a family of prophet's true followers.
Oh yes, especially when you were bombing Baghdad with israeli supplied missiles. I guess Hathemi fought against Zionist when his and Soleymanis emissaries negotiated what you going to get in exchange for your help to USA in regards of Afghanistan and Iraq, he ( Hathemi ) bragged about that on your TV. I guessed that Good Ol Uncle Sam gave you Iraq in return and acces to Syria. Good old Iranians, on Friday Prigozhin was fighting USA globalist, day before Zionist Wahsbis in Syria ( I wonder why you needed him, after all you are great Persians) then on Sabbat all if sudden he becomes Zionist traitor.
I also may add , you get the sens of yourself when Arab Mullahs like Majlisi inspired your nationalism in order to to destroy Sunnism in Iran. Before that ,it wasn't going as planned.
Oh yes, especially when you were bombing Baghdad with israeli supplied missiles. I guess Hathemi fought against Zionist when his and Soleymanis emissaries negotiated what you going to get in exchange for your help to USA in regards of Afghanistan and Iraq, he ( Hathemi ) bragged about that on your TV. I guessed that Good Ol Uncle Sam gave you Iraq in return and acces to Syria. Good old Iranians, on Friday Prigozhin was fighting USA globalist, day before Zionist Wahsbis in Syria ( I wonder why you needed him, after all you are great Persians) then on Sabbat all if sudden he becomes Zionist traitor.
I also may add , you get the sens of yourself when Arab Mullahs like Majlisi inspired your nationalism in order to to destroy Sunnism in Iran. Before that ,it wasn't going as planned.
A British Turd is speaking, people listen up!
My Sunni brothers and sisters in Palestine are in our front against Zionists. So no hard feelings about your non sense. With anti Jewish Sunnis, we make a family of prophet's true followers.

Way to go, brother. Not to get provoked by Shiaphobic rhetoric and to stay true to the principle of Islamic Shia-Sunni unity promoted by Imam Khomeini (r.A.) and seyyed Khamenei (h.A.). This will expose their sectarianist colors and demonstrate how they keep gratuitously accusing others of what they actually practice.
A British Turd is speaking, people listen up!
If it wasn't for the British overthrowing Mosaddegh, you'd be living under a democracy instead of the utopia you now enjoy which is Islamist theocratic rule. I mean you sing the praises of the Mullahs all the time, so you should thank the British for giving you the Shah which lead to the wonderful Islamic revolution. You are MOST welcome.
A British Turd is speaking, people listen up!
Ahlak of the cult. In reality I kinda like it , it just shows that they have no an answer. Concise, precise , documented answer is beyond their intellectual scope. Impotent intellectually,socially, culturally and spirituality. As of that Indian Khomeini working for unity as I recall in the book called uncovering of the secrets , he calls Hz Aisha inpure as a dog. If you know Qur'an then you know that you can make Taqfor on him but , I guess the unty is more important. As matter of the fact I can quote Aytollah Kamal Haydari , fully justifying such thing in the regards of The Cult. So go on keep profanities and I will keep exposing you and your kind be it Irans. Armenians. Greeks etc. That represents no problem for me.
Ahlak of the cult. In reality I kinda like it , it just shows that they have no an answer. Concise, precise , documented answer is beyond their intellectual scope. Impotent intellectually,socially, culturally and spirituality. As of that Indian Khomeini working for unity as I recall in the book called uncovering of the secrets , he calls Hz Aisha inpure as a dog. If you know Qur'an then you know that you can make Taqfor on him but , I guess the unty is more important. As matter of the fact I can quote Aytollah Kamal Haydari , fully justifying such thing in the regards of The Cult. So go on keep profanities and I will keep exposing you and your kind be it Irans. Armenians. Greeks etc. That represents no problem for me.
So far you haven't exposed anyone.
I knew that Armenians don't like Indians much,but the others I didn't know :P

Pakistanis are also loosing their good reputation with Turks because of the refugee crisis. Besides people from Western coastal areas in Turkey commonly disliked Pakistanis.

Not all. My mother had good experiences there in the 70s and so did my father. But there is a segment in Western Turkey that dislike other Muslims in general.

I also knew one of these people. They're your Turkish inverse of the Iranian monarchist "Aryanists"

But Armenians seem to like Indians more than Russians on average. At least that's what it seems to me.
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Iran never said anything about preventing Baku from retaking Karabakh.

On the contrary, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, seyyed Ali Khamenei (h.A.) clearly stressed that all occupied lands should return to Azarbaijan:

This military skirmish should end as soon as possible. Of course, all lands belonging to the Republic of Azerbaijan and occupied by Armenia should be liberated and returned to Azerbaijan.

Read more about Iran's position on the issue here:

This statement is attributing unreal intentions to Iran.

As part of the 2020 ceasefire agreement, Armenia agreed to a land corridor running through sovereign Armenian territory. Iran has absolutely no issues with that.

What Iran opposes, and very clearly announced in no unmistakable terms, is military occupation and annexation of that land corridor by Baku's forces.

Can you see the difference?

Iran's red line is military occupation of the Zangezur corridor by the Alyev regime. Since that has not happened, Iran's red line has not been crossed.

Baku has insinuated it is eyeing invasion of that area. But failed to do so to this day. It's been talk, no action.

This is what Iran will not allow:


Retaking Karabakh - no problem at all from Iran's perspective. Please don't confuse the two.

Not at all.

Iran's red line has been one and the same from the start, never changing an iota.

To repeat: the moment Baku's military crosses into Syunik province of Armenia proper, Iran will set in motion counter-measures.

So let that happen first, then you may evaluate Iran's response. For now it's the Baku regime doing the talk but failing to take action.

What move? As declared by Iran, she will respond to the Aliyev regime trying to forcefully modify internationally recognized borders. Since the Aliyev regime has not dared to cross this red line, Iran has no reason to intervene.

Should Baku go ahead with such an illegal undertaking however, then Iran will act one way or another. When it comes to this question, the ball is not in Iran's camp but firmly in Baku's.

Exactly, Iran does not care by Armenia, at the end of the day they shoot themselves being pro Russia and then pro US, stupid policies comes with a bill...

But now the red line is very clear, there won t be a corridor between Azerbaijan and Turkiyeh.

But Why???

Because Iran has said so.

Have you learn? don t you dare guys...

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This man that crushed pakistan (my grandfather was older than pakistan by the way):

Father of Indian nuclear program:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homi_J._Bhabha#:~:text=Homi Jehangir Bhabha was born,of Sir Dinshaw Maneckji Petit.

Both figures were Persians.

No pakistan or turkiye in time of arabs.

Safavids were Kurdish (Iranian) descent.

@Mehdipersian Both Iran and Pakistan are modern states, but old civilizations.

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