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Row Over National Emblem Original vs Modi's version this is funny

I fail to understand when they spend so much money, how come it looks so shit. At least make it look good, not some B-grade garbage. There is simply no aesthetic values, no wonder gujjus are not known for art or culture in any form.

Don't dare say anything against this lovely Gujju. She is my favorite Gujju. She should put on 10 kgs though :



The population of Asiatic Lions has thus shown a steady increase with a population of 674 individuals with an increase rate of 28.87 per cent (one of the highest growth rate so far) from the previous growth of 27 per cent during 2015 (523 lions)

Only in India.

Inbreeding has made them too susceptible for diseases among other inevitable side effects.

Much like the tigers, lions won't survive the ongoing century.

Leopards however are thriving.
Though the Aandolanjeevis ( Dedicated agitators - why are the Hindutvadis not that because most things in India must be changed afterall ? ) are correct about the change in the Ashoka Emblem this is just a minor thing considering that BJP people right from Modi the PM to chief ministers to film industry people have claimed irrational, fantastic things about the advanced nature of "Ancient India" which was supposed to have craft that could fly in the air and space and could submerge in the sea, then satellite-augmented internet, stem-cell-employing in vitro growth of human babies, advanced plastic surgery, motor cars and maybe many other things. I wonder what happened to all these achievements.

looks like not intentional. Incompetence of artists.
I'd second this, we have the same problem here in the UK

Case in point:

I like the new one
I like the original lions as they resemble the Lion rampart from the UK Royal coat of Arms. The new one looks a little "Aldi" too me, whereas the original has a Waitrose air about it. :D
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I fail to understand when they spend so much money, how come it looks so shit. At least make it look good, not some B-grade garbage. There is simply no aesthetic values, no wonder gujjus are not known for art or culture in any form.
They wants to show rest of the world they now they are charging lions not toothless cats anymore. :lol:
I fail to understand when they spend so much money, how come it looks so shit. At least make it look good, not some B-grade garbage. There is simply no aesthetic values, no wonder gujjus are not known for art or culture in any form.
Yup, the casting quality is pretty bad if you look at the up close pics.

Makers of 9,500-Kg Lion Capitol Replica On Why It Looks Different​

"The maximum, 99 per cent, is as per the Ashokan symbol," said sculptor Sunil Deore.

New Delhi:
The controversy over the massive bronze national emblem to be put atop the new parliament could be because of the angle at which the lions are being viewed, the artistes who built it told NDTV in an exclusive interview today. Also, part of the perspective is changing because of the enlargement, which is bringing every minor detail into focus, they added.

The 9500-odd kg bronze -- to be mounted atop the new parliament at the heart of Delhi -- has been the focus of strong criticism.

A section of opposition leaders have called it a menacing, snarling version of the majestic and graceful Ashokan lion capitol that has completely distorted its message of peace.

Giving it a political spin, many have demanded that it be pulled down. Others have called for legal action for the distortion.

Admitting that there may be minor changes, mostly because of the damages in the original, sculptor Sunil Deore who was in charge of the project said, "The maximum, 99 per cent, is as per the Ashokan symbol".

Then he added, "The photograph is out of zoom. The lower angle is changing the expression".

"As an artist, we have conducted researches going to the museum. We have only enlarged on the original, which is 2.5 feet. In such cases, everything gets magnified. You have to think of that. And this sculpture we will see from parliament, at least a 100 meters away. So we had to have to emphasise the details, so that they look similar even from a distance," he added.

"Like we said, you are going to view it from a very, very great distance. So all of that have been kept in mind and as such there is no deviation in the piece that you see…. At eye level, the outline will match the emblem," added his colleague Romel Moses.

Asked what they will say to the people who say this is a deliberate attempt to make the lions look angry, Mr Moses said, "It is a message of peace given by a very powerful character, that is a lion. A message of peace can never be given in anger".

There has been a flood of criticism from opposition leaders since the unveiling of the bronze yesterday.

"The original emblem has a mild expression, but those built during Amrit Kaal show a man-eater's tendency to consume everything in the country," tweeted Lalu Tadav's Rashtriya Janata Dal from its official angle.

Jawhar Sircar, a Rajya Sabha MP of Trinamool Congress and a former CEO of the government-run Prasar Bharati, termed it an "insult to our national symbol, the majestic Ashokan Lions".

Comments"Insult to our national symbol, the majestic Ashokan Lions. Original is on the left, graceful, regally confident. The one on the right is Modi's version, put above new Parliament building — snarling, unnecessarily aggressive and disproportionate. Shame! Change it immediately!" read his tweet.

Don't dare say anything against this lovely Gujju. She is my favorite Gujju. She should put on 10 kgs though :




Better put her there, at least someone will look at that. Now it looks like an unholy offspring of a platypus and an orangutan.

Yup, the casting quality is pretty bad if you look at the up close pics.

No for the 1st time this happened. The much debated tallest statue of world (statue of unity) looks like a piss poor attempt at best. No aesthetic sense and personally I won't even visit it even it was free. Iconic statues like statue of liberty are not about being tallest but more about artistic beauty.
What infuriating for me is that we spend millions/billions for such garbage looking statues.
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Better put her there, at least someone will look at that. Now it looks like an unholy offspring of a platypus and an orangutan.


No for the 1st time this happened. The much debated tallest statue of world (statue of unity) looks like a piss poor attempt at best. No aesthetic sense and personally I won't even visit it even it was free. Iconic statues like statue of liberty are not about being tallest but more about artistic beauty.
What infuriating for me is that we spend millions/billions for such garbage looking statues.

These statues, that new PM palace, our new "Rashtra Mandir" ( the Ayodhya Ram temple in Yogi's words ), the bullet train, the metro trains, the flyovers, the military aquisitions etc etc, all this vigorous spending of human, material and financial resources on those needless things while citizens inside the country mainly dying or suffering because of socio-economic disparities... Oh what a ridiculous state we are in. NDTV's Ravish said once in his show Prime Time that Indians are quite a tolerant lot in context of their personal suffering. We should extend this to social suffering too. They don't complain, agitate and call for societal change. During the one-year-long farmers protests in Delhi in 2021, 700 farmers died of various causes but they really died because of the stubborness of the Modi government in not listening to the farmers' demands. 700 people just dead. That too farmers who are part of the suppsedly respected national slogan "Jai jawaan, jai kisaan" ( Glory to the soldier, glory to the farmer ). So what happened to that celebration of the protesting farmers in 2021 ? They were called anti-nationals, terrorists, separatists, nuisances and other words. The Indian nationalists on PDF used those very words. The Jawaan is glorified, the Kisaan is insulted. War mongering is high, empathy with the sufferers within the borders is missing.
They are already hugging the coast off Junagarh. Unless major breakthrough occurs and fresher genes introduced, the asiatic lion is waiting for its extinction in a most undignified way.

Seriously ? They exist ONLY in Gujarat for now. I mean the rest of India i.e East of Gujarat.
Seriously ? They exist ONLY in Gujarat for now. I mean the rest of India i.e East of Gujarat.

They exist in Junagarh, the Nawab of Junagarh spared the last remaining individuals as it finally dawned on him that everywhere else hunting parties had driven them to extinction.
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