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Top Taliban delegation in Qatar in bid to unlock Afghan aid


Mar 21, 2007
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Top Taliban delegation in Qatar in bid to unlock Afghan aid​

The delegation, led by Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi, will meet with the EU delegation in Doha

February 13, 2022

representatives of the taliban arrive in norway to have talks with western representatives about human rights and emergency aid in gardermoen norway on january 22 2022 photo reuters

Representatives of the Taliban arrive in Norway to have talks with Western representatives about human rights and emergency aid, in Gardermoen, Norway, on January 22, 2022. PHOTO: REUTERS

A Taliban delegation arrived in Doha Sunday in a new bid to convince governments to provide humanitarian aid, six months after the hardline Islamists toppled Afghanistan's Western-backed regime, officials said.

The delegation, led by Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi, will meet with the EU delegation in Doha, diplomatic missions and officials from Gulf countries, the Taliban's foreign ministry said on Twitter.

Their arrival in Doha was confirmed by international sources including a spokesman for the British government, and the trip comes as Afghanistan's aid-starved economy sinks deeper into an unprecedented crisis.

The latest bid to unlock aid follows meetings in Oslo late last month between representatives of the Taliban and governments that heavily bankrolled Afghanistan's previous government, which imploded in the face of a Taliban military offensive in mid-August.

The Taliban government has yet to gain formal recognition from any country and the UN says that half of Afghanistan's 38 million people face food shortages.

But while Muttaqi told AFP in an interview early this month that the Taliban are inching closer to international recognition, his delegation is again expected to face demands to improve human -- and especially women's -- rights in the Doha talks, set to begin on Monday.

"UK officials continue to engage in pragmatic dialogue with the Taliban to fulfil our commitment to help and support the Afghan people," a British government spokesman in Doha told AFP.

"We continue to make clear to the Taliban our serious concerns about human rights -- in particular, those of women and girls -- and did so most recently on a visit to Kabul by UK officials on February 10 which included a meeting with Mr Muttaqi."

Taliban officials also met with aid groups and charities in Geneva last week in a bid to secure aid.
No leniency for this terrorist bunch. Let them starve
No leniency for this terrorist bunch. Let them starve

China, Russia and Pakistan is assisting with humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. Even india is willing send AID to Afghanistan. West will continue to play their games. Afghanistan is sitting on more 30 trillion dollar worth of Natural resources and China and Russia will gain major benefit from it.
Jupiter India is giving 26 million dollars. That is not enough to sustain Afghan economy for one day.

As to Afghan mineral riches, please understand as long a mineral remain unexploited the advantages are zero. Even buried gold is of no value. Mineral extraction requires billions and billions of dollars of investment. How much has Pakistan been able to benefit from Reno Diq?. The country also needs infustracture to enable the transport of the minerals this needs investment as well. A simple copper mine in Mongolia cost 8 billion dollars Pak Reno diq is going to cost around 4 billion.

Afghanistan has no scare or high demand minerals that companies would risk investing in that shit hole. Take Congo as example only because it is the only country with vast cobalt reserves that is why companies are willing to invest regardless of risk. Trump tried exploiting it, but it’s not feasible. Even the Chinese are not willing to complete the copper mine they planned to start in 2014.

And Pakistan should not assist or support the IEA, a govt which harbours the terrorist who killed APS students. Shame on the people in our country who want us negotiate with those murders. Shame and Lanat on such cowardice.
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