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OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Says India's AI Startup Potential "Totally Hopeless"

Indian still cannot manufacuter military grade resistors for God's sake. You get everything from Russia and the Europeans even though happy to sell tech to you will never give you their top tier stuff. Everything India buys has a backdoor in it.

Pakistan makes what it needs on its own with occasionaly collaboration with China.

Pakistan beats the crap out of India where it matters: Defense and offense tech

You believe TikTok is more innovative than Google or other US tech giants, I mean seriously ?
He isn't the brightest of all here
Most companies the Indians became CEOs of were turned into dust.

Boeing nearly went bust because 737s started falling out of the sky. Turns out, they were getting software made in India.

Boeing engineers blame cheap Indian software for 737 Max problems

Boeing engineers say 737 Max software outsourced from India’s HCL Technologies & Cyient. HCL denies link to troubles of 737 Max, two of which crashed.

Boeing nearly went bust because 737s started falling out of the sky. Turns out, they were getting software made in India.

Boeing engineers blame cheap Indian software for 737 Max problems

Boeing engineers say 737 Max software outsourced from India’s HCL Technologies & Cyient. HCL denies link to troubles of 737 Max, two of which crashed.

Haha the delusions

HCL Technologies and Cyient said they were not involved in the design of the Manoeuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS), a part of the flight control system that malfunctioned causing the Boeing 737 Max airplanes to crash.

It is a common trait among YTs to blame Asians for their own incompetence.

It is us who suffer their incompetence afterall
Most companies the Indians became CEOs of were turned into dust.

Under its Indian CEO, Google was beaten by TikTok. TikTok beat Google in number of searches performed.

There is a huge list of companies ruined by Indian incompetence out there. Any company an Indian became a CEO of, it either collapsed, went bankrupt or lost its edge.

Not to mention Twitter, Musk fired around 80% of twitter employees. Must took it from a clueless Indian CEO.
Why are you proud of Tik Tok a chinese spying tool ? Who is CEO of Tik Tok ? Nobody from pakistan . Any way sundar pichai is still CEO of Google .
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Why are you proud of Tik Tok a chinese spying tool ? Who is CEO of Tik Tok ? Nobody from pakistan . Any way sundar pichai is still CEO of Google .
Lol what the! Who is celebrating TikTok? Are you that slow in comprehension?

No one is proud of TikTok, bet even the Chinese aren't. They see it as just another tool.

That incompetent Indian however oversaw Google being beaten at its own game. Then again many of the companies that collapsed and went to dust were headed by their respective Indian CEOs till the last day.

Not a Pakistani, but may be TikTok will make a standard incompetent Indian its CEO and turn into dust. It would be a great news though because TikTok is cancer.
India’s diaspora is bigger and more influential than any in history
Adobe, Britain and Chanel are all run by people with Indian roots

Many of India’s best and brightest seem to prepare themselves to migrate. Consider the findings of a paper soon to be published in the Journal of Development Economics by Prithwiraj Choudhury of Harvard Business School, Ina Ganguli of the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Patrick Gaule of the University of Bristol. It considered students that took the highly competitive entrance exams for the Indian Institutes of Technology, the country’s elite engineering schools, in 2010. Eight years later, the researchers found that 36% of the 1,000 top performers had migrated abroad, rising to 62% among the 100 best. Most went to America.

Another study looked at the top 20% of researchers in artificial intelligence (defined as those who had papers accepted for a competitive conference in 2019). It found that 8% did their undergraduate degree in India. But the share of top researchers that now work in India is so small that the researchers did not even record it.

In America almost 80% of the Indian-born population over school age have at least an undergraduate degree, according to number-crunching by Jeanne Batalova at the mpi. Just 50% of the Chinese-born population and 30% of the total population can say the same. It is a similar story in Australia, where almost two-thirds of the Indian-born population over school age, half the Chinese-born and just one-third of the total population has a bachelor’s or higher degree. Other rich countries do not collect comparable data.

Softly, softly
Joseph Nye, a Harvard professor who coined the phrase “soft power“, notes that it is not automatically created by the mere presence of a diaspora. “But if you have people in the diaspora who are successful and create a positive image of the country from which they came, that helps their native country.” And, as he notes “India has a lot of very poor people but they are not the people coming to the United States.”

Indeed Indian migrants are relatively wealthy even in the countries they have moved to. They are the highest-earning migrant group in America, with a median household income of almost $150,000 per year. That is double the national average and well ahead of Chinese migrants, with a median household income of over $95,000. In Australia the median household income among Indian migrants is close to $85,000 per year, compared with an average of roughly $60,000 across all households and $56,500 among the Chinese-born.

Brofessor sb,

Sam Altman, the young CEO of OpenAI, the company that recently launched its revolutionary Generative AI app ChatGPT, was in India as part of a six-nation tour to discuss AI regulation.

The Q is why was he in a hopeless place like India in the first place? He may as well have visited Pakiland, where he may have found a better ecosystem for AI.


PS: @Chute bhai, your expert comments wanted!

I don't care much to contribute if the contributor (@RiazHaq ) does not interact and sustain a convo on anything here.....just posts his propaganda for his emotional need. No larger understanding is cultivated.

Maybe just obsession, which you seem to have following this dude....maybe its an ersatz psyche aping your own sanghi one....and you are drawn to it.

Look at the tiny unimportant things and numbers and out of context statements to feel better about larger consequential reality being something else entirely.

He never answered a friend earlier which year (and if he will be around to see it) Pakistan and/or Afghanistan will finally produce just one chess grandmaster.

Just one....so it need not be a large void between India, Iran and Central Asia on this matter given the clear heritage of the spread of the game.

Why the large well off diaspora have not done an iota all this while to cultivate something back home even on this small matter...forget education and sustained intellectual competence more broadly speaking.

Exploring why that is will just lead him to questions he prefers are not explored and answered.....well before we can get to ivory tower analysis of why Pakistan wont create even one unicorn to even have some semblance of a "startup potential" reference here either.

Then even more troubling things than that. But he won't interact, just wants his token schadenfreude fill to get him through to next day and week, no matter how far worse it makes Pakistan look.

He obviously chooses to be a dullard in the end that doesn't care one bit about reality and actual subject at hand and what is to be done to improve his country on it.

So why would I waste anymore time on this guy and all the other clowns like him.... when I can just look up a much better article on something by Pervez Hoodbhoy who actually talks about things fairly and for an actual guided purpose and from a proven sustained prominent relevance?

Then there are still other typical PDF internet jesters here that don't bother to look up basic underlying sources (and sampling validity) of where their clickbait crap regarding IQ etc comes from.

Lol what the! Who is celebrating TikTok? Are you that slow in comprehension?

No one is proud of TikTok, bet even the Chinese aren't. They see it as just another tool.

That incompetent Indian however oversaw Google being beaten at its own game. Then again many of the companies that collapsed and went to dust were headed by their respective Indian CEOs till the last day.

Not a Pakistani, but may be TikTok will make a standard incompetent Indian its CEO and turn into dust. It would be a great news though because TikTok is cancer.
The day somebody from pakistan becomes CEO of some international company of repute i will celebrate even if it is your khalu . Till then see the success of Indians and celebrate here like other pakistanis do on this forum pdf .
@RiazHaq what would happen when an Indian takes over as a CEO of chatgpt in future.

Then India will own ChatGPT just like India now own Microsoft and Google after Indian became CEO, or better just like India now own Jaguar and Land Rover after Tata Invested in it. In fact India now own all of the world because at least one Indian bought a house in every world capital.
Then India will own ChatGPT just like India now own Microsoft and Google after Indian became CEO, or better just like India now own Jaguar and Land Rover after Tata Invested in it. In fact India now own all of the world because at least one Indian bought a house in every world capital.
Better than those people and country rubbing burnol because they dont own jaguar or land rover .In addition Tata can spare billions if his country needs , no need for going to IMF for few billions .🤣
No, the question is why India, a country geopolitically important to the West,, is so far behind China in every respect? And why is Altman's view of China so dramatically different than his view of India?

Altman is also visiting China this week. “China has some of the best AI talent in the world and fundamentally, given the difficulties in solving alignment for advanced AI systems, this requires the best minds from around the world,” Altman told participants at the event hosted by the Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence.

Indian mainstream media headlines suggest that Pakistan's current troubles are becoming a cause for celebration and smugness across the border. Hindu Nationalists, in particular, are singing the praises of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and some Pakistani analysts have joined this chorus. This display of triumphalism and effusive praise of India beg the following questions: Why are Indians so obsessed with Pakistan? Why do Indians choose to compare themselves with much smaller Pakistan rather than to their peer China? Why does India lag so far behind China when the two countries are equal in terms of population and number of consumers, the main draw for investors worldwide? Obviously, comparison with China does not reflect well on Hindu Nationalists because it deflates their bubble.

Agree 100% Riaz bhai.

This reflects more on Modi's politics.

A comparison with China will not translate to better vote statistics for Modi.

In fact - even a comparison with Bangladesh does not translate well for votes either - Indians try to hide the fact that Bangladesh GDP per capita nominal is higher than India. Modi's juggernaut is built on puffed up propaganda with BS "showcase" projects. A few glitzy malls and airports for the rich does not a super power make.

India and Indians outside of the backoffice jobs bandwagon are still in the same sad place economically as they were when Modi took office.

And backoffice isn't doing all that hot either.

Indian IT sector’s growth trajectory dipped to 8.4 per cent in FY23 from a robust 15 per cent in the previous fiscal. This was visible as early as April this year. The top five companies in the Indian IT sector added only 83,906 employees in FY23, a substantial decline from the 2.73 lakh employees added in FY22. With macroeconomic uncertainties persisting, local IT industry mouthpieces predict hiring levels will continue subdued in the foreseeable future.



Modi and his cohort Amit Shah are completely silent on their country's sad-sack showing in comparison with Bangladesh.

What kind of a superpower is India when it's GDP per capita nominal is lower than Bangladesh of all things?
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I don't care much to contribute if the contributor (@RiazHaq ) does not interact and sustain a convo on anything here.....just posts his propaganda for his emotional need. No larger understanding is cultivated.

Maybe just obsession, which you seem to have following this dude....maybe its an ersatz psyche aping your own sanghi one....and you are drawn to it.

Look at the tiny unimportant things and numbers and out of context statements to feel better about larger consequential reality being something else entirely.

He never answered a friend earlier which year (and if he will be around to see it) Pakistan and/or Afghanistan will finally produce just one chess grandmaster.

Just one....so it need not be a large void between India, Iran and Central Asia on this matter given the clear heritage of the spread of the game.

Why the large well off diaspora have not done an iota all this while to cultivate something back home even on this small matter...forget education and sustained intellectual competence more broadly speaking.

Exploring why that is will just lead him to questions he prefers are not explored and answered.....well before we can get to ivory tower analysis of why Pakistan wont create even one unicorn to even have some semblance of a "startup potential" reference here either.

Then even more troubling things than that. But he won't interact, just wants his token schadenfreude fill to get him through to next day and week, no matter how far worse it makes Pakistan look.

He obviously chooses to be a dullard in the end that doesn't care one bit about reality and actual subject at hand and what is to be done to improve his country on it.

So why would I waste anymore time on this guy and all the other clowns like him.... when I can just look up a much better article on something by Pervez Hoodbhoy who actually talks about things fairly and for an actual guided purpose and from a proven sustained prominent relevance?

Then there are still other typical PDF internet jesters here that don't bother to look up basic underlying sources (and sampling validity) of where their clickbait crap regarding IQ etc comes from.

Calling people dullards or clowns is highly objectionable and uncalled for - especially for a respected member here like @RiazHaq bhai. Since you are pulling out your pom-poms for Sanghi trolls, people can clearly see who you are. Even sane Indians would not have this level of vitriol for Pakistanis.

And chess grandmasters ? Just wow. :disagree:

You are a mehman at a Pakistani forum and you call them all dullards? Hard to believe....

Be honest and change you flag please. Don't sully the Bangladeshi flag with your opinions here.

Or don't bother - as your days here are numbered in any case. Take your $hitshow elsewhere.

@Destranator, @leonblack08, @damiendehorn2 your thoughts.
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Calling people dullards or clowns is highly objectionable and uncalled for - especially for a respected member here like @RiazHaq bhai. Since you are pulling out your pom-poms for Sanghi trolls, people can clearly see who you are. Even sane Indians would not have this level of vitriol for Pakistanis.

And chess grandmasters ? Just wow. :disagree:

You are a mehman at a Pakistani forum and you call them all dullards? Hard to believe....

Be honest and change you flag please. Don't sully the Bangladeshi flag with your opinions here.

Or don't bother - as your days here are numbered in any case. Take your $hitshow elsewhere.

@Destranator, @leonblack08 your thoughts.

You can sod off with your opinion (which means exactly zilch to me) and your vitriol long on the record here towards The Ronin and number of other BD members.

Your years long theatrics with bluesky as well, quite amusing. Then complete 180 on that lol.

"Days are numbered".... ummm ok? Whatever you say little princess.

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