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Ukraine counter offensive have failed

It is true that the Ukraine counteroffensive has failed to achieve key objectives. However, to make a leap from that and claim that the fall of Kiev is inevitable is quite a stretch. This war is in a state of stalemate where neither side has the strength to force a decisive outcome. It will ultimately be decided by whether Western support for Ukraine outlasts the support of the Russian elite and military for Putin. Both sides are in a state of fatigue.
The Ukrainians stated a while back that the Russians have 200 'battalion groups' in theatre that have not yet been committed. Lukashenko recently said that there are 250,000 Russian soldiers in reserve who will attack soon. The figures match.

With the armoured components of the Ukrainian military effectively destroyed, who is going to stop the Russian when they commit these forces?
The Ukrainians stated a while back that the Russians have 200 'battalion groups' in theatre that have not yet been committed. Lukashenko recently said that there are 250,000 Russian soldiers in reserve who will attack soon. The figures match.

With the armoured components of the Ukrainian military effectively destroyed, who is going to stop the Russian when they commit these forces?

You will get no answer
A bit late to the party. Most of us knew this weeks ago.

No major Russian defence line penetrated, no major town captured. Massive Ukrainian casualties, out of proportion to Russian casualties.

The amazing thing is that it is continuing and the few major uncommitted Ukrainian Brigades are being thrown into the fire.

This leaves virtually no strategic reserves, and what is left of the army will fold when the Russian offensive begins. I told you before, they will take Kiev.
F16s are coming and will be game changer
Not 20%, as that would included Donbas (pre-2022) and Crimea, so from 2022, Russian may be gaining around 9-11%, which some of them already rolled back.

and if they are holding that at the onset, maybe, not 19 months down the road. It's a military diaster for Russia, because in deployment term, the goal they should have aimed at is taken Kyiv and already reaching the eastern bank of Dnipro river. Which mean 50% of Ukraine should have fallen to Russia if Russian plan were to materialised.

Now with that 20% which gain mostly small town and empty land, and very pronged to be counterattacked. I don't think any military leader in Russia, hell, any military leader in the world wanted the Situation Russia had in Ukraine right now. It's as we said, a cluster-****
I included Crimea and pre-2022 gains in 20%. Right now the Russian corridor in the South is a prime target for any Ukrainian counter-offensive. It is difficult to defend for Russia
NATO is already signalling th3y will accept Russian annexation of the 4 regions east of dneiper in return for Ukrainian NATO membership. Lolol
You will get no answer

you will be surprised -- USA and Europeans will supply combat aircraft to stop Russian ground advances

NATO is already signalling th3y will accept Russian annexation of the 4 regions east of dneiper in return for Ukrainian NATO membership. Lolol

Putin has to play ball here
F16s are coming and will be game changer
No. They are few, will come late, inadequate pilot/support training. The types are old and will be no match for the latest Russian aircraft.

The Dutch can't release them before 2024, and the war might be over by spring.

Even telegrapgh the WMSM mouthpiece is saying victory is in sight for Putin? Those are very strong words.

Now that's real F16 combat test... countering Russian weapons..
F16s won't change anything.
Russia is killing innocent civilians since war started. U.N should put strict sanctions on Russia and it's right time to standup with victims and to isolate Russia.
US will fight the war till the last Ukraine soldier.

Moral of the story: Never bet on US, never be a puppet of US, never ever trust US, never be a friend of US.

Ukraine is devastated used as a proxy of US, against their fight with Russia.

Putin had the last laugh...
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