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Turkish hardcore racist kaffir trying to stop a woman from speaking Arabic

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Then why is Turkish society so secularized? Who secularized it? It was Ataturk and his Kemalist acolytes who made Turkey that way.

You cannot change facts.

"Secularized" how? Non-Muslims were banned from owning property. Banned from owning bank accounts. Non-Muslims cannot train their clergy but Muslims can.

The state funds mosques. What "secularism" do imply? Do you not know history?

Hahaha, I don't have time for morons like you.

Ataturk himself was an atheist and a drunkard who died of cirrhosis of the liver.

Don't confuse the people here. He applied secularism in Turkey.

You're the confused moron here. Disprove what I wrote. I challenge you. Attaturk being a drinker, does not change history.

He declared jihad on Greeks and forced them into the sea. Many women and children drowned. He imposed restrictions on remaining non-Muslims.

Attaturk secular? Yeah sure and Hitler was a feminist. Pathetic moron.
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"Secularized" how? Non-Muslims were banned from owning property. Banned from owning bank accounts. Non-Muslims cannot train their clergy but Muslims can.

The state funds mosques. What "secularism" do imply? Do you not know history?

You're the confused moron here. Disprove what I wrote. I challenge you. Attaturk being a drinker, does not change history.

He declared jihad on Greeks and forced them into the sea. Many women and children drowned. He imposed restrictions on remaining non-Muslims.

Attaturk secular? Yeah sure and Hitler was a Latino. Pathetic moron.
He implemented secularization of Turkey, script was changed, hijab was banned, alcohol became legal.

Do you even know what you are talking about? Turkey is a joke. There are bars near mosques.

Don't make a fool out of us. Turkey is not an Islamic country, you moron.
He implemented secularization of Turkey, script was changed, hijab was banned, alcohol became legal.

Do you even know what you are talking about? Turkey is a joke. There are bars near mosques.

Don't make a fool out of us. Turkey is not an Islamic country, you moron.

Changing script is not "secularism." Non-Muslims were banned from owning property and bank accounts. They were banned from the government. They were restricted from building Churches while Muslims had a free pass to build mosques.

In 1942 non-Muslims had to pay capital taxes to the government.

Bars near mosques? Where? In one city? I saw bars near mosques in UAE. So they are now "secular?"

How come you ignore what I wrote and keep repeating yourself like the mindless monkey that you are.

Turkey is an Islamic state and non-Muslims are still restricted. Attaturk himself restricted them and declared jihad on Greeks living in today's Western Turkey.

You cannot read English? Go ask someone to translate for you in whatever language you understand.
Changing script is not "secularism." Non-Muslims were banned from owning property and bank accounts. They were banned from the government. They were restricted from building Churches while Muslims had a free pass to build mosques.

In 1942 non-Muslims had to pay capital taxes to the government.

Bars near mosques? Where? In one city? I saw bars near mosques in UAE. So they are now "secular?"

How come you ignore what I wrote and keep repeating yourself like the mindless monkey that you are.

Turkey is an Islamic state and non-Muslims are still restricted. Attaturk himself restricted them and declared jihad on Greeks living in today's Western Turkey.

You cannot read English? Go ask someone to translate for you in whatever language you understand.
How is Turkey Islamic? Are you an idiot?

changing the Arabic script in Turkey to the Latin script was to cut the old generation to the new secularized generation.
Alcohol is legal in Turkey.

Islam is not the state religion of Turkey. Ataturk and his secularist Kemalists are responsible.

Again are you a moron? Kemalism is a product of Ataturk's ideas..

one of the six arrows of Kemalism is secularism.

Now shoo, I have proven you wrong you ignorant welp.

Five myths about Turkey: https://www.cfr.org/blog/five-myths-about-turkey

"No, its president isn’t a dictator, and the country isn’t secular."
Ataturk himself was not a Muslim. Hahhahaha. He was an atheist. Did you now know that? lol.

Changing script is not "secularism." Non-Muslims were banned from owning property and bank accounts. They were banned from the government. They were restricted from building Churches while Muslims had a free pass to build mosques.

In 1942 non-Muslims had to pay capital taxes to the government.

Bars near mosques? Where? In one city? I saw bars near mosques in UAE. So they are now "secular?"

How come you ignore what I wrote and keep repeating yourself like the mindless monkey that you are.

Turkey is an Islamic state and non-Muslims are still restricted. Attaturk himself restricted them and declared jihad on Greeks living in today's Western Turkey.

You cannot read English? Go ask someone to translate for you in whatever language you understand.
Really are you that stupid? You think alcoholic Ataturk was religious? He was an atheist.
Then why is Turkish society so secularized?

Are you talking about the real Turkey are some fictional one? Only a small segment of Turkey is "secularized." The majority of it is religious.

Are you brain dead? This is how most Turks live:

Are you talking about the real Turkey are some fictional one? Only a small segment of Turkey is "secularized." The majority of it is religious.

Are you brain dead? This is how most Turks live:

Maybe some segments of their society may be religious. But the Turkish government is secular.
How is Turkey Islamic? Are you an idiot?

changing the Arabic script in Turkey to the Latin script was to cut the old generation to the new secularized generation.
Alcohol is legal in Turkey.

Islam is not the state religion of Turkey. Ataturk and his secularist Kemalists are responsible.

Again are you a moron? Kemalism is a product of Ataturk's ideas..

one of the six arrows of Kemalism is secularism.

Now shoo, I have proven you wrong you ignorant welp.

Ataturk himself was not a Muslim. Hahhahaha. He was an atheist. Did you now know that? lol.

Really are you that stupid? You think alcoholic Ataturk was religious? He was an atheist.

You haven't proven ANYTHING. Just repeating your moronic claims again and again. Non-Muslims are BANNED from the government.

Read this you ignorant retard https://www.danielpipes.org/comments/153726
Read the quote from it:

"This "committed secular regime" was founded by a man who bore the title of "Gazi" which is the supreme honorary title of a jihadist - the Holly Warrior of Islam. The founder of the Ottoman empire Osman was also a gazi and exactly for the same reason why our Gazi Kemal Mustafa Pasha. Both exterminated the infidels and spread Islam. It's all Kemal's war against the Entente of 1919-1922 was about - a pure jihad."

Maybe some segments of their society may be religious. But the Turkish government is secular.

Most Turks are religious. Are you even denying this? Non-Muslims are NOT allowed in the government. How is that "secular?"

You are so ignorant and stupid. @Dalit give this pathetic fool an education. @Foinikas I have not found a more moronic poster on this topic than him.
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Ataturk himself was not a Muslim. Hahhahaha. He was an atheist. Did you now know that? lol

He declared JIHAD on the Greeks. He killed hundreds of thousands of Christians. You keep asking the same question after being refuted. Are you denying Attaturk declared Jihad on the Greeks?

Are you that stupid? Pathetic fool.
Why are we over-indulging this ikbal guy.

Its just multaniguys new account. Same exact extreme simpleton short sentence writing style lol....I bet there is some amusing reason in the end why his original account is permabanned....but who really cares.

He's funny guy to read now and then though....just repeats himself again and again, progressively getting louder and calling you an idiot etc....you wont get anywhere with him @ThunderCat , but have fun lol. Your "fun" mileage might vary as to engage him vs just observe him.

Some of the best parts I remember were Multaniguy claiming he's studying to be some lawyer.... man standards really have dropped in Canada if thats true lol.....but I think he has another line of work completely (if at all) given topics he gets into and his predictable style in each single one lol.
Some of my friends call Ataturk the dajjal or the antichrist.
None of those friends are Turks, that's for sure. You will find more Pakistanis bitching about Ataturk than anyone else.
He implemented secularization of Turkey, script was changed, hijab was banned, alcohol became legal.

Do you even know what you are talking about? Turkey is a joke. There are bars near mosques.

Don't make a fool out of us. Turkey is not an Islamic country, you moron.
Are you one of those mullah fans who want to see Sultanates return in the Middle-East while living in Canada?
He declared JIHAD on the Greeks. He killed hundreds of thousands of Christians. You keep asking the same question after being refuted. Are you denying Attaturk declared Jihad on the Greeks?
He probably did that to motivate his soldiers, Ataturk himself was a rather hardcore atheist secularist who tried to remove Islamic influence from Turkish society. That is fact, he and his ilk consider Islam as Arabic culture from the deserts of Arabia and view themselves as Europeans. A good chunk of Turks one encounters abroad are hardcore Kemalists who are opposed to anything Arabic or Islamic.
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