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BREAKING: United Nations: Potential ‘crimes against humanity’ in China’s Xinjiang

LOL, West fund human rights organizations because they believe in human rights. Thats why people try to immigrate to west whenever they find a chance. And western human rights organizations have good track record in their bag.

Communists has a track record of large scale human rights violations. So Uyghur Genocide is real. China was cought lying before about so called reeducation camp or we can say Chinese Auschwitz...
People from third world want to go to the West for economic reasons even many of them know they will face racial hatred and discrimination in the West, LMAO for human rights purpose, you are living in another planet.

If you want to believe the West lies of Uygher genocide is real, it's only your own mindless problem. Meanwhile, I advise that you Bengals mind your own business and stop sticking your nose into Chinese affairs.
Xinjiang issue is the lie of the century created by the west

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People from third world want to go to the West for economic reasons even many of them know they will face racial hatred and discrimination in the West, LMAO for human rights purpose, you are living in another planet.
LOL, as if China Towns doesn't exist in every western country. And western authority don't find Chinese illegally trying to enter western countries. lol again...
If you want to believe the West lies of Uygher genocide is real, it's only your own mindless problem
I don't have take free thinking lesson from commies.
Meanwhile, I advise that you Bengals mind your own business and stop sticking your nose into Chinese affairs.
Else? You don't get what is happening around you do you? Your threat doesn't work here...

That’s clearly fake, post your real identity and address.
Thats real. BTW, post your law enforcement identity documents first.

The Truth about Xinjiang​

First hand account from those we really live and travel extensively in Xinjiang

That not how judiciary and investigation works mr dumbbell. Send professionals...

LOL, did you even read what you post? Chinese are restricting free investigation by human rights organizations...

That means China has things to hide...
Then the west tried so hard to stop her to go?

China’s detention of Uighurs and other mostly Muslim ethnic minorities in the northwestern region of Xinjiang may amount to “crimes against humanity”, the United Nations Human Rights Council said in a long-delayed report that was finally published late on Wednesday.

The 45-page report (PDF) called on Beijing to immediately release “all individuals arbitrarily deprived of their liberty”, clarify the whereabouts of those whose families have been unable to locate them and undertake a “full review” of its laws on domestic security and repeal all discriminatory laws.

The UN revealed in 2018 that some one million people were being held in a network of detention centres across Xinjiang, and UN Human Rights chief Michelle Bachelet called for “unfettered” access to visit the region and assess the situation.

Bachelet, whose term came to an end on Wednesday minutes after the report was published, was finally allowed into China in May. Following the tightly-choreographed visit, which drew criticism from human rights groups and other experts, she announced she would not seek a second term.

“Serious human rights violations have been committed” in Xinjiang “in the context of the Government’s application of counter-terrorism and counter-“extremism” strategies,” the report said.

“The extent of arbitrary and discriminatory detention of members of Uyghur and other predominantly Muslim groups … may constitute international crimes, in particular crimes against humanity.”

Beijing at first denied the camps’ existence but later said they were vocational skills training centres necessary to address “extremism”.

It also attached its own 122-page report compiled by the Information Office of the Xinjiang government, Fight against Terrorism and Extremism in Xinjiang: Truth and Fact (PDF), defending its policies on national security.

Since the UN’s initial report on the camps in 2018, leaks of official government documents, investigations by human rights groups and academics, as well as testimony from Uighurs themselves have revealed further details about the situation in the region.

Uighurs say they have faced a host of abuses from forced sterilisation to family separation and humiliations, including being forced to eat pork or live with Han Chinese family “minders”. Uighurs are also widely believed to be victims of forced labour in Xinjiang’s enormous cotton industry.

A group of 60 Uighur organisations welcomed the release of Bachelet’s report, saying the document from the world’s leading human rights body offered the “most definitive assessment of the issues faced by Uyghurs and other Turkic peoples” in China.

“This UN report is extremely important. It paves the way for meaningful and tangible action by member states, UN bodies, and the business community,” said World Uyghur Congress President Dolkun Isa. “Accountability starts now.”

“This is a game-changer for the international response to the Uyghur crisis,” said Uyghur Human Rights Project Executive Director Omer Kanat. “Despite the Chinese government’s strenuous denials, the UN has now officially recognized that horrific crimes are occurring.”

In a statement, the groups urged the UN Human Rights Council to to establish a commission of inquiry to independently examine the treatment of Uighurs and other minorities in China and called on the UN Office on Genocide Prevention to immediately conduct an assessment of the risks of atrocities, including genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang.

It also appealed to governments to take “urgent steps” to protect Uighurs at imminent risk of refoulement to China.

“The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has waited far too long to deliver its report. The truth of China’s atrocities has once again been documented, and there can be no shying away from the obligation to act. Stopping genocide was a foundational purpose of the UN, and it must be upheld now,” said Campaign for Uyghurs Executive Director Rushan Abbas.
Source: Al Jazeera


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In 3...2...1...and we will quickly start seeing posts that are basically this


Oh yea it becomes a seriously issue right after when US has problems with China in Taiwan. Before that it's wasn't a issue for the UN.
This is the reality of the UN a hypocritical pawn of the US and the west.
10 years ago all fudged so called "China's Human rights" issues were about Tibet, they hit the western headlines on daily basis, now they are all about Xinjiang,
Tibet magically almost totally disappeared from their headlines, so so called Tibet human rights issues are all fake or all fixed?
LOL, as if China Towns doesn't exist in every western country. And western authority don't find Chinese illegally trying to enter western countries. lol again...

I don't have take free thinking lesson from commies.

Else? You don't get what is happening around you do you? Your threat doesn't work here...

Thats real. BTW, post your law enforcement identity documents first.
You’re the potential child molester not me. What are you hiding behind a fake identity? Where’s your proof that it’s real?

The Truth about Xinjiang​

First hand account from those we really live and travel extensively in Xinjiang

Then the west tried so hard to stop her to go?
What is the point of going their if they can not investigate freely?
You’re the potential child molester not me. What are you hiding behind a fake identity? Where’s your proof that it’s real?
LOL, mr dumbbell make a case in the court not here in PDF. And you're a criminal for accusing me without a case and asking for my personal details to threaten me.

Find a chinese to play your game...

Why the west tried so hard to stop any groups from going there?
West is asking for free investigation not with Chinese restrictions.
LOL, mr dumbbell make a case in the court not here in PDF. And you're a criminal for accusing me without a case and asking for my personal details to threaten me.

Find a chinese to play your game...
I’m playing your game dumbbell.
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