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India 'to cut Kashmir forces by 25%'

leaving the basic point of thread is a major problem in this forum
for God sake freinds
the topic is something else
not about wars history
this is not a place to play words game
plz dont act like illetrate aged ladies
This is what Indian mind is.

All Indians yelling for India have now escaped from here.

India refused to decrease its illegal occupation of Kashmir.......................
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Manmohan singh also want to remove whole army from Siachin basically he want to damage India in whatever way he can.
It's not going to happen, but don't worry we have no plans to attack you guys.
bad idea to withdraw presence...in light of seperatism and the threat from pakistan....its necessary to maintain maximum armed presence in kashmir
This is the best single Confidence Building Measure (CBM) to date by the civilian government of India to reduce by 25% Indian forces in Kashmir, and to open borders with passport visa to allow cross LOC visitations to PAK from IAK and vice versa.

Excellent development!

Now Pakistan has to sit on the terrorists formerly used as infiltration fighters and stop stirring things up.

Let people to people diplomacy have a real chance.

Army chief opposes troops' withdrawal from J&K

Indian Army chief, General V.K. Singh, on Friday opposed the central government's decision of reducing the strength of security forces in Jammu and Kashmir.

Hours after Union Home Secretary G.K. Pillai on Friday announced that the government intended to reduce the forces' strength by one-fourth in the state over the next 12 months as part of its confidence building measures, the army chief reacted that it was not a good idea in the current scenario.

On the eve of Army Day, the general said that the armed forces have been deployed in the state based on a certain threat perception. The army chief said that he does not believe it was the right time for the withdrawal of troops from the state.

Pillai had said that security forces would be reduced by 25 per cent. He had also announced that the government was considering issuing multiple entry visas valid for three to six months for people willing to visit Pak occupied Kashmir (***).

Army chief opposes troops' withdrawal from J&K: India : India Today
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India should cut army after destroying *** terror camps through surgical strikes.
I am beginning to doubt the sincerity of this spineless government with each passing day and each passing incident.

First the troop removal and then not allowing the Tricolor to be unfurled in Lal Chowk.

I think the govt is going along the lines of joint administration in Kashmir along with Pakistan which is plain reprehensible and insulting to the tens of thousands of martyrs who laid down their lives in protecting the soil of J&K from Pakistani invasions and militants.
I want to remind Indian fellows here that :-

Tri Color does not belong to LAL CHOWK.

Be rest assured.
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