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Govt. to charge the rich Rs.100 more for fuel to finance subsidy for the poor: Petroleum Minister

What genius thinking, now watch the system be a mess in actual practice in the best Pakistani traditions. This is nothing but a bribe to prepare for elections, and utterly unaffordable in the long run. They will keep screwing the proverbial pooch. Effing morons.
I guess goodbye IMF program revival now. The blurb about nuke/missile program was about coming out of IMF program - but then how long will default take? I think PDM may dissolve assemblies and go for a hail merry.

How does one identify as rich?
Like is it a big banner they put on their numberplate?
Additionally there are a lot more poor than rich - a lot more! I dont see how the math will work out given an ideal system where one cheats. Unless you have MN doing the math which added all the approval ratings of leaders in a survey together vs IK!

Published March 20, 2023
Updated about 5 hours ago


Minister of State for Petroleum Musadik Malik addresses a press conference in Islamabad on Monday. — DawnNewsTV

Minister of State for Petroleum Musadik Masood Malik said on Monday that the government will charge Rs100 more for petrol from the affluent so that relief could be provided to the low-income segments in fuel tariff.

“We will make petrol expensive for the rich and cheaper for the poor … the higher prices being paid by the rich will be used to provide subsidised petrol to the low-income segment,” he said in a press conference today.

Malik’s statement comes a day after Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif announced a relief package for the poor under which a subsidy of Rs50 will be given to them on every litre of petrol.

After presiding over a review meeting on the relief package, the premier had said that the relief would be given to those low-income consumers who have motorcycles, rickshaws, 800cc cars or other small cars.

Elaborating on the subsidy today, Malik said PM Shehbaz had ordered the ministry to increase the subsidy to Rs100. “The rich will be charged Rs100 more and the poor will be charged Rs100 less.”

He revealed that the petroleum subsidy programme would be implemented within the next six weeks without any provision of subsidies.

The financing for the scheme, the minister continued, would be accommodated through the tax rate that the higher-income segment would be paying.

Malik recalled that a similar mechanism had been earlier applied in the gas tariffs as well, under which the bills for the poor were reduced by three times as compared to those of the rich.

“A week back, the prime minister and Nawaz Sharif instructed us to separate the petrol price for the rich and poor … hence, as per these orders, we presented a scheme to the premier yesterday,” he said.

Malik added that the entire basis of the subsidy was that people who were living in palaces and driving expensive vehicles pay a fair share for the commodities.

“We will take from those who have been blessed by God and give it to those who are striving to feed their families. This is our policy and it will be reflected in everything else as well,” he added.

Petrol price hike

Last week, the government increased the prices of all petroleum products, except the insignificant light diesel oil, by up to Rs13 per litre for the next fortnight.

The finance ministry said the increase was caused by an increase in Platts Singapore prices and the rupee’s depreciation over the outgoing fortnight.

With the latest review, the most inflationary high-speed diesel (HSD) prices made a new record, reaching Rs293 per litre. The HSD price adjustment directly impacts consumer prices because of an increase in transport costs.

The per-litre price of petrol was increased by Rs5 and that of HSD by Rs13. Since Jan 15, the government has increased the prices of HSD and petrol by Rs65 and Rs62 per litre, respectively.
Rich person send his poor servant with Jerrycan to petrol pump and save 100 rupees ....lolllll... adhocism adhocism adhocism ... poor policy to protect the rich.

Setup a banged up CD70 tank with a large valve, 2-3 trips to your pump by a servant and voila subsidised petrol.

Sometimes I wonder if PDM has a Nawaz ki muth as brain matter.

o cushion the effect of high petrol prices on Inflation-hit masses, the federal government on Monday decided to subsidise petrol up to Rs100 for motorcyclists and owners of vehicles up to 800cc.

The decision was announced by Minister of State for Petroleum Musadik Malik while talking to newsmen in Lahore.

“Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has directed to provide subsidy on petrol to low-income people up to Rs100 per litre,” Malik said.

Earlier, it was decided to provide a subsidy of Rs50 per litre.

The minister said under a comprehensive strategy, subsidised petrol will be available to motorcyclists and owners of vehicles up to 800cc.

Malik further said owners of vehicles above 800cc would be charged full price.

He said the decision to provide fuel at subsidised rates will be implemented within six weeks, adding that the government will make petrol cheaper for the poor.

“The owners of big vehicles will pay more for petrol. The rich will pay Rs100 more for petrol while the poor will pay Rs100 less. 210 million people are poor in a population of 220 million, we stand with poor Pakistan.”

He said that the decision on the gas tariff has been implemented from January 1. “We have separate tariffs for the poor and the rich.”
Govt plan is to reduce petrol prices from IK peak of 147 to 75 since prices in international market has dropped by 50% on top we are seeing Russian oil even at further discount so may be to 50 ra
Government plan is to give lollipop instead of relief to people of Pakistan

And the plan looks very elaborate
this will make imf happy and they will either agree or leave this week.

Looks like there will be no deal with imf and then economy emergency with people suffering and. no election.
Anything but an effective taxation system. Pakistanis should ask IMF to not give a dime to this madar chods and let the country default. Overseas Pakistanis should protest infront of IMF HQ to stop giving Pakistan money unless there is 60% income tax on elite who earn more than 5 mil PKR per month.
Having two different prices of a primary commodity means Govt plans to create a huge black market.

Providing subsidies on Petroleum products will inevitably lead to more consumption of fuel, which is being imported and Govt already has shortage of dollars. Loss of tax due to this subsidy is a separate issue altogether.

A much better idea would have been direct cash transfer to poor people. Probably 1000-1500 rupees per month.
There is no plan.

This is as much nonsense as the 200 free electricity units announced by Hamza Shehbaz just before the elections.

1- What will be the mechanism for this? (I have read that participants will get a code in their mobile. If so, how will participants be enrolled? By BISP? Then why not give an equivalent amount in the first place to them? If it is going to be a code, then the petrol pump would need to get the relevant infrastructure in place too)

2- How will you ensure the guy in a Wagon R or other hatchback is indeed a deserving person and not the kid of a rich guy driving the second family car?

3- How will you prevent abuse of this?

4- Who will pay for the extra money?

5- The impact of expensive fuel on personal transport is by my estimates minimal as compared to the effect it has on general inflation, through effects on supply chain (trucks, harvester, tractors etc).

6- Has IMF agreed to it?

All in all, this seems more like a gimmick.

Abhi announce kar dia hai, implement 6 haftay bad hoga. Get the goodies now, go to elections, aur phir bad main sab bhool jayen gay.
Anything but an effective taxation system. Pakistanis should ask IMF to not give a dime to this madar chods and let the country default. Overseas Pakistanis should protest infront of IMF HQ to stop giving Pakistan money unless there is 60% income tax on elite who earn more than 5 mil PKR per month.
I never understand the psychology of Taxing the rich unevenly or asking for ridiculous Tax %. Reward people who work hard for their money instead of penalize them.

Everyone should be taxed at same fair rate. More you earn, more you pay automatically. That’s how fair system should be. Anyone can investing money to create more jobs should get Tax brake. Tax money when people try to move it abroad.
Having two different prices of a primary commodity means Govt plans to create a huge black market.


There is high probability that this may also be another one of their Ponzi schemes to benefit their own family and friends.

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