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US used Pakistani airspace for drone that killed al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahri: analysts

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That seems to be the case.
Why else do u think the rupee is making a shocking recovery and the IMF are releasing the funds now. Quid pro quo.
Paise k liyay kuch b karaygi ye qaum …..next we can see drone attacks in cities…..innocents may be killed by some robot drone
Now no doubt left why America bought the entire Army leadership with PDM and Judges, so they can get this Air corridor for Drone Strikes, sooner or later the truth will come out, Taliban will then Start Attacking Pakistan for supporting drone strikes in Afghanistan, now we have a combine force of TTP/ISIS/Taliban and who do we have ? Budda baba Bajwa.
Why he is getting irritated by questions?

We live in a democratic country and people have right to question about sovereignty of Pakistan given that we have sold out guys at top

It's good if Pakistan had no involvement in Zahwari's Killin
Nothing wrong in clearing it
Nothing wrong if Pakistan was involved either. What's wrong in assisting in eliminating a terrorist?
It is a shameless move.

Pakistan will have to bear the brunt of blowback from the Taliban/AQ groups and ‘do more’ from the West.

What a dumb move from the establishment.
Pretty clear Pakistani airspace was used for drones to strike inside Afghanistan.

Now see the Talibans/AQ/every terrorist from Afghanistan striking inside Pakistan.

These duffers just don’t understand.
It is a shameless move.

Pakistan will have to bear the brunt of blowback from the Taliban/AQ groups and ‘do more’ from the West.

What a dumb move from the establishment.
Afghan hornet's nest was stirred before but Pakistan didn't get stung enough, so they are really stirring it hard so that Pakistan gets stung to death. They are pitting Afghans against Pakistan by all the dastardly means possible and the temptation for green cards and takeaway chains is overriding commonsense and loyalty.
Remember When Imran khan gave the famous Absolutely NOT interview, the junk media started campaigning right away that US did not even ask for any help or bases?

Even gullible pakistanis fell for it even though western mainstream media itself reported of CIA seeking new bases in Pakistan for strikes. That's how media works simple brains.

Today in matter of few months, results are already showing that there indeed was absolute truth to it and Pakistan was indeed asked and Imran khan was the only hindrance in the way.

It's only a matter of time talk of bases will also surface. these things are slowly leaked to keep chaos in check.

Pakistan is on board fully and it's people are being deceived again.
Say the Pak air space is used, and that too with Pak being in the loop, to kill tne AQ boss. I am pretty sure the Taliban is OK with it - as long as their hold on Afganistan remains firm - for they have no other options. Picking up a fight with Pak is no option....

No matter what military brats say, this regime change operation had the blessing of military establishment. They wanted to push Pakistan into a foreign war so that they can get military training courses, few crumbs of dollars and to stay relevant.

If you look at Pakistan history, this has been Pakistan Army military's modus operandi.

The political developments in the country, the way Imran is facing resistance all point to a conspiracy and powerful hands handling this conspiracy.
The drone flew from Kyrgyzstan as per reports.
Say the Pak air space is used, and that too with Pak being in the loop, to kill tne AQ boss. I am pretty sure the Taliban is OK with it - as long as their hold on Afganistan remains firm - for they have no other options. Picking up a fight with Pak is no option....
Picking a fight with Soviet union and the USA/NATO was no option either but they still chose it.
Nothing wrong if Pakistan was involved either. What's wrong in assisting in eliminating a terrorist?
The only wrong thing is fallout and. Reaction to death of that terrorist

We Pakistanis suffer from that
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