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Is IAF’s entire MiG-21 fleet facing ‘May Day’ call?

Yeah we've seen your countermeasures against our cruise missile in Mian Channu incident. Well that particular incident have exposed the vulnerability of your ADS
You seems to divert the topic and your military said it was accidentally fired you fired it not an anger and we tracked it all the way to impact point we have HQ 16/LY80 to intercept your P-800 copy aka BRAHMOUSE
Yeah we all have seen the recent statement of your former army chief
Which statement and when????
You seems to divert the topic and your military said it was accidentally fired you fired it not an anger and we tracked it all the way to impact point we have HQ 16/LY80 to intercept your P-800 copy aka BRAHMOS
Sources said that an inspection and protocol revision was being carried out at a secret satellite base, not Sirsa. They also said that missiles are not fired from Sirsa
Sources said that contrary to claims by Major General Iftikhar, the Pakistanis were unable to track the launch of the missile.

Which statement and when????
Sources said that an inspection and protocol revision was being carried out at a secret satellite base, not Sirsa. They also said that missiles are not fired from Sirsa
Sources said that contrary to claims by Major General Iftikhar, the Pakistanis were unable to track the launch of the missile.

We have enough ammo to fight India 1 week or more next war will between India and Pakistan will be finish in hours rather than in days if you attack us because we have first use policy but you're right about political censuses to fight war with India because we have lots of traitors sitting in our parliament
Sources said that an inspection and protocol revision was being carried out at a secret satellite base, not Sirsa. They also said that missiles are not fired from Sirsa
Sources said that contrary to claims by Major General Iftikhar, the Pakistanis were unable to track the launch of the missile.

We have enough ammo to fight India 1 week or more next war will between India and Pakistan will be finish in hours rather days if you attack us because we have first use policy but you're right about political censuses to fight war with India because we have lots of traitors sitting in our parli
Sources said that an inspection and protocol revision was being carried out at a secret satellite base, not Sirsa. They also said that missiles are not fired from Sirsa
Sources said that contrary to claims by Major General Iftikhar, the Pakistanis were unable to track the launch of the missile.
Your army accepted it that your missile fired accidentally and veer off course, so you didn't believe in your military???

As for your baseless rants about we can't track it trajectory and launch despite ISPR press release so what is our long range ground based AESA radars named TPS-43 and Saab erieye AWACS for lol

he is right only in this regard, we dont have an effective AD system to stop brahmos
no you're wrong dude HQ-16/LY-80 is for intercept supersonic targets, I have seen the clip on YouTube that HQ-16/LY-80 intercepting supersonic targets in tests and in China
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As for your baseless rants about we can't track it trajectory and launch despite ISPR press release so what is our long range ground based AESA radars named TPS-43 and Saab erieye AWACS for lol

no you're wrong dude HQ-16/LY-80 is for intercept supersonic targets, I have seen the clip on YouTube that HQ-16/LY-80 intercepting supersonic targets in tests and in China
Read this article 👇 Although it's a 6 year old article but it's quite relevant even today
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Read this article 👇 Although it's a 6 year old article but it's quite relevant even today
It not threat to anyone most of world major navies developed anti supersonic weapons for defending supersonic anti ship missiles like rolling airframe missile/evolved sea sparrow of USA/CAMMs of UK/FL-3000 of China and Russia has it own version to neutralize supersonic anti ship cruise missiles

And supersonic cruise missiles have a big INFRARED and radar signature hence detect earlier and supersonic anti ship missiles are not a true cruise missile can't cruise very low on waves like subsonic one (3-5 meter) on sea but dozens of meter (30-100 meter) on the wave hence can be detected much earlier than their subsonic cousins

USN is most concerned about hybrid anti ship cruise missiles ( subsonic at cruise phase and supersonic at terminal phase)

All supersonic anti ship missiles is no more threat for at least for USN
And supersonic cruise missiles have a big INFRARED and radar signature hence detect earlier and supersonic anti ship missiles are not a true cruise missile can't cruise very low on waves like subsonic one (3-5 meter) on sea but dozens of meter (30-100 meter) on the wave hence can be detected much earlier than their subsonic cousins
What's the source???
Brahmos perform low skimming with greater speed at mach 3. Brahmos travel much faster throughout its flight profile. And with accuracy of "1m CEP". Sea skimming is upto terminal phase after that Brahmos does split-S manuever attack which makes it even more lethal....

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Brahmos perform low skimming with greater speed at mach 3. Brahmos travel much faster throughout its flight profile. And with accuracy of "1m CEP". Sea skimming is upto terminal phase after that Brahmos does split-S manuever attack which makes it even more lethal....

If its cruises 5 meters over the wave than it will have much shorter range

And it MAX SPEED is Mach 2.8 not over the 3 Mach
And it MAX SPEED is Mach 2.8 not over the 3 Mach
Brahmos NG will feature a digital fuel injection system enabling it to increase the missile’s speed from Mach 2.8 to Mach 3.5. It will weigh about 50 percent less than the original BrahMos and will also be three meters shorter than its predecessor. It'll be integrated with an indigenous seeker with an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar and a reduced radar cross section


If its cruises 5 meters over the wave than it will have much shorter range
Existing Brahmos have been recently tested with a DRDO developed RF SCAN millimeter-wave Imaging seeker. This kind of seeker allows radio image painting capability which will improve target discrimination and identification capabilities in a cluttered environment
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Brahmos NG will feature a digital fuel injection system enabling it to increase the missile’s speed from Mach 2.8 to Mach 3.5. It will weigh about 50 percent less than the original BrahMos and will also be three meters shorter than its predecessor. It'll be integrated with an indigenous seeker with an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar and a reduced radar cross section

Where is in the pictures which states it will have over Mach-3 top speed???

You assume by yourself lol

And post these pictures when your NG will induct by your military
Existing Brahmos have been recently tested with a DRDO developed RF SCAN millimeter-wave Imaging seeker. This kind of seeker allows radio image painting capability which will improve target discrimination and identification capabilities in a cluttered environment
Do you have a comprehension issue??? I clearly stated that if it cruises Mach 2.8 on 5 meters above the sea than it have much shorter range because of extra drag

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