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Is Kashmir a part of India ?


Jun 28, 2010
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Is Kashmir a part of India , asks SP leader Azam Khan
Is Kashmir a part of India, asks SP leader Azam Khan - The Times of India

LUCKONW: Samajwadi Party leader Azam Khan, who rejoined the party recently, has stoked a controversy when he questioned whether Kashmir was part of India after he said there is only one Muslim minister in the Union Cabinet who is not from this country but who is from Kashmir.

At a public meeting in Badaun, about 250 km from here, on Tuesday night, Khan said that Ghulam Nabi Azad is the lone Muslim cabinet minister in the UPA government but he is a "Kashmiri."

"Only one Muslim minister (Azad) is there in the (Union) Cabinet and that too not of India, but from Kashmir. That Kashmir, which is still controversial and we don't know whether that is part of India or not...," Khan said in remarks that could embarrass the SP supremo Mulayam Singh Yadav.

Khan made a reference to Azad while hitting out at the Congress for not being serious about the interests of minorities citing that the UPA government had only one Muslim in the cabinet.

The Congress condemned Khan's remarks as "most unfortunate" while BJP dubbed them as "irresponsible." There was also a demand that Khan be booked on charges of treason.

"There is a practice of issuing irresponsible statements to remain in news and Azam Khan's statement in Badaun that Ghulam Nabi Azad is not from India but from Kashmir which is not clear whether it is in India or Pakistan is another such example," BJP spokesman Vijay Pathak said.

Earlier it was Congress leader, Digvijay Singh who made a controversial statement harming national interest and now it is Azam Khan who is doing the same and a treason case should be filed against him, Pathak said.

Congress spokesman Subodh Srivasatava while terming the statement as most unfortunate both for the SP and Khan said that the former would have to think whether it has done the right thing by taking him back in the party.

"It is most unfortunate that leaders such as Khan are in the forefront of Muslim politics and the SP would have to think whether it has done the right thing in taking him back ", Srivasatav said adding that they should introspect whether such statments are in the interest of the nation or not.

Moreover, Khan's statement is also wrong factually as there are several Muslim leaders in the UPA government other than Ghulam Nabi Azad, Srivastava added.

Defending Khan, Samajwadi Party spokesman, Rajendra Chaudhary said the statement should be understood in the context it was issued.

"Khan spoke with regard to the problem of Kashmir which is the outcome of Congress policies and it should not be read out of context", Chaudhary said adding that there should not be any doubt in anyone's mind over Khan's patriotism.

Azam Khan is known for his critical political statements in the past and had even landed in a problem for his remarks on the Ambedkar Memorial in Lucknow and calling Bharat Mata as 'demon'.

If you want to know the answer then you should ask the Kashmiris themselves.
There are a lot of Kashmiris driven out of their homelands by militants , settled in Delhi and other parts of north India . They happen to think it is .
There are a lot of Kashmiris driven out of their homelands by militants , settled in Delhi and other parts of north India . They happen to think it is .

You must be talking about the settlers (Hindus).

As we all know that the British annexed Kashmir and placed it under British-India and now India inherited everything after the British left South Asia.
Does kahsmir belong to India....

Indians:-1.2billion YES
Pakistanis;-174million NO
Muslims in kashmir 1/2 million NO...

This is reality..
So close this thread..Don't create a flame fest dude..
It's of no use
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You must be talking about the settlers (Hindus).

As we all know that the British annexed Kashmir and placed it under British-India and now India inherited everything after the British left South Asia.

They weren't settlers for sure but indigenous Kashmiris who remained true to their original faith.

The British annexed it yes but DID NOT place it under British-India but ransomed it off to Maharaja Gulab Singh of the Dogras ( again Indigenous Kashmiri ).We partitioned what was directly administered by the Crown and The princely states was given three options.What happened thereafter was Gulab Singh's choice.
Does kahsmir belong to India....

Indians:-1.2billion YES
Pakistanis;-300million NO
Muslims in kashmir 1/2 million NO...

This is reality..
So close this thread..Don't create a flame fest dude..
It's of no use

it is not what india wants, it is what Kashmiris want, so get your democracy definition right. :coffee:

Secondly, population of Pakistan is 170 million so get your figures right. . :toast_sign: :woot:
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it is not what india wants, it is what Kashmiris want, so get your democracy definition right. :coffee:

Secondly, population of Pakistan is 780 million so get your figures right. . :toast_sign: :woot:
the question now is r u part of pakistan??

come on man estimated population of ur country is 170 million...
Is Kashmir part of India?

well atm 75% is,there is no doubt about that,and it will stay that way.......for a while to come ;)
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