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Global player India has every right to ties with Kabul: US

Bangladesh problems

1) Poor ? Hell yea

2) Corrupt ? :partay:

3) Insurgency ? No siree Bob

4) Terrorism ? I don't think so.

5) Minority rights ? Opportunities for improvement. Minorities don't get slaughtered by the thousands.

6) Law and order ? Nothing to write home about. :D

7) Women rights ? What can I say, Woman PMs for the last 17 of the 20 years.

8) Female infanticide ? I don't want to get into that, or should I ?

Not a bright picture, but I certainly can live with this.

OK cool. BD is an Awesome country and Indians are dying to emigrate there.
Afghan situation disturbs Pak-wary Krishna

New Delhi, Jan. 11: Foreign minister S.M. Krishna today termed the situation in Afghanistan “very disturbing”.

“What is happening in Afghanistan is something which is very disturbing.… The Taliban is an umbrella organisation which shelters LeT (Lashkar-e-Toiba) and other terrorist organisations,” Krishna, who was in Kabul on January 8-9, said.

What he left unsaid was that the situation in Afghanistan was set to become more difficult for India with US-led international forces scheduled to start withdrawal from mid 2011. The Taliban still control large swathes of Afghanistan.

India continues to lose ground to Pakistan in the war-torn country.​
During his meeting with President Hamid Karzai in Kabul, Krishna had voiced India’s concern over Pakistan’s growing involvement in the transition process in Afghanistan.

India wants an Afghan-driven and Afghan-owned peace process. It fears the Pakistan Army and the ISI will use Afghanistan as their sphere of influence once the international forces leave.

New Delhi has even shifted its stance on the “good Taliban” — former Taliban members now willing to sever ties with terrorist groups. Krishna today said those willing to disassociate with terror must be encouraged to participate in the peace initiative.

During his Kabul visit, Karzai had assured Krishna that his government would not make any move detrimental to India. The Afghan President had said India was “uppermost” on his government’s priorities and appreciated Delhi’s contribution to the post-war reconstruction and rebuilding efforts.

But India is faced with growing isolation in Afghanistan because regional players like Iran, Tajikistan, Russia as well as China disagree with its stand that Pakistan should be kept out of the Afghan peace process. These countries believe that while Pakistan is part of the problem in Afghanistan, it is also part of the solution.

Tajikistan and Iran have kept India out of their consultations with regional players on Afghanistan. But Pakistan is a part of these consultations.

Government sources, however, say Iran, Tajikistan and even Russia’s newfound love for Pakistan is temporary. “Apart from China, India has been the only other country that has consistently supported Iran in international forums. Also, it will be difficult for a Shia Iran to have any long-term convergence with a Sunni Pakistan,” a source said.

But India’s increasing irrelevance in Afghanistan means it will be a bystander after the scheduled withdrawal of US-led forces starts in July. South Block sources concede it is a difficult situation in Afghanistan.

They, however, cite how the US, France and the UK have complimented India’s positive role in Afghanistan. “This is in contrast to the ambivalence with which these countries viewed India’s role in Afghanistan till a year back. This change is noteworthy,” a source said.

Government sources say the Prime Minister has conveyed to all Western leaders that they would be committing a “historic blunder that we will be ruing for generations” by leaving Afghanistan without securing the social, economic and political gains achieved in the last decade.

India will continue its development work in Afghanistan. “India has civilisational and historical relations with Afghanistan for centuries and India continues to believe that it can play a very useful role in Afghanistan in terms of capacity building for which we have committed $ 1.4 billion for development of Afghanistan,” Krishna said today.
Global player India has every right to ties with Kabul: US

Washington, Jan 11 (IANS) As US Vice President Joe Biden paid a surprise visit to Afghanistan, the US reiterated that India, as a regional and emerging global power, has every right to have its own relationship with Kabul.

'We have made clear that India, as a regional and emerging global power, has every right to have its own relationship with Afghanistan,' State Department spokesman Phillip J. Crowley told reporters Monday.

'And we appreciate the support to the Government of Afghanistan that India has provided,' he said in response to a question about External Affairs Minister S. M. Krishna's recent visit to Kabul, where he alluded to Pakistan's desire to keep India out of Afghanistan.

India can have a relationship with Afghanistan if the Afghan powerholders want it.

If they dont, and they want a relationship with Pakistan instead, then the US has no right to interfere in that.
Indians should ask GOI what did govt do with their billion dollars when 600 million indians struggling with poverty?

Why 600 million, why dont you type 1.2 billion ??
is that so hard ?
India can have a relationship with Afghanistan if the Afghan powerholders want it.

If they dont, and they want a relationship with Pakistan instead, then the US has no right to interfere in that.


Also, if the powerholders in Afghanistan want a relationship with India, then Pakistan has no right to interfere in that.

And if the powerholders in Afghanistan want a relationship with Pakistan , then India has no right to interfere in that.
India can have a relationship with Afghanistan if the Afghan powerholders want it.

If they dont, and they want a relationship with Pakistan instead, then the US has no right to interfere in that.

lol right......yeah

I think there is only one thing that is right and that is might.....it has been always that way and will remain so.....harsh truth it is......

(Rephrasing --> Might is Right ;))
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well I dont see the US being in Afghanistan another 10 years.

At the end, it will be the people of Afghanistan that will determine their leader when foreign forces leave.
We'll have to wait and see whether Karzai lasts.

Sure, but till Karzai is still at the helm of affairs, Pakistan has no right to dictate terms to him. Pakistan should not hold the peace process hostage till it gets a pro-Pakistan ruler established in Afghanistan.
The US wants to prop up an Indian puppet state in Afghanistan to weaken Pakistan/China strategically. Too bad India has been unable to do that even after nine long years of NATO cover.

see....it's primarily because we don't want a puppet state...we want a state not hostile to India...and for that we have tried to make comtribute in constructing roads and hospitals...we have donated computers...all thigns that you'd not have any problem against...we have been bombed our engineers have been slaughtered...yet we do not have a military prescence there...
for no military can win you a war as efficiently as good propaganda and good pr can...perfectly symbiotic...
Global player India has every right to ties with Kabul: US

Washington, Jan 11 (IANS) As US Vice President Joe Biden paid a surprise visit to Afghanistan, the US reiterated that India, as a regional and emerging global power, has every right to have its own relationship with Kabul.

'We have made clear that India, as a regional and emerging global power, has every right to have its own relationship with Afghanistan,' State Department spokesman Phillip J. Crowley told reporters Monday.

'And we appreciate the support to the Government of Afghanistan that India has provided,' he said in response to a question about External Affairs Minister S. M. Krishna's recent visit to Kabul, where he alluded to Pakistan's desire to keep India out of Afghanistan.

'As we've said many times, we have taken a regional approach' to the challenges of political extremism that affects all countries across the region,' Crowley said when asked about Krishna's reported concern about threats to Indian interests in Afghanistan.

'The challenge of political extremism is not just focused on any one country. There have been attacks against Indian interests in Afghanistan, in India,' he said.

'And this is why we're deeply engaged across the region with Afghanistan, with Pakistan, with India to try to attack this extremism that affects all of our countries.'

Meanwhile, a White House official said Biden's unannounced visit to Kabul Monday was to get un update from top US and Afghan personnel ahead of July's planned start of the withdrawal of US troops from the country in July.

Shortly after arrival in Kabul, Biden met US Ambassador Karl Eikenberry, top US commander Gen. David Petraeus and three Afghan officials, including First Vice President Marshal Mohammad Qasim Fahim to get 'an update from them on the situation on the ground,' the official told travelling media.

'The primary purpose of the trip is to assess progress toward the transition to Afghan-led security beginning in 2011, and to demonstrate our commitment to a long-term partnership with Afghanistan,' the official said.

There are 97,000 US troops in Afghanistan.

Global player India has every right to ties with Kabul: US

None of you numb-nut trolls read the highlighted bit?:argh:

Hehehe, sure sure

Try !

while the Global player is at it, why not drop a couple of thousand troops in Afghanistan too !

Been waiting too long for that.

Are you an Afghan?:what: Its this attitude that had landed Pakistan in the sticky situation that it is now. Afghanistan is a sovereign country, i guess they get to decide if they want Indians there or not, not Pakistan. Its not you backyard, the sooner Pakistan and the Talibans hiding in Pakistan realize that, the better it will be for peace in Pakistan. Just my opinion feel free to disagree :cheers:.
Bangladesh problems

1) Poor ? Hell yea

2) Corrupt ? :partay:

3) Insurgency ? No siree Bob

4) Terrorism ? I don't think so.

5) Minority rights ? Opportunities for improvement. Minorities don't get slaughtered by the thousands.

6) Law and order ? Nothing to write home about. :D

7) Women rights ? What can I say, Woman PMs for the last 17 of the 20 years.

8) Female infanticide ? I don't want to get into that, or should I ?

Not a bright picture, but I certainly can live with this.

3) Look at this.
Chittagong Hill Tracts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4) Who would wanna spead terrorism in bd anyway?? :azn:

5)Minorities? WOW! Becuase of kashmir you think minorities in india are in danger? You don't even have that big minority. Okay now Be frank and tell me. Can a hindu in bd aspire to become shah rukh khan [most famous indian] or abdul kalam? [most respected man in india even more than our pm mr.singh?]

7-8) Woman rights and Woman prime minister?! LOOOOOOL!! We had first woman prime minister when you country wan't even born! looool In fact our female prime minister is the one who helped you gain independence?

Example of today's India is"

Kawa chala haans ke chaal ....aur apni chaal bhi blool gaya!
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