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Army act passed in senate

Those who rule by fiat don't serve the rotten masses they claim to serve!

It is abundantly clear that they don't seek the consensus of the masses. They rule of foreign dime and agenda on native masses... codifying their dominion.

I guess now they'll have the faith and trust of masses they crave, or shove down the throats of disgruntled, malcontents or dissenting.
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Then what?
Well PTI will start polishing shoes as well
That's the issue.
In Pakistan real power and politics in the hands of dangerous duffers who don't care about people, law, constitution, or morals, just their chokehold and their commercial interests.
Army Act only states that those who don't wake up for Fajr ki namaz will never see success in Pakistan and will remain bhooke nange, Stop lying people... All of the ministers and politicians are standing with Army of righteous is because how poisonous, ops I mean how Pious they are.
Good step taken.

Army act only applies to the military, both serving and retired. We all must agree state secrets should not be disclosed, especially those that will harm the army or the country interests. The problem is this act will be misused to target or scare people in the army, even when the army is at fault, committing just say genocide or video recording women.
Imran Khan kept on mentioning he is talking to people in the army so I guess they certainly will be shivering, he should have kept his mouth shut, he kinda shot himself in the foot yet again 🙄

This so called Army Act is actually AGAINST INTERNATIONAL LAW AND INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS because Civilians CANNOT be tried under Military Acts and courts.

But one thing is very clear, they are bringing all these so called acts because the GHQ Hyenas are SCARED shi.t of the people. They are scared that they ARE LOOSING CONTROL OF THE PEOPLE AND PEOPLE NOW HATE AND DETEST THESE HYENAS.
These Army duffers will never learn. US and its allies such as Canada, Australia and others are now finalizing a Law called "Transnational Repression". What this means is that this law will protect its dual citizens from countries and states which try to reach across borders to harm, intimidate, and silence journalists, activists, dissidents, and diaspora communities.

Watch below a very good video.

Transnational Repression -- New American Law threatens Pakistani Govts? |​


Read the last paragraph carefully, GOD mode activated for COAS.
Army act only applies to the military, both serving and retired. We all must agree state secrets should not be disclosed, especially those that will harm the army or the country interests. The problem is this act will be misused to target or scare people in the army, even when the army is at fault, committing just say genocide or video recording women.
Imran Khan kept on mentioning he is talking to people in the army so I guess they certainly will be shivering, he should have kept his mouth shut, he kinda shot himself in the foot yet again 🙄

When the insiders talk, the serving or retired, the whole scenario becomes dangerous. There is RAW always sniffing for something and its these anti-Pakistan agencies which benefit the most in these circumstances. IK is just a small fish in the pond. IK managed to make the public to think and question, but the public started doing in their own wild ways. Its better to rein in the serving and retired, since the public isn't considered a threat while the unformed/retired know the ins and outs and carry an ocean of information in their hearts.
Question is, is the Army act where COAS cannot be questioned is good for Pakistan?

This effectively sidelines the judiciary and legislative branch.

You’d be a complete idiot to support this act.

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