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[ANALYSIS] Why Rwanda 'The Safest Country in Africa' Being Targeted by US, CIA & Western Human Rights Group?

I suspect u are a clone account. Remind me of @denel

Great at badmouth of China, pretending to be real African. Trying to whitewash the crime of westwen civilization.

Excuse me - please speak to the point and stop labelling people who disagree with your view point.

Europeans did their turn and now the chinese are doing the same too; come here, I will take you personally - where drug trafficking is come from China and far east with triade involvement, illegal ivory trade, fake bill of goods on quality of copper then to fake medicines we get. I work at Dept of health; we had to get many consignments and found both bogus medication from India and China.

We are on our way forward and dont need to follow anyone. We just need good governance.

We have very good friendship with china and chinese here but online, it is very sad to see such aggressive and uncultured discussions. You do not realise it but your behaviour is giving us bad experience.

Please be kind and suggest which department where we can write to complain on your behaviour online.

asante sana.
Excuse me - please speak to the point and stop labelling people who disagree with your view point.

Europeans did their turn and now the chinese are doing the same too; come here, I will take you personally - where drug trafficking is come from China and far east with triade involvement, illegal ivory trade, fake bill of goods on quality of copper then to fake medicines we get. I work at Dept of health; we had to get many consignments and found both bogus medication from India and China.

We are on our way forward and dont need to follow anyone. We just need good governance.

We have very good friendship with china and chinese here but online, it is very sad to see such aggressive and uncultured discussions. You do not realise it but your behaviour is giving us bad experience.

Please be kind and suggest which department where we can write to complain on your behaviour online.

asante sana.
There is a detail study by Mckinsey Corporation about Chinese involvement in Africa. All you need to know. The good the bad and the ugly.
Are there any failures ? Of course there are but there are many many good stories too. Overall, it has been very positives.

You can download and read the whole report here.
Dance of the lions and dragons

Brief Extraction
Understanding the rhythm of Chinese business in Africa

Kajiado County, Kenya, might not be the obvious place to look for evidence of large-scale business. A sleepy, mostly rural area about two hours from Nairobi, the county’s greatest claim to fame is its views of snow-capped Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest mountain just over the border in Tanzania.

But when we made the 70-kilometer journey from Nairobi one rainy morning, we were astonished to witness a massive, modern factory— the size of several football fields—rising out of the savannah. We had arrived at the Twyford ceramic tile factory, built in just eight months in 2015–16. One of our teammates commented, “It took me longer to retile my roof and bathroom!”

The factory is a joint venture between two Chinese firms, the SunDa Group and Keda Clean Energy Company. SunDa started as a trading operation in Nigeria, focused on importing tiles from China, but it has since switched to manufacturing in several African countries. Its partner, Shanghai-based Keda, is a major supplier of industrial machinery. The two companies invested $30 million in the first phase of the Kenya factory alone.

Our visit to Kajiado took some time to arrange. The Twyford factory’s managers, like many other Chinese business builders in Africa, prefer to keep a low profile. While we were learning more about Chinese industrial firms like Twyford, many business leaders we spoke to in Nairobi were unaware that such a large-scale factory could exist in Kenya. If even such a large industrial facility can remain hidden in plain sight, it’s no surprise that the extent of Chinese business activity in Africa is so widely underestimated— and misunderstood.

Our tour of the factory—once we’d trudged through the ankle-deep mud surrounding the construction site of the massive second phase—shed light on several aspects of Chinese business activity in Africa. Inside, the factory is bright, spacious, and modern. It is also enormous: each production line is three-quarters of a kilometer long. Most workers we encountered were Kenyans; the myth that Chinese firms typically avoid employing locals was shown to be just that.

Twyford, like many other Chinese firms in Africa, is not just creating jobs—1,500 at its Kenya factory alone—it is also helping to build skills. Moreover, these employees are not simply engaged in manual labor: many work as technical operators of Keda’s advanced machinery. Most of the factory’s management and supervisors, including its overall manager, are Kenyan.

The smaller group of Chinese managers and workers, unlike their Kenyan counterparts, live on site—in a housing compound complete with a volleyball court—and rarely leave the factory precinct, even on weekends. With a year or more between their visits back to China, several told us of their homesickness. The camaraderie between Chinese and Kenyan employees was clear for us to see on the factory floor, but the Chinese are far from integrated into the local community.

Since we visited Twyford, we have seen Kenyans also starting to take notice of the factory, which has received coverage by multiple news outlets. We think that shift is emblematic of the increased visibility of Chinese businesses across the continent: the many thousand dragons are emerging into view.

Typical tactics when spit lies of white and whitewash their crime against African.

Free speech do not equal lies. Get your fact right, u fake African or white sidekick.

China is helping African to achieve growth that will pose a massive threat to western Europe. China need a strong Africa to help Chinese market. While white only want blacks to continue as slave for white's world.
thank you - we have two tenders coming in next two months; 3 chinese consortiums are bidding together with turkey. I will be using this to ask them to explain the characters of their people. Thanks to your ignorance, most likely now we will disqualify them.
Think before you write.

There is a detail study by Mckinsey Corporation about Chinese involvement in Africa. All you need to know. The good the bad and the ugly.
Are there any failures ? Of course there are but there are many many good stories too. Overall, it has been very positives.

You can download and read the whole report here.
Dance of the lions and dragons

Brief Extraction
Understanding the rhythm of Chinese business in Africa

Kajiado County, Kenya, might not be the obvious place to look for evidence of large-scale business. A sleepy, mostly rural area about two hours from Nairobi, the county’s greatest claim to fame is its views of snow-capped Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest mountain just over the border in Tanzania.

But when we made the 70-kilometer journey from Nairobi one rainy morning, we were astonished to witness a massive, modern factory— the size of several football fields—rising out of the savannah. We had arrived at the Twyford ceramic tile factory, built in just eight months in 2015–16. One of our teammates commented, “It took me longer to retile my roof and bathroom!”

The factory is a joint venture between two Chinese firms, the SunDa Group and Keda Clean Energy Company. SunDa started as a trading operation in Nigeria, focused on importing tiles from China, but it has since switched to manufacturing in several African countries. Its partner, Shanghai-based Keda, is a major supplier of industrial machinery. The two companies invested $30 million in the first phase of the Kenya factory alone.

Our visit to Kajiado took some time to arrange. The Twyford factory’s managers, like many other Chinese business builders in Africa, prefer to keep a low profile. While we were learning more about Chinese industrial firms like Twyford, many business leaders we spoke to in Nairobi were unaware that such a large-scale factory could exist in Kenya. If even such a large industrial facility can remain hidden in plain sight, it’s no surprise that the extent of Chinese business activity in Africa is so widely underestimated— and misunderstood.

Our tour of the factory—once we’d trudged through the ankle-deep mud surrounding the construction site of the massive second phase—shed light on several aspects of Chinese business activity in Africa. Inside, the factory is bright, spacious, and modern. It is also enormous: each production line is three-quarters of a kilometer long. Most workers we encountered were Kenyans; the myth that Chinese firms typically avoid employing locals was shown to be just that.

Twyford, like many other Chinese firms in Africa, is not just creating jobs—1,500 at its Kenya factory alone—it is also helping to build skills. Moreover, these employees are not simply engaged in manual labor: many work as technical operators of Keda’s advanced machinery. Most of the factory’s management and supervisors, including its overall manager, are Kenyan.

The smaller group of Chinese managers and workers, unlike their Kenyan counterparts, live on site—in a housing compound complete with a volleyball court—and rarely leave the factory precinct, even on weekends. With a year or more between their visits back to China, several told us of their homesickness. The camaraderie between Chinese and Kenyan employees was clear for us to see on the factory floor, but the Chinese are far from integrated into the local community.

Since we visited Twyford, we have seen Kenyans also starting to take notice of the factory, which has received coverage by multiple news outlets. We think that shift is emblematic of the increased visibility of Chinese businesses across the continent: the many thousand dragons are emerging into view.

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Yes there are good aspects without doubt; we are now dealing with the criminals as well.
Unfortunately, our experience is showing that we cannot only one partner. we are using a lot of turks for projects relating to our infrastructure. The cause is exactly the criminal element which is now showing up.

We have to see positive and negatives always. It is good to also address negatives and not ignore or hide it.
Seems like an old bird , I am sure you are a clone and come here with agenda.

U.S. plot to discredit Chinese investments exposed by Zimbabwean daily

Even African themselves unveil the plot of paid troll like you come here to smear China. How much do you get to smear China, tell me?

I dont talk rubbish, all are backed with facts and article from African themselves. unlike some, faking account, faking experience. Typical tactics from you.
reported for harassment.
asante... on the ignore list.

hakuna saa kwa muzumzagwa taka taka. kwaheri.
Only know how to avoid instead of proving facts. Using so called fake experience of nasty encounter with Chinese investor. I have seen too many times of such trick and exposed many fake account of on youtube with fake African disguised actually by white man to badmouth China with those comments.

Nice try from you. :enjoy:
Nice try from a paid agent on this forum to harass normal people who try to post.

Please stop harassing me. You have been reported.

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