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India's 3rd Generation Nuclear SSBNs starts taking shape

It is very good news...

We need better SSBM submarines against China with 5000 KM missiles.

Because it will be a guarantee that China will never try to do silly things or join a war against India.
The K-4 aboard the Indian SSBNs will give India the ability to target most of China, including Beijing
Nuke is a deterrent but a red line which is unlikely to be crossed unless NATO invades Russia and are about to capture Moscow.
Putin is not foolish even if he is he will be "stopped" by others in command that's the nature of nukes.
Once a nuke is launched it will change the path of human race forever so far we have only seen nuke as an detterent.

This is all bombast. Do you believe the stories planted by the western shills of the CIA warning Russians that they will retaliate if Russia drips a nuke? Seriously?!! You mean to tell me that the US and Europe will condemn their populations to nuclear obliteration for the Ukranians? If it ever came to that. A snowflake in hell gas more chance than that. Did you see how the old dement went into hyper hear exonerating Russia if the missile strike into Poland before anyone even had the chance to investigate it properly? That's called saving face. And they don't have the balls to nuke Russia if Russia nukes Ukraine. And Russia will guarantee nuke Ukraine before this war is over. At either the Keiv or the Odessa front.

India will be obliterated before it has the chance to launch nuclear sub nukes at China.

Wumao, even then, nothing is going to save your population in your 7 biggest cities. That is the destructive power carried by ONE nuclear sub. That is also the non retrievable promise of ONE nuclear sub.
This is all bombast. Do you believe the stories planted by the western shills of the CIA warning Russians that they will retaliate if Russia drips a nuke? Seriously?!! You mean to tell me that the US and Europe will condemn their populations to nuclear obliteration for the Ukranians? If it ever came to that. A snowflake in hell gas more chance than that. Did you see how the old dement went into hyper hear exonerating Russia if the missile strike into Poland before anyone even had the chance to investigate it properly? That's called saving face. And they don't have the balls to nuke Russia if Russia nukes Ukraine. And Russia will guarantee nuke Ukraine before this war is over. At either the Keiv or the Odessa front.

Wumao, even then, nothing is going to save your population in your 7 biggest cities. That is the destructive power carried by ONE nuclear sub. That is also the non retrievable promise of ONE nuclear sub.
Fool, indian nuke subs are junk, india doesnt have a credible nuclear sub force yet.
Fool, indian nuke subs are junk, india doesnt have a credible nuclear sub force yet.

On what basis you are claiming??? do you have any technical related info?

Keep your jealousy and anger for your Army chief, Nawaz and opposition Only.. Please
We need k5 missiles with 5-6 25kt MIRVs. A single arihant can only carry 4 missiles which is a strategic handicap when retaliating with a second strike.
Indians should ponder less about missile contribution in a war. War is done on the ground by the troops with guns and the like in their hands.
What you said would have been true in 1939 when the nazis steamrolled poland. But nowadays psy ops, cyber space attrition and precision strikes are the key to take out an enemy. He may be sitting with a million troops massed at the front but if you can hit his ability to communicate with his troops and paralyse his decision making/cognitive capability via cyberspace warfare, EW ops and PGM strikes then you have already won half the war. A blind and deaf enemy cannot organise his troops nor can he update them with changes in tactical battle situation. In such case your enemy has no choice but to give up or fight fanatically.
America failed to win in Afghanistan. Missiles are good as a part of technology development. In actual war, it has limitations.
Guerilla/assymetric warfare is very different from conventional warfare. Not an appropriate example from your side, a better example would be the 1991 gulf war or armenia Azerbaijan war where assymetry in technological Superiority defeated the other side
Think Russia in Ukraine. All wars will be fought in Ukraine-style. So, better IA improves the quality of soldiers.
Ukraine would have been crippled without nato. Even right now Ukrainian army doesn't have any C4ISR and systems destruction capability of it's own, all of it is rented from nato. usa is bearing the cost. The Russians too didn't destroy the command loop of ukr army which is a failure on their part

The only Army which has showcased systems destruction warfare is US army. PLA too is adopting the same approach. The Indian army has recently began to integrate this concept in it's war fighting doctrine and will take a decade to mature
India will be obliterated before it has the chance to launch nuclear sub nukes at China.
India will be obliterated, china will be left without eyes, ears, arms and legs
Fool, indian nuke subs are junk, india doesnt have a credible nuclear sub force yet.
He could be a fool according to you, albeit you're a much bigger fool and you're a troll too. Without assessment you're saying our subs are junk, i know they're not as capable as jin class but those missiles can still kill you, If the nuke hits your hole you'll remember what I've just said
India will be obliterated, china will be left without eyes, ears, arms and legs

He could be a fool according to you, albeit you're a much bigger fool and you're a troll too. Without assessment you're saying our subs are junk, i know they're not as capable as jin class but those missiles can still kill you, If the nuke hits your hole you'll remember what I've just said
You indian fool can always speak with your loud foul mouth, like blow up your own sub parked in the port, do you think your junk has any reliability Issue.
You indian fool can always speak with your loud foul mouth, like blow up your own sub parked in the port, do you think your junk has any reliability Issue.
1 accident in 70 years dosent change a thing. USN had many accidents in the past two decades, including the recent underwater crash but that doesn't change the fact that USN can sink PLAN to the bottom of the ocean anywhere outside South China Sea
1 accident in 70 years dosent change a thing. USN had many accidents in the past two decades, including the recent underwater crash but that doesn't change the fact that USN can sink PLAN to the bottom of the ocean anywhere outside South China Sea
Yeah your backward nuclear sub will likely be hunt down by PLAN when it comes to war and Indian navy and cities will be fired upon by PLAN too, who is afraid of who.
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