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Ukraine War: Germany ‘Runs Low’ On Ammunition & Is Critically Dependent On China To Restock Its Arsenal


Nov 4, 2011
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Ukraine War: Germany ‘Runs Low’ On Ammunition & Is Critically Dependent On China To Restock Its Arsenal​

ByAshish Dangwal

December 8, 2022

While military assistance to Ukraine is depleting Germany’s ammunition reserves, a recent report by the German-language newspaper, Die Welt, suggests the slowdown in component imports from China could worsen the issue.

The report said that German ammunition manufacturers recently warned about the waiting period for orders of cotton linters from China — a crucial component for propelling charges for small guns and artillery — has tripled to up to nine months.

German ammunition makers flagged this information at a recent defense symposium near Munich. The German government hosted a roundtable discussion with ammunition manufacturers on November 28; however, no specific outcomes were made public.

Industry sources said that all European ammunition producers depend on China for cotton linters, even though it is a commodity produced and traded globally.

Wolfgang Hellmich, the defense affairs speaker for the in-power Social Democratic Party (SPD) in parliament, told Asia Nikkei that the significant supply shortages of China-sourced materials for military equipment are particularly problematic for ammunition and specific steels.

He said that at the roundtable on ammunition, the officials addressed how to swiftly alleviate bottlenecks in the supply of ammunition and that all parties were working nonstop to find ways to avoid significant inventory gaps.

The management of the German ammunition manufacturer MEN Metallwerk Elisenhuette reportedly chastised the government for being slower than other European nations to place orders with the defense industry.

The Bundeswehr, the German military, has realized that its stocks would be utterly insufficient for such high-intensity conflict in the wake of Russia’s daily artillery shelling of tens of thousands of rounds into Ukraine.

After Russia invaded Ukraine, the SPD-led administration of Chancellor Olaf Scholz set up a special 100 billion euro ($106 billion) budget to modernize its under-equipped armed forces.

The administration is in a dilemma because Germany is simultaneously providing ammunition to Ukraine’s military, including ammo for machine guns, anti-aircraft guns, and multiple rocket launchers.

Henning Otte, a member of the opposition Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the deputy chair of the Bundestag’s defense committee, claimed that the reliance on China is causing difficulties in the stockpiling effort.

The US defense firms also employ rare earth, raw materials, and components from China.

Timothy Heath, a senior international defense researcher at RAND Corporation, said that “this reflects the globalized nature of production. Department of Defense policymakers are trying to persuade the companies to reduce or eliminate their reliance on Chinese suppliers.”

German Ammo Stocks Are Running Low

Germany is running out of ammunition as it transfers armaments into Ukraine in light of the prolonged conflict. Germany is far from meeting the alliance’s requirement that each member keeps enough weapons to last 30 days of battle.

Furthermore, Berlin’s need for weapons has increased due to the federal government providing Ukraine with weapons from the Bundeswehr stockpile.

Eva Hoegl, the defense commissioner for the German Parliament, previously stated that her nation needs an extra 20 billion euros ($19.4 billion) to buy enough munitions to satisfy NATO criteria.

Germany continues to supply Ukraine with weapons, making it one of the biggest European supporters of Kyiv. The high-value equipment transferred to Ukraine includes self-propelled howitzers, multiple-launch rocket systems, anti-aircraft systems, and counter-battery radar.

Previously, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said, “We delivered whatever we had: anti-tank and anti-aircraft systems, mines, guns, tons of ammunition, and non-lethal aid. Since then, we’ve progressed to more intricate and valuable systems.”

Officials from Europe declared that Russia could not be allowed to win in Ukraine and that they would continue to help Ukraine. However, they all expressed concern about domestic defense requirements.

The war has put a burden on the NATO nations’ already-dwindling arsenals. Some allies sent all their reserve Soviet-era weapons and are awaiting replacements from the US.

Furthermore, European nations may find it challenging to replenish their arsenal quickly since they no longer have a robust defense industry to produce replacements. Instead, many of them depend on the American defense industry.

Nevertheless, according to experts, it will take time to replenish stocks and recover the ability to produce weapons. The whole process might necessitate greater infrastructure investment in some small nations.


The US Military Is Almost Completely Dependent On China For Key Mineral Used In Ammunition: REPORT​


June 09, 2022

The U.S. military depends almost completely on China for a mineral essential to the production of ammunition and other defense products, Defense News reported Wednesday.

The House Armed Services Committee released draft legislation on Wednesday, which would require a briefing on the antimony supply by October and a five-year outlook on supply chain vulnerabilities, Defense News reported. The U.S. has no domestic mine for the mineral antimony, which is reportedly used in the production of night vision goggles, armor-piercing bullets, explosives and nuclear weapons.

“China in particular does a remarkably good job of hoarding these materials,” Massachusetts Democratic Rep. Seth Moulton, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, told Defense News. “China clearly has a comprehensive global strategy to corner the market on these materials and we’re behind and we’re playing catch-up.”

In 2020, approximately half of the antimony mined originated in China, Russia and Tajikistan, according to Britannica.

Moulton and seven Republicans wrote to the defense appropriations subcommittee in April asking for an additional $264 million in funding for the National Defense Stockpile (NDS), a reserve of critical materials used in national emergencies. The letter claimed that in the last 30 years Congress had “authorized the sell-off” of the majority of the stockpiled materials.

“The current stockpile is inadequate to meet the requirements of great power competition,” the letter stated. “The NDS is no longer capable of covering the Department of Defense’s needs for the vast majority of identified materials in the event of a supply chain disruption.”

The House Armed Services Committee draft legislation follows years of widespread supply chain disruptions initially caused by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine further strained the supply chain, leading to a serious breakdown in the distribution of oil, grain and other goods.

The House Armed Services Committee, Moulton and the Department of Defense did not respond immediately to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

Power of controlling the global supply chain, both US and EU defence industries are highly dependent on China.
Power of controlling the global supply chain, both US and EU defence industries are highly dependent on China.
nice try the US acquired two antimony mines in Mexico. No one is waiting on China to solve their COVID related supply chain issues.
This fantasy article was not written by me,lol..
lots of things are written on the internet. You have do your own research before you start believing it.
Do you even know what cotton linter is? You think China is the only country in the world producing cotton? Talk about delusions :lol:
Then do it.
it's being done. The only reason everyone started sole sourcing from China is because China undercut everyone on price. It's all well and dandy as long as there are no disruptions. The minute there are disruptions in supply, businesses will find alternative sources. There is nothing special about cotton linters and antimony.
it's being done. The only reason everyone started sole sourcing from China is because China undercut everyone on price. It's all well and dandy as long as there are no disruptions. The minute there are disruptions in supply, businesses will find alternative sources. There is nothing special about cotton linters and antimony.
Then good luck.
Good luck, come back to talk to me once it's done.
nah! don't have time to waste on someone who thinks cotton is as rare as pixie dust.
Tell your boss to send some intelligent people to pdf. I''m sure pdf members will be happy to crowd fund it.
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