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Buying F-35 Fighters ‘Biggest Mistake’ Of Australia; US Jets A ‘Total Disaster’, Can’t ‘Stand Up’ To China — Aussie Critic

So, you think US can defeat both Russia and China at the same time ? US will be obliterated by Russia before it can destroy Russia. Russia is winning the war in Ukraine, not US.
I don't think anything.
The US spends more on its military than China, Russia and the next 8 countries combined.
Their explicit doctrine is to win two wars the same time. They have done it before and have the capacity to do it now.
These are all facts, not feelings.
I don't think anything.
The US spends more on its military than China, Russia and the next 8 countries combined.
Their explicit doctrine is to win two wars the same time. They have done it before and have the capacity to do it now.
These are all facts, not feelings.
According to your logic, Saudi should be the 3rd strongest nation on earth since its military spending ranked 3rd in 2022 and ranked in the top 5 in the previous years before. Yet, Saudi cant even defeat nobody rebels in Yemen.
And, the ranked first in military strength far above the others according to budget, the sole superpower US got defeated by the the primitive AK 47 armed Taliban in Afghan.
Things such as fightings and wars are not that simple.

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According to your logic, Saudi should be the 3rd strongest nation on earth since its military spending ranked 3rd in 2022 and ranked in the top 5 in the previous years before. Yet, Saudi cant even defeat nobody rebels in Yemen.
And, the ranked first in military strength far above the others according to budget, the sole superpower US got defeated by the the primitive AK 47 armed Taliban in Afghan.
Things such as fightings and wars are not that simple.

Bro, Russia is getting its behind handed to it by Ukraine. Russians lost two warships against a country with no navy... got its airbase droned in interior Russia, and lost two nuclear-capable bombers; you want me to go on and show you Russian incompetence.

As for Afghanistan, if they wanted, they could have stayed while Americans were on the streets and the Taliban were in the mountains. Just be happy the Americans didn't go WWII-Dresden-style bombing runs.
Bro, Russia is getting its behind handed to it by Ukraine. Russians lost two warships against a country with no navy... got its airbase droned in interior Russia, and lost two nuclear-capable bombers; you want me to go on and show you Russian incompetence.

As for Afghanistan, if they wanted, they could have stayed while Americans were on the streets and the Taliban were in the mountains. Just be happy the Americans didn't go WWII-Dresden-style bombing runs.
Yeah, US and NATO are behind all these Russian destructions, Ukraine cant do it on its own.

The fact is Americans run away from Afghan in the end becos they cant hold on to the country for whatever the reason.
According to your logic, Saudi should be the 3rd strongest nation on earth since its military spending ranked 3rd in 2022 and ranked in the top 5 in the previous years before. Yet, Saudi cant even defeat nobody rebels in Yemen.
And, the ranked first in military strength far above the others according to budget, the sole superpower US got defeated by the the primitive AK 47 armed Taliban in Afghan.
Things such as fightings and wars are not that simple.

What you said is very true. Numbers are not the only thing to consider. You also have to look at history, culture, morale, etc.
Now if only we had some kind of history of the US defeating two nations at the same time in a massive world war.....
Russians lost two warships against a country with no navy...
I don't understand "Russia lost warships against a country with no navy". You dont need a navy to sink another countries warships. Land based anti ship missiles are enough.
Australia's military will never be able to stand up to China's military. That is just fact's. China has a economy 17 times larger than that of Australia and a population 50 times larger.
The Uncle told an ant: "Look. The eagle just took the anteater for food. You better guard your territories now and build sand castles." So the ant's been busy building little sand castles and lose sleep over concerns when it's going to become food for the eagle and its castles become the eagle's properties.

Is this a story from the guy Aesop? I couldn't remember but I am amused at the ant's thinking.
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Halfway through the title and already knew who started the thread.
I don't understand "Russia lost warships against a country with no navy". You dont need a navy to sink another countries warships. Land based anti ship missiles are enough.
That tells you how someone has no common sense. If a guy had no arms get punched, can the guy kick back 'Achunk'? No, said the self-appointed defense expert.
Yeah, US and NATO are behind all these Russian destructions, Ukraine cant do it on its own.

The fact is Americans run away from Afghan in the end becos they cant hold on to the country for whatever the reason.

War in Afghanistan was not aimed to colonize the country but to dismantle Al-Qaeda Network (primary mission), and to reshape political landscape of the country (secondary mission). US achieved its primary mission but settled for a deal with Afghan Taliban. Biden administration felt that this deal was good enough and ditched secondary mission. Afghan Taliban are not close to Iran so this might be a factor. US no longer has to spend a large sum to maintain a government in Afghanistan so this might be another factor.

I am not sure how Afghanistan is instructive for Taiwan and other regions. Every war is different from the other.
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