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POLL: Will Ukraine recapture another city?

yes or no

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Oct 15, 2017
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On November 11, 2022, Ukraine captured Kherson city after they threatened to blow up the dam and drown all the Russian soldiers in Kherson city so Russians left Kherson city. It's been 9 months since then. An entire pregnancy. And Ukraine has never recaptured another city. As time goes by, Ukrainian army becomes a spent force as tanks are destroyed and soldiers are killed and crippled faster than they can be replaced. 30,000 Ukrainian men are killed and 120,000 more are crippled every year. It's also a big burden on a country of only 37 million people where the population has very low birth rate and very old with rapidly aging demographics. Personally, I would say no. What do you think?

@aziqbal @White and Green with M/S @mike2000 is back @Ich @Mohsin A @KAL-EL @kingQamaR @Foinikas @nahtanbob @MeFishToo @Viet @dbc @jamal18
There is no hope for Ukraine even with NATO and US aid. All it will result in more dead Ukrainians. The Russians have regrouped and like in 1942 when they turned back the Hitler tide, will beat up all NATO effort to militarily grab back areas they have captured. So solution is not to listen to NATO and US advice and enter into peace talks.
Just like WW2 Ukraine becomes a playground for great powers. Just like WW2 Ukraine pays the heaviest price.
why not if they put enough man and resource for thee task
why not if they put enough man and resource for thee task
As long as India and china buys Russian oil nothing can stop Russia

It may even bring back Wagner which were mostly paid soldiers it can bring many ex military men into Wagner

The only opportunity is if Russia goes into civil war or internal crisis that's the only way

Or if NATO escalates and brings in real gus like f16s
gain this 4 time the population nonsense

Population is a big deal. Germany got crushed in WW1 and WW2 because Allies had more population. Germany was not able to replace battle losses. Allies were able to. Germany ran out of men. Allies kept coming.

Napoleon lost Waterloo because he was out numbered 2 to 1 even though his soldiers were arguably better.

Population is a big deal. Germany got crushed in WW1 and WW2 because Allies had more population. Germany was not able to replace battle losses. Allies were able to. Germany ran out of men. Allies kept coming.
no Germany lost because in western front luftwafe lost and in eastern front German tanks lost against Russian tanks

and also because the moron Hitler didn't heed his generals advice and before finishing Europe entered to war with Russia. and again declared war on USA after pearl harbor hoping japan declare war on Russia.

another reason usa entered the war and guess what usa industry didn't get touched during the war so everything they lost get replaced easily while it was not the case for germany after their airforce lost the western front their industry was fair target
no Germany lost because in western front luftwafe lost and in eastern front German tanks lost against Russian tanks

and also because the moron Hitler didn't heed his generals advice and before finishing Europe entered to war with Russia. and again declared war on USA after pearl harbor hoping japan declare war on Russia.

another reason usa entered the war and guess what usa industry didn't get touched during the war so everything they lost get replaced easily while it was not the case for germany after their airforce lost the western front their industry was fair target

If Germany had 400 million population like the Allies did Germany would have won. Germany had better soldiers than Allies did.
Population is a big deal. Germany got crushed in WW1 and WW2 because Allies had more population. Germany was not able to replace battle losses. Allies were able to. Germany ran out of men. Allies kept coming.

Napoleon lost Waterloo because he was out numbered 2 to 1 even though his soldiers were arguably better.

for God sake you want to teach me about battle of Waterloo ?
the battle was not decided because of the different of number of forces . the battle decided because napoleon could not start the battle at the morning and start it at noon it gave prussian army to have time to attack the flank of napoleon while he was at the brink of destroying british army . if he started the war at the morning tthen by the time the perussian army have reached him there was no british army ans the french would have not caught with their pant down , and more importantly the fact that bad weather of previous days made the ground so soft and attacking a very hard job didn't help french either

If Germany had 400 million population like the Allies did Germany would have won. Germany had better soldiers than Allies did.
if you say so . and no Germany fate was sealed before that , it was sealed when they opened second front otherwise before that they were good against western Europe which was more populuce than them
if you say so . and no Germany fate was sealed before that , it was sealed when they opened second front otherwise before that they were good against western Europe which was more populuce than them

My point still stands. Germany would have won if Germany had the same population of Allies.
If Germany had 400 million population like the Allies did Germany would have won. Germany had better soldiers than Allies did.

Yes, if German have nukes.
Otherwise, US might use nukes like she did in Japan.

Other big disadvantage of Germany was, their only powerful ally was only Japan.
Other big disadvantage of Germany was, their only powerful ally was only Japan.

Japan was a drag for Germany. Zero was slaughtered by Hellcat because of it slow speed, lack of of modern radio, lack of armor. Japanese soldiers averaged 5'4" compared to American soldiers averaged 5'9". When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and brought the Americans into the war, it was all over for Germany.

the point is they won even with less population until a moron started a second front and then a third front

My point still stands. Germany lost because they didn't have the population of the UK, the US, the USSR.
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