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What's wrong with Pakistan?

Its a slave country under control of Americans. They deliberately keep it on the brink. If democracy succeeds it will be out of Americas control.
They dont want total collapse but on the brink so its easy to control i.e. controlled chaos.
Its no co-incidence that no parliament lasts 5 years while American supported dictators last 10 years.
Everything that makes a stable state has been sabotaged over and over in Pakistan.
It will only change if we give a pm strong mandate + street support for good 10-15 years
That's how it changed in over a dozen countries, this is the only way
and our millitary historically always took note of public mood (post 71)- you will never see Egyptian or China type millitary tanks killing protesters
but they also make sure that government is weak...... many methods, same results!
Most problems in South Asia arise from a misplaced sense of manhood:
  1. Not respecting the law is like an aphrodisiac for many
  2. Achieving success by putting in hard work is considered stupidity and cuckoldry
  3. Not respecting women
  4. Not respecting manual labour
East and South east asians don't believe in this stupid machoism and have extracted themselves from their medieval baggage.

And what do you suppose most of these men do when they go out of South Asia and into middle east and europe?
Issue is that East India Company have been cleverly fooling public, keep corrupt politicians in front so public can vent their anger on them while it's enjoying the rule.
East India Company

You are alluding to US/Western imperialism or local stooges of their, and Pak Estab.
they work in tandem though, with roles clearly defined.

So intrinsically they are same, I must say.
He was one of the better ones in recent memory. Pakistani media was non-existent before him. Sanctions were lifted, and a period of time had economic growth that was amongst the top in Asia. The ultimate drawback was towards the end with the state of emergencies etc... but the changes are visible.

Again, people keep getting fooled by short-term details that were mostly a result of joining America's camp wholeheartedly.

Some other governments have managed periods of increased growth here and there.

The only thing that really matters is institutional and constitutional reform (which people generally call 'structural reform.') If the fundamentals remain rotten, like the (intellectual) quality of people joining the civ and mil service and institutions are designed for growth and transformations (most of our institutions are directly inherited from the Raj with their main missions being order and control, or are derivative), none of this other stuff matters.

We have to learn to judge leaders against their potential. Mush has to be judged particularly harshly because he had the holy trinity: the uniform, the presidency/civ leadership, and public support. He was essentially a popular dictator who could have changed the fate of the country through institutional reform and a new constitution in ways that nobody else can under a parliamentary democracy (because MNAs would never vote for laws that restrict their own power and opportunities for corruption).
Commando President decided to enslave the nation to one American call.
Are you talking about Musharraf?

Vote with your feet, don’t speak up for your rights or that of other minorities? Don’t challenge corruption? Then you deserve what you get.

That’s life…
That's democracy everywhere now. In Greece they will complain 4 years about a government and when elections come they will vote the same. Or the old people will keep voting for one party and you can't change their mind. They might vote for the same party 30-40 years and you still can't change their mind. You tell them about scandals,about betrayals,about bad deals,about poverty,but no. They think it's better than all the others.
When I was a kid, I was told by my adults that the country had gone through bad times time and again, but things will be better.
Then I became a teenager, and I saw the country going through those bad times when a Commando President decided to enslave the nation to one American call.
Then I grew up to be an adult and I went through the worst of times at the hands of the corrupt mafia where I counted every single day till their regime could come to an end and better people could sit as my representatives in the higher offices.
Then I saw the country going towards a better future for three and a half years, and then that future stolen away from the people.

Pakistan Army is the problem, every problem faced today by Pakistan is the creation of Pakistan Army.

Let me take your question and take it a part to show you what I mean...

When I was a kid, I was told by my adults that the country had gone through bad times time and again, but things will be better.

General ZIA, creator of MQM and religious extremist which destroyed the country and it burns even today

Then I became a teenager, and I saw the country going through those bad times when a Commando President decided to enslave the nation to one American call.

General Musharaf

Then I grew up to be an adult and I went through the worst of times at the hands of the corrupt mafia where I counted every single day till their regime could come to an end and better people could sit as my representatives in the higher offices.

Almost all political parties in Pakistan were created by Generals to control the country without controlling the country.

Then I saw the country going towards a better future for three and a half years, and then that future stolen away from the people.

General Bajwa...
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