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China Eastern set to operate C919's first commercial flight on Sunday, flying China's busiest domestic flight route from Shanghai to Beijing

When I was working for Micron and was setting up the Shanghai facility yrs ago, I was told that all Americans must be careful when being outside. Never go alone and BOLO for scam artists and even outright robbery. Micron has a list of their employees, even ABCs, who were victims of petty crimes in China. Many got beaten up. The women molested. Basically, as long as it is known that you are American, you are targeted.

Unless you were there 20-25 years ago. Even then help and security in Shanghai would have been good. Scams would not have targeted foreigners because most can't speak English. Crime was not as bad as US even 20 to 25 years ago. Women molested? Dude are you talking about India? An Asian dude molesting White women! Are you bullshiting?

you guys should swallow the fact that xi is a failure and a terrorist then
He has consistently delivered and performed more than Sleepy Joe. If that's a terrorist, then I love him. The average Chinese has a job, and is working hard to achieve something. The best brains are coming to China, the ones who want to profit from the exchange rate is going overseas. China is open, you can leave if you want to, except for corrupt billionaires, money transfer is controlled.
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Video of the flight from a passenger’s point of view. Seems like a paid promo (because most travelers don’t want to know the specs) but it is a major tech milestone so sharing on the specs for the airliner enthusiasts makes sense.

Wished they would have shown more the flight, so people could compare this with the B737 and A321.

Unless you were there 20-25 years ago. Even then help and security in Shanghai would have been good. Scams would not have targeted foreigners because most can't speak English. Crime was not as bad as US even 20 to 25 years ago. Women molested? Dude are you talking about India? An Asian dude molesting White women! Are you bullshiting?

He has consistently delivered and performed more than Sleepy Joe. If that's a terrorist, then I love him. The average Chinese has a job, and is working hard to achieve something. The best brains are coming to China, the ones who want to profit from the exchange rate is going overseas. China is open, you can leave if you want to, except for corrupt billionaires, money transfer is controlled.
so why no one want to have kid or immigrate to chi a

it's sad youth have to troll on forums just to make a living
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so why no one want to have kid or immigrate to chi a
For starter, China is a racist country. Am not using 'racist' in the pejorative sense. Am saying that Chinese prefers China to be only for Chinese in the genetic sense. Everyone knows this. Chinese do not want to taint their bloodlines with 'inferior' genes.

For starter, China is a racist country. Am not using 'racist' in the pejorative sense. Am saying that Chinese prefers China to be only for Chinese in the genetic sense. Everyone knows this. Chinese do not want to taint their bloodlines with 'inferior' genes.
xi jinping is the greatest thign to happen to the West, he guarantees that china will never become #1
xi jinping is the greatest thign to happen to the West, he guarantees that china will never become #1
Maybe temporarily in terms of GDP just to give internet Chinese something to masturbate over...
Maybe temporarily in terms of GDP just to give internet Chinese something to masturbate over..
under xi i have doubts their GDP will exceed US in nominal terms

US is about to undergo another industrial revolution

i feel bad for thse guys, they all gonna die as childless internet trolls
For starter, China is a racist country. Am not using 'racist' in the pejorative sense. Am saying that Chinese prefers China to be only for Chinese in the genetic sense. Everyone knows this. Chinese do not want to taint their bloodlines with 'inferior' genes.
China is like any Eastern Asian country like Korea and Japan, China just is not an immigration country like US, and you can't say China is a racist country becos of that China is unlike US that is the most racist country in the world, Chinese are no fools.
so why no one want to have kid or immigrate to chi a

it's sad youth have to troll on forums just to make a living
My friend, a lot of youths in China are working part time or just taking some class, most want a degree or something. Like in the West, people don't want to work in factories anymore, the jobs are there, it's whether you want to work.

The top Chinese brains are coming back to China thanks to Sinophobia and higher pay but property prices is expensive relatively as in most property in China are apartments due to the social design, we can't afford landed houses for all in a 1.4 bil pop. Young people just don't want to have kids due to work pressure and freedom of choice, it's the same in Japan and Korea. but in smaller cities, people have 2 kids on average, it is only the bigger cities people don't like to have kids. You won't have mass immigration like US because we are a ethnically homogenous society, China just don't a;;pw foreign migration but we have a few million foreigners working and living in China.

Now that people have a chance to look the C919 over...

That’s because a large chunk of the plane’s parts come from foreign suppliers, predominantly in North America and Europe. Chinese state media has said about 40% of the model’s components are imported, though experts say the real proportion is much higher.
While it is normal for manufacturers to source equipment for their planes from around the world, “the C919 is unique in that almost nothing that keeps it in the air is from China,” said Scott Kennedy, who spent two years leading a team that researched China’s decades-long efforts to develop its own commercial aircraft.​
Their conclusion? “The C919 is primarily a non-Chinese airplane with Chinese paint on it,” said Scott, trustee chair in Chinese business and economics at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington.​

Even if the foreign sources are as Chinese state media said is at %40, that is still above the critical threshold. Most likely, of that %40, all of them are critical flight systems such as avionics, propulsion, and environmental. Those critical flight systems are internationally established.

COMAC is also working on a long-range, widebody plane called the CR929. But the project, a joint effort by China and Russia, has likely stalled since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine last year, said Kennedy.​
“That plane will probably never be more than a photo, never be more than a drawing,” he told CNN. “No one is going to be supplying technology to a Chinese-Russian joint venture.”​
China has acknowledged the criticism. “Some people have been questioning whether the C919 can be called a domestically-manufactured aircraft when it relies on imports,” Chinese state-run tabloid Global Times said in an editorial Monday.​
“It is true that there is a long list of foreign suppliers for the C919.”​
The aircraft contains “Honeywell’s (HON) electricity system and landing gear, GE’s (GE) flight recorder, CFM Leap’s engine, Parker Aerospace’s flight control system and fuel system, Rockwell Collins’ weather radar and simulate system, and Michelin’s (MGDDY) tires,” the outlet noted. All are US or European companies.​

The C919 have been delayed multiple times even with foreign systems installed. If it is true that the CR929 is a China-Russia joint venture and if that project fails because of the Russia-Ukraine war, the C919 will remain dependent on foreign sources for yrs more to come because COMAC cannot afford to delay some more to wait for indigenous critical flight systems.

Now that people have a chance to look the C919 over...

That’s because a large chunk of the plane’s parts come from foreign suppliers, predominantly in North America and Europe. Chinese state media has said about 40% of the model’s components are imported, though experts say the real proportion is much higher.
While it is normal for manufacturers to source equipment for their planes from around the world, “the C919 is unique in that almost nothing that keeps it in the air is from China,” said Scott Kennedy, who spent two years leading a team that researched China’s decades-long efforts to develop its own commercial aircraft.​
Their conclusion? “The C919 is primarily a non-Chinese airplane with Chinese paint on it,” said Scott, trustee chair in Chinese business and economics at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington.​

Even if the foreign sources are as Chinese state media said is at %40, that is still above the critical threshold. Most likely, of that %40, all of them are critical flight systems such as avionics, propulsion, and environmental. Those critical flight systems are internationally established.

COMAC is also working on a long-range, widebody plane called the CR929. But the project, a joint effort by China and Russia, has likely stalled since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine last year, said Kennedy.​
“That plane will probably never be more than a photo, never be more than a drawing,” he told CNN. “No one is going to be supplying technology to a Chinese-Russian joint venture.”​
China has acknowledged the criticism. “Some people have been questioning whether the C919 can be called a domestically-manufactured aircraft when it relies on imports,” Chinese state-run tabloid Global Times said in an editorial Monday.​
“It is true that there is a long list of foreign suppliers for the C919.”​
The aircraft contains “Honeywell’s (HON) electricity system and landing gear, GE’s (GE) flight recorder, CFM Leap’s engine, Parker Aerospace’s flight control system and fuel system, Rockwell Collins’ weather radar and simulate system, and Michelin’s (MGDDY) tires,” the outlet noted. All are US or European companies.​

The C919 have been delayed multiple times even with foreign systems installed. If it is true that the CR929 is a China-Russia joint venture and if that project fails because of the Russia-Ukraine war, the C919 will remain dependent on foreign sources for yrs more to come because COMAC cannot afford to delay some more to wait for indigenous critical flight systems.

J-20 has some of the best avionics in the world. It easily migrate to C919.

why woudl they hire anyone when xi is chief aerospace engineer (and surgeon general and chief economist)
As well as Father and Philosopher. Used to be "Mao's Thoughts", now it is "Xi's Thoughts" that Chinese are forced to memorize.
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