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India funded Afghanistan warlords instead of former government, US report says

Abdul Rehman Majeed

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India funded Afghanistan warlords instead of former government, US report says​

March 5, 2023 at 8:38 am | Published in: Afghanistan, Asia & Americas, India, News, US
Former Afghan Army general Hibatullah Alizai [Facebook]

Former Afghan Army general Hibatullah Alizai [Facebook]

March 5, 2023 at 8:38 am
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The Indian government funded Afghan warlords instead of the former Afghan government prior to the Taliban's takeover in 2021, newly published American documents have indicated.
According to the latest report by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), released on Tuesday and titled 'Why the Afghan Security Forces Collapsed', former Afghan Army general Hibatullah Alizai was quoted as saying that Atta Mohammad Noor and Abdul Rashid Dostum – two former warlords and provincial militia leaders in Afghanistan's north – went to India and got money from India to create a resistance in the North."
He insisted that while that was good, "that money should have gone to the Afghan government to pay ANDSF [army] forces' salaries. That should have been directed to the central government to be distributed lawfully."
Alizai stressed that "I as a commander was requesting money for operations and supplies, but I could not get it from the government. But Dostum got money just from making phone calls to the Indians. That funding should have gone to the central government and central bank."
SIGAR's report attempts to assess the primary reasons for the collapse of the former Afghan military – trained by US and Western forces throughout the past two decades – in the face of the advance and victory of the Taliban on 15 August 2021.
READ: US-trained death squads are the dark legacy of the war on terror
The country's fragile political situation at the time, the rampant corruption in the government and military ranks, and the hasty withdrawal of US forces which resulted in almost $7.2 billion in military equipment being left behind are all commonly-cited reasons for the rapid decline and collapse of the Western-backed system in Afghanistan.
What is less cited, however, are the prominent role that warlords such as Dostum and Noor played in that system, with their local rule, crimes, and corruption being ignored and unaccounted by Kabul and its Western military backers.
That component was seen as an essential part of the Afghan government's form of rule, with such warlords holding historic or personal enmity against the Taliban. Many reportedly fled to countries to Tajikistan or Turkiye upon the takeover, and some reconciled with the group and its new government.
India's role in supporting the former Afghan government has also been well-known over the years, particularly in terms of financial support and the provision of annual scholarships to Afghan military personnel to be trained in India. SIGAR's latest report, however, also seems to prove New Delhi's funding not to Kabul and its government, but to those notorious warlords.
In the report, General Alizai also mentioned the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as a backer to figures such as Dostum, stating that the "Emirates gave Dostum about 200 brand new Land Cruisers".
This is such a misleading headline. India funded the anti-Taliban Northern alliance directly, instead of routing money through the corrupt government.

Which means India played an important role in destroying progressive Afghans and making way for Taliban.
The contrary, actually. India has been funding anti-Taliban forces since long before 9/11. It is Pakistan that has been arming and training and funding the Talibs.
This is such a misleading headline. India funded the anti-Taliban Northern alliance directly, instead of routing money through the corrupt government.

The contrary, actually. India has been funding anti-Taliban forces since long before 9/11. It is Pakistan that has been arming and training and funding the Talibs.
This is a foolish justification of supporting warlords. Who is India to decide who is corrupt or not in a foreign country? Funding armed groups in other countries is terrorism. Taliban never needed Pakistan's money or arms, they always had enough of their own.
This is a foolish justification of supporting warlords. Who is India to decide who is corrupt or not in a foreign country? Funding armed groups in other countries is terrorism. Taliban never needed Pakistan's money or arms, they always had enough of their own.
As I explained earlier, the headline is misleading. India funded the anti-Taliban Northern alliance - before and after 9/11. You could call them "warlords", but that terminology is simply poisoning the well of discourse. All fighting factions in Afghanistan were (and still are) warlords. If you support anybody, you are supporting warlords. And I'd much rather my country support anti-Taliban forces than support pro-Taliban ones.

Who is India to decide who is corrupt or not in a foreign country?
Pretty much every stakeholder or neutral observer, including Pakistanis, will agree that the Afghan government was corrupt to the core.
India funded the Northern Alliance and other anti Taliban forces. India has no horse in this race it just wanted extremist Taliban to not come to power again. But it seems like it's more of an issue to Pakistan than it is to India.
This is such a misleading headline. India funded the anti-Taliban Northern alliance directly, instead of routing money through the corrupt government.

The contrary, actually. India has been funding anti-Taliban forces since long before 9/11. It is Pakistan that has been arming and training and funding the Talibs.
What’s wrong with funding the Talibs? We will fund anyone we want and it none of Indias or your business, fake Indian using a Muslim name to get some credibility.

India funded the Northern Alliance and other anti Taliban forces. India has no horse in this race it just wanted extremist Taliban to not come to power again. But it seems like it's more of an issue to Pakistan than it is to India.
India was and is funding TTP through its 11 counsel generals in Afghanistan. There is enough evidence to support that. Have some balls to accept what you do rather than always acting innocent and holier than thou.
What’s wrong with funding the Talibs?
Plenty, as your people are now realizing. But leaving that aside, you do agree that your country funded them, right? Which is precisely what I was explaining to your countryman @One_Nation. It is not India, but Pakistan that has been funding and arming the Talibs and their ilk.
Plenty, as your people are now realizing. But leaving that aside, you do agree that your country funded them, right? Which is precisely what I was explaining to your countryman @One_Nation. It is not India, but Pakistan that has been funding and arming the Talibs and their ilk.
Go bugger off, none of your #ucking business. What’s With you Indians with always giving sermons to others. Taliban are not a terrorist organization but the TTP that you support are.

You want some respect don’t hide behind the name of the wives of the Holy Prophet PBUH. Let alone a Muslim you are not even a women.
And I'd much rather my country support anti-Taliban forces than support pro-Taliban ones.
Your country is trying to find openings in the current Afghan government as well...in the end it doesn't matter.. they will try to put money on the right horse regardless what its name is.
Afghan warlords meaning TTP? That was old news confirmed by self-mouther Ajit Doval in some interviews long time ago, Allahu Alim.
Afghan warlords meaning TTP? That was old news confirmed by self-mouther Ajit Doval in some interviews long time ago, Allahu Alim.
No it means anti-Taliban forces like NA, Dostum, Noor etc. TTP is pro Taliban.
Hindutvatis are really angry.

Plenty, as your people are now realizing. But leaving that aside, you do agree that your country funded them, right? Which is precisely what I was explaining to your countryman @One_Nation. It is not India, but Pakistan that has been funding and arming the Talibs and their ilk.

Your dear Hindutvatis are angry LOL

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