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India's 3rd Generation Nuclear SSBNs starts taking shape

We need k5 missiles with 5-6 25kt MIRVs. A single arihant can only carry 4 missiles which is a strategic handicap when retaliating with a second strike.
Produce first the basic needs of people like food and sanitation before you waste money on things that create more hunger in a poor country like India.

Why a poor India needs MIRVs? Can these solve your border issues with Pakistan or China?
Produce first the basic needs of people like food and sanitation before you waste money on things that create more hunger in a poor country like India.

Why a poor India needs MIRVs? Can these solve your border issues with Pakistan or China?
A poor india needs MIRVs just like how a dirt poor Bangladesh needs it's undergarment Industry to survive

Pak should atleast go for 2 ssbn
Integration of nuclear warheads on it's submarine launched missiles is a more practical option for Pak. Each SSBN costs no less than 2 billion dollars to build.

Yeah your backward nuclear sub will likely be hunt down by PLAN when it comes to war
Let's see how will PLAN hunt down a sub in the northern bay of bengal
Produce first the basic needs of people like food and sanitation before you waste money on things that create more hunger in a poor country like India.

Why a poor India needs MIRVs? Can these solve your border issues with Pakistan or China?

Same, when half of BD goes under water every monsoon, why spend money on imported fighter planes?

Don't forget to invite Bajwa for the ribbon cutting ceremony.. it's great na insaafi that you guys haven't rewarded him the Vir Chakra yet..
Don't forget to invite Bajwa for the ribbon cutting ceremony.. it's great na insaafi that you guys haven't rewarded him the Vir Chakra yet..

Inadequate. Must be awarded with the highest military award that is Param Vir Chakra. But I believe that Mir Bajwa is more than happy with the cash received for his unforgettable services for India. 🤣🤣
Multi ID loser was earlier showing his laughing gear in PN thread but now having an orgasm by posting a year old news. :lol:

Interesting that they chose to both build and house some of these most sensitive assets in satellite view and not exploiting the tunnels dug(not sure if finished) for that purpose.
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