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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

if it was intercepted by SAM then where is the wreckage of interceptor? we were caught off guard and got a hit ... admit it.
ISPR already proved that they tracked it from inside the indian territory so we were not caught off guard. That much is a given. as for the wreckage, there are pics of the doomed brahmos on social media, if the Military wants to hide its capabilities then OBVIOUSLY they will pick up the interceptor wreckage FIRST.

right now, it is boiling down to your insecurity based opinion verses the words of two federal ministers and two well known journalists. Who do you think is more believable.
I wonder if india would be as forgiving as Pakistan if there was a similar mistake by Pakistan??
The wreckage will help us determine the materials used atleast and may also give design cues about the ramjet engine.
That thing hit the ground at supersonic speed.so nothing remained intact.
But we licence produce or buy engines from other countries for even subsonic cruise Missiles so i don't think we are going to produce ramjet engine in Pakistan.
Ramjet Engine will most likely be imported for SMASh if the project is still alive.
the fact that it purposefully took a flight path close to a well known civilian air traffic route tells me that this was deliberate, not accidental. that flight path was purposefully programed into the middle. I am sure that the incompetent indians were as usual overconfident that brahmos could not be detected let alone be intercepted. Well we detected it from the start AND intercepted it. Two Pakistani federal ministers have already said said that we intercepted it. never mind the fact that the ISPR hasn't admitted to the interception, they also never admit interfering in politics either but we all know how true that is. Furthermore, the fact that it was shot down 70km away from Rafique Airbase indicates that it was intercepted by a SAM, not an AAM...If it was an air interception, it would've happened a lot sooner... it was either an HQ16 or an HQ9P that did the interception.
The best thing to sell to the "Worldly" is that Pak has failed to intercept!!! It means any missiles within 200km off the Pak border means Ababeels, with thermo-nuclear multiple warheads, are ready to go toward Bombay, Madras, Delhi, Banaglore, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad etc.!!!! And, let them put their faith on the Russian defense equipment to save their precious lives and investments....
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The best thing to sell to the "Worldly" is that Pak has failed to intercept!!! It means any missiles within 200km off the Pak border means Ababeels, with thermo-nuclear multiple warheads, are ready to go toward Bombay, Madras, Delhi, Banaglore, Hyderabad etc.!!!! And, let them put their faith on the Russian defense equipment to save their precious lives....
that is probably why ISPR wants to hide its air defence capabilities...to deliver the message to the world that look, we couldn't launched an all out nuclear retaliation.
The best thing to sell to the "Worldly" is that Pak has failed to intercept!!! It means any missiles within 200km off the Pak border means Ababeels, with thermo-nuclear multiple warheads, are ready to go toward Bombay, Madras, Delhi, Banaglore, Hyderabad etc.!!!! And, let them put their faith on the Russian defense equipment to save their precious lives....
supersonic projectile is difficult to intercept even for US...
i hope US sats have notice some pakistani bases with missile activity after this incident with in hours .

If Pakistan actually takes on face value, all that's being said; 1. Accidental launch. 2. Accidentally veered towards Pakistan. 3. Self-destruct failure. 4. Command and control failure.. then the reality on the Indian side is even scarier than what we anticipate.

At this rate, we'd be getting ready for an unintended, accidentally launched nuclear strike.
A Village idiot gets into a car as a passenger first time in his life, soon the driver loses control and slams into a tree... the Village idiot innocently asks the driver,''How do you stop the car, where there's no Trees''??
I thought that all Ballistic missiles and Rockets have a self destruct button... As soon as the Missile goes rogue the operators can destroy it to prevent any accidents.... I mean what if this weapon was armed, be assured a lot of Indians wouldn't be needing wood for the funeral pyres.
what thank god ? this area is full of civilan air traffic it was horrible stupid mistake one can imagine

missile crossed six civilian air traffic routes 4 international and 2 domestic . it can hit any airliner . last time same stupidity was done by india on 26 feb .

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Only Indian missiles have this super tech which can evade all potential targets on the way and land safely in no man's land.

People should note that this was not a run away missile but an accidental launch.
Bhai koi bahana hi acha bana lo.

An accidental launch while doing maintenance? Really? Atleast could have said that it was a readiness exercise gone wrong, or that guidance system malfunctioned midway.

This is either a sham statement, or incompetence of the highest order.
what happened was some poor soul was cleaning the mijjile and tripped on the red button (taki martay huway mijjile chala para)
Let us not forget the narrative building in the west in the early 2010's to de-nuclearize Pakistan. The reasons cited included the fear that the nukes would fall in to the wrong hands, a narrative that was supported/manufactured by our neighbor in the east.

With this current episode unfolding and India coming along and accepting that there was a mistake on her part, shouldn't our diplomatic efforts go in to overdrive to show the world the state of irresponsibility of this country that literally ended up shooting a nuclear capable missile on another nuclear power 'by mistake'. On one hand we have the situation with Ukraine and Russia, on the other the situation is getting tense between the North and South Korea again, and over here we have had a close call, all thanks to the "Professional Indian Military".

Pakistan might not respond militarily to this incident, however diplomatically this issue should be highlighted at every major forum to indicate just how irresponsible India is with its weapons.
Problem with Diplomacy is that Pakistan does not have any say at all. Diplomacy does not work with weather you have a case or not. Which is where you focus is mostly. But it depends on who is willing to support you no matter if you are right or wrong.

As per my understanding hardly anyone of any significance will support you. I have interacted with so many Pakistani's and barely seen anyone registering this aspect. You have not at all focused on building relationship that can stand with you on need. In-fact your leadership destroyed existing long standing relationship in middle east.
Hence, anything super-sonic coming toward you mans it's the Armageddon! No time to think, but to go for immediate retaliation....
many factors involved. the deployment location of ADS, the kinetics of incoming target missile and so forth. Because that was not an strategic location, layered ADS was probably not there.

Fighter Jet based interception has even less chance.....total fight time is very brief...and mach 3.0 speed with relatively smaller size make it extremely difficult for successful interception.

with Indian admission of mistake....the chances are that Indian realized an accidental launch and having known its flying path...it was forced to crash through secondary protocols.

Yes Supersonic and now hypersonic technologies are face of Armageddon. Indians with Bhramos is slightly fearsome....little kapein taang jatein hein (for local members)
while on board PNS zulfiqar f22p i was in control room and PN officer told me do not push buttons or nobs . it may active missiles on board and local defenses will be alerted . its means missile can be fired by mistake sir ?
I think the better question is, what the hell were you doing onboard PNS Zulfiqar?!!
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