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Blast in a Mosque in Peshawar: 50 people injured

No hope, India and BD will be light years ahead of us. Violence always scares away the little brains still left in this country. Investors are also not interested in crime ridden places. Its a death spiral at this point.
That's exactly the purpose of these low-level insurgencies - the consequences are all indirect and severely damage the economy/infrastructure/security situation + cause brain drain and push away foreign investment.

While the militants have hopes of achieving X goal - it most likely will never happen at all. But their actions achieve the above.
And theses SCUMS call themselves MUSLIM.

Who do they attack, Civilians, Kids, Old, Women, weak and easy targets, if they are such true Muslims why don't they take a direct fight with Corrupt politicians, & Generals?

Mark my words, this is all planned and sponsored by the Pakistani Military, to keep PR campaign going and divert people's attention.

Our Religion Teachs us to respect even other religions and these scums target people praying.

Since these scums don't fear death itself or Allah, I FULLY SUPPORT PUT FAMILY OF THESE SCUMS ON TV, Making them an example, boycott them , brand them on social media, so next freaks think twice before hurting the family of others
They call themselves muslims because there are sympathizers in our own country. When they hit India, we please them and call them jehadis. when they hit us, they suddenly become terrorists. What is haqqani network doing in Quetta? TTP and Taliban are all terrorists. We can't win this war alone. We must neutralize them in our own country first.
They call themselves muslims because there are sympathizers in our own country. When they hit India, we please them and call them jehadis. when they hit us, they suddenly become terrorists. What is haqqani network doing in Quetta? TTP and Taliban are all terrorists. We can't win this war alone. We must neutralize them in our own country first.

Pajeetophile is here guys
Pakistan needs to get serious with Afghanistan. And that seriousness should be shown in its attitude and actions and not just words
They can only show their seriousness against unarmed civilians
Bunch of miserable coward's
They call themselves muslims because there are sympathizers in our own country. When they hit India, we please them and call them jehadis. when they hit us, they suddenly become terrorists. What is haqqani network doing in Quetta? TTP and Taliban are all terrorists. We can't win this war alone. We must neutralize them in our own country first.
I have been saying this for ages, the Military uses these groups to keep its machinery active.

Taliban were used to increase the military's sphere of influence in Afghanistan and that region.
While these groups are used as a mercenary forces to do the dirty work so ARMY can do PR missions against them to keep people and politicians in check.
Let's just imagine for 1 SEC if Pakistan somehow has somewhat positive, Relations with Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. What will happen to this giant military of Pakistan which is involved in every kind of Business, how will people react and what will they demand, while the childern of Army officers go and study in fancy Western Unis while people of Pakistan cant even feed on children
Apparently this guy went to Indian forums to apologise for 2019 😂😂😂😂

What a f*cking P*ssy

The number of dead has reached 51.
An attack of this size would lead to a massive military operation performed by any self respecting country.

Yet the status quo will continue.
Establishment is to blame for all the chaos that is happening in Pakistan right now, they are too busy arresting people illegally and then making **** videos.
All we know is that Zardari gave money to TTP to target Imran Khan, and we know Pakistani establishment is behind Zardari and the agreement with TTP which has been done and facilitated by those rogue generals which shows their close contact with TTP. Who knows they are behind this as well to create chaos in the country or to target someone.
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Establishment is to blame for all the chaos that is happening in Pakistan right now, they are too busy arresting people illegally and then making **** videos.

Agreed with you on this

All the political chaos could have been avoided if establishment would have allowed PT government to allow its 5 years of rule

I won't pin TTP completely on establishment

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