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What led to the failure of project Azm?

Muhammad Saftain Anjum

Mar 8, 2021
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Project azm has failed and a new road map is there (NASTP)
I have several questions in my mind.

What we can learn from project Azm 's failure?
What not to repeat in NASTP?or
What not to do while building a base for weapons industry? Or even any other industry?

While i will blame over ambitious aims,overall economic situation of country for it's failure,what you guys think about it?
Write down some comprehensive note on it.

Thanks in advance.
Seen recently in NASTP event:

Project azm has failed and a new road map is there (NASTP)
I have several questions in my mind.

What we can learn from project Azm 's failure?
What not to repeat in NASTP?or
What not to do while building a base for weapons industry? Or even any other industry?

While i will blame over ambitious aims,overall economic situation of country for it's failure,what you guys think about it?
Write down some comprehensive note on it.

Thanks in advance.
Lack of buy in from stakeholders. I kept repeating that Project Azm would require across the board buy in similar to and greater than the nuclear program. But evidently this was just the idea of some people. It's a shame that we invest so much into the whims of a few people instead of well thought out plans and strategies.

Can anyone tell me concretely what the NASTP hopes to achieve? It all sounds like vague garbage to me. Probably a great way to suck even more funds from the already impoverished nation.

And what guarantee is there that NASTP won't be trashed when the new air chief comes in?

This post will tell you what Azm and most of our projects are like

The best way to describe Pakistan's defence establishment is a collection of groups of 5-10 people that are trying to impress their bosses and nothing else. Some guy will say to his boss "Sar we will make A", and he'll order 5 guys under him, who will go around the planet telling everyone we're making A and asking for collaborations and what not. When the other side says ok lets do it, there's nothing to back those commitments up because A was just one guy's whim being propagated by 5 people. Some other 5 people have no idea about A and are probably pushing for B.

... Outsiders think we are instituions - but we are a loose collection of giant egos and competing interests.
Who said project Azm was even a real project ?

Only ever heard the name

symbolic only

We will just buy TFX or J35 and rename them as Azm
There's no real ecosystem or structure to support such a grand project. The leadership has a "desi" uncle mentality, they think by throwing money at some people with qualifications related to the project - then eventually they'll have a product in front of you ready for use in a set amount of time guaranteed. For starters do we even have top class STEM universities producing quality engineers, etc, that are comparable to worldwide similar instituions?

This nation doesn't have any proper structure/organising in ANY of its institutions, no real policy or professionalism which everyone follows. Our institutions are only institutions by name - in reality it's a bunch of uncles with no proper organising or long-term planning that they agree upon. Everyone fights for power to be at the top of the hierarchy, even if they don't deserve to be. They don't allow more competent people to lead or make effective changes.

Our own toxic culture and ego is our biggest issue - we can't organise ourselves as actual functioning institutions.
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What led to the failure of project Azm?​

Answer: Khaki Mafia! Btw their real estate projects will never fail. That's where they are only good at it.
Because real estate is not complicated at all, their minds are preprogrammed like boomers to throw money at something and think eventually a product is guaranteed to be ready.

Actual tech projects and more complex businesses require brains, not just money, anyone can hire some construction workers and designers - especially when that money is stolen from the public anyway.

Projects like Azm require proper functioning institions, quality STEM universities producing lots of yearly graduates, an ecosystem of capable minds to lead instituions and give them direction.

Boomer uncles can't do the above.
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Because real estate is not complicated at all, their minds are preprogrammed like boomers to throw money at something and think eventually a product is guaranteed to be ready.

Actual tech projects and more complex businesses and require brains not just money, anyone can hire some construction workers and designers - especially when that money is stolen from the public anyway.

Projects like Azm require proper functioning institions, quality STEM universities producing lots of yearly graduates, an ecosystem of capable minds to take lead.

Boomer uncles can't do the above.

That is exactly what these people. Failed uncles. Complete failures that have failed an entire nation since it's existence.
Rhetorical question sir but the point is we don't have enough, and the international comparison with other STEM universities is probably not comparable

We need more investment in high quality STEM Uni education, Imran Khan did good with early grade national cirriculum but we need more focus on higher and uni education as well

As well as making properly functioning and organised insitutions that run on meritocracy and competency, not toxic egoism and thirst for power
Bhai pehle bandook banao phir hawai jahaz bana lena. AK47 ki factory East Pakistan main reh gai. idher kalakof ki fsctory lagao.

Stinger ki factory lagao.
Can anyone tell me concretely what the NASTP hopes to achieve? It all sounds like vague garbage to me. Probably a great way to suck even more funds from the already impoverished nation.
Exactly what I thought when I read it but seems it's just an incubator for start ups according to the interviews I saw, I don't think it's going to produce anything significant like Azm, although it seems like a mini ecosystem is starting to be built.

Nspire brings people with ideas, helps them set things up and connects them with Air University and PAC Kamra. And this ecosystem is hosted at the NASTP which is part of ACP and supposedly hosts requires facilities.




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