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Ukraine counter offensive have failed

Now that's real F16 combat test... countering Russian weapons..

depends if they are upgraded and uprated like PAF did perhaps.. but still I doubt it.. even PAF doesn't hope to penetrate IAF defences and Ukrainian pilots no offence to them are no where near PAF quality of pilots
depends if they are upgraded and uprated like PAF did perhaps.. but still I doubt it.. even PAF doesn't hope to penetrate IAF defences and Ukrainian pilots no offence to them are no where near PAF quality of pilots
its direct delivery from Dutch NATO stock with all recent upgrade, even they are A,B series
its direct delivery from Dutch NATO stock with all recent upgrade, even they are A,B series

Still not enough to penetrate Russian defense grid

There is a reason why the west moved into fifth generation warplanes
why not ? bleed the Russians so that they never dare to mount another military operation against smaller country

US bleed Europe. Unfortunately most Europeans dont understood that they kill themself while killing other Europeans like Ukrainians and Russians
US bleed Europe. Unfortunately most Europeans dont understood that they kill themself while killing other Europeans like Ukrainians and Russians

You are entitled to your views. No one in Europe wants to live under anything remotely comparable to East Bloc, The condemnation of Russian invasion is universal - all the big powers (UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain), traditional friends of Russia (Hungary, Greece), small countries in Eastern Europe (Baltics), small countries in Northern Europe (Sweden, Finland).
You are entitled to your views. No one in Europe wants to live under anything remotely comparable to East Bloc, The condemnation of Russian invasion is universal - all the big powers (UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain), traditional friends of Russia (Hungary, Greece), small countries in Eastern Europe (Baltics), small countries in Northern Europe (Sweden, Finland).
LOL you sound like "Putin destroyed the Nordstrem 1 and Nordstream 2" :lol:

I hope it will escalate into nuclear war and then the shitty US is over.
why not ? bleed the Russians so that they never dare to mount another military operation against smaller country
I wish you were/are around to bleed Americans and the whole might of NATO for starting military operations against smaller countries....Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Niger, Pakistan come to mind just from the last couple of decades.
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US bleed Europe. Unfortunately most Europeans dont understood that they kill themself while killing other Europeans like Ukrainians and Russians

Euro zon3 was a bigger threat to USd$ compared to RMB currently. The Europeans had no choice, France and Germany wanted to unite the Europeans but the political correctness pressure was too great. They knew it was an Anglo plot to weaken Europe. A unified Europe with Russia in it would have made US toasted.

Thanks to US hegemony, China got a second lifeline. A greater threat would have been a unified Europa stretching to our borders.
I wish you were/are around to bleed Americans and the whole might of NATO from stopping military operations against smaller countries....Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Niger, Pakistan come to mind just from the last couple of decades.

Is USA in any of these countries (minus Syria) right now ?

LOL you sound like "Putin destroyed the Nordstrem 1 and Nordstream 2" :lol:

I hope it will escalate into nuclear war and then the shitty US is over.

No one in Europe wants to live under anything remotely comparable to East Bloc. Even without America the Europeans can nuke you back.
LOL you sound like "Putin destroyed the Nordstrem 1 and Nordstream 2" :lol:

I hope it will escalate into nuclear war and then the shitty US is over.

I really don't understand why you are still hiding cowardly in Germany?? Leave it, leave this "shitty" Western system and go to your beloved Russian motherland where you are however surely not allowed to puke similar big words like you constantly do here. But why forcing others lo live that way, when they don't want to?
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I am still in germany cause i am a real german and not a sellout like you

Ah, and a true German German wants a reunification with Russia or at least such a corrupt kleptocratic system like in Russia? :hitwall: :crazy: ... or slowly I get the feeling what your true intentions are: A typical German per your understanding again needs a Führer!? That's why you and your pro-Russian supporter are constantly lurking around and quotingNazi-supporter sites. Yes, in fact you are a wolf hidden as a sheep, like the new German little Adolf, ähm Mr. Höcke just recently revealed. :omghaha:

Honestly, you remind to a once nice colleague in our athletics club who one day wanted us all to play only basketball and football and whenever we reminded him, that we are here for sprint, long-jump and hurdles he began to insult us as idiots and not true sportsmen since only he would no what's right.

Even suggestions to leave the club and join a basketball- or football-team were fruitless, since he knew better.
How is this news Counter offensive had stalled months ago by now
Only a sellout like you think in that way.

I want a neutral Germany, trading with everyone, fighting with no one.
No one wants to be trading with someone who threatens them. You are member of EU and NATO. there is nothing neutral about both of them.
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