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Iran up, US down: Height study charts global health


Nov 10, 2012
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United Kingdom
Iran up, US down: Height study charts global health
South Korean women and Iranian men are significantly taller than they were 100 years ago but Americans have barely grown

AFP, London

Published: 27 July ,2016: 12:00 AM GST Updated: 20 May ,2020: 10:47 AM GST

South Korean women and Iranian men are significantly taller than they were 100 years ago but Americans have barely grown, according to a new study Tuesday that reflects nutritional and environmental factors.

Researchers at Imperial College London used data from around the world to track the height of young adults between 1914 and 2014 in over 200 countries and territories.

Where once Scandinavia and the United States produced the tallest men, the Netherlands, Belgium, Estonia and Latvia now top the rankings, with Dutch men measuring an average height of 182.5 cm (five feet 10 inches).

Latvia currently has the tallest women, averaging 170 cm (five feet six inches), followed by women from the Netherlands, Estonia and the Czech Republic, according to the study in the journal eLife.

The shortest men in the world are from East Timor, with an average height of 160 cm, and the shortest women are from Guatemala, averaging a height of 149 cm.

While the global trend has been an increase in height, some countries in sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and the Middle East have seen a decline in the past 30 or 40 years.

This is often in some of the poorest parts of the world - the average height in Sierra Leone, Uganda and Rwanda has declined by as much as 5cm in recent decades.

“This study gives us a picture of the health of nations over the past century,” said lead researcher Professor Majid Ezzati, of Imperial’s School of Public Health.

“This confirms we urgently need to address children and adolescents’ environment and nutrition on a global scale, and ensure we’re giving the world’s children the best possible start in life.”

The top 10 tallest countries are all on the European continent.

The US once had the third tallest men and fourth tallest women, but has fallen to 37th and 42nd place.
American men and women have grown by just 6cm and 5cm since 1914.

After a rapid acceleration in height until the 1960s, growth in Japan has also flattened out, and the Japanese are now shorter than people from South Korea and China.

By contrast, the height of Iranian men has increased by an average of 16.5 cm - the largest recorded - while South Korean women are now on average 20.2 cm taller.

“Our study also shows the English-speaking world, especially the USA, is falling behind other high-income nations in Europe and Asia Pacific,” said Ezzati in a statement.

“Together with the poor performance of these countries in terms of obesity, this emphasizes the need for more effective policies towards healthy nutrition throughout life.”

Children and teenagers who are well nourished, have better hygiene and healthcare tend to be taller -- and tall people tend to live longer, be better educated and earn more.

However, some studies link height to a greater risk of ovarian and prostate cancers, the researchers said.

National statistics on height can be affected not only by diet and medicine, but also by waves of immigration from countries where people are relatively taller or shorter.

The world’s tallest men (1914 ranking):

1. Netherlands (12)
2. Belgium (33)
3. Estonia (4)
4. Latvia (13)
5. Denmark (9)
6. Bosnia and Herzegovina (19)
7. Croatia (22)
8. Serbia (30)
9. Iceland (6)
10. Czech Republic (24)

The world’s tallest women (1914 ranking):

1. Latvia (28)
2. Netherlands (38)
3. Estonia (16)
4. Czech Republic (69)
5. Serbia (93)
6. Slovakia (26)
7. Denmark (11)
8. Lithuania (41)
9. Belarus (42)
10. Ukraine (43)
Iranians have grown taller, what do you think is the cause of this?
Do you have link for this and where is all of the charts??

Hahahahahaha :lol: @Indos you dodged a bullet there bro by letting go East Timor otherwise it would have dragged Indonesia's height down and Indonesia is probably thinking good riddance to East Timor now as these manlets would have dragged the country's height down
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There are so many detailed maps out there
But for some reason non of them seem reliable
There are so many detailed maps out there
But for some reason non of them seem reliable

Definitely not relieble it is increasingly padded stats example they have Afghan average as 170 cm while Indian average as 177cm :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The Gangus are freaking small on average compared to the Afghans even the Indians themselves will tell you this and say they have bigger bones than us..

The Punjabis are bigger and taller both in Pakistan and India but they are a minority in India and described by other indians as psychically strongest ethnic group in India and tallest as well
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Iranians have grown taller, what do you think is the cause of this?
Better education (leading to families paying more attention to the development of their children) and definitely better economic conditions and better nutrition.
100 years ago, Iran was going through a devastating artificial famine created mainly by the British and partly by the Soviets (as a result of World War I) that possibly killed hundreds of thousands, or even maybe millions, of Iranians.
Definitely not relieble it is increasingly padded stats example they have Afghan average as 170 cm while Indian average as 177cm :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The Gangus are freaking small on average compared to the Afghans even the Indians themselves will tell you this and say they have bigger bones than us..

The Punjabis are bigger and taller both in Pakistan and India but they are a minority in India and described by other indians as psychically strongest ethnic group in India and tallest as well
Indian doctors probably measure the heights having the patients stand on five inch blocks. 😂
Do you have link for this and where is all of the charts??

Hahahahahaha :lol: @Indos you dodged a bullet there bro by letting go East Timor otherwise it would have dragged Indonesia's height down and Indonesia is probably thinking good riddance to East Timor now as these manlets would have dragged the country's height down
Freedom for Manlets!
i think i figured it is the unpasteurized cheese and unpasteurized milk with rye/oat/flax bread with green lettuce tomato including potato. none mentioned oily curry hint avoid oily meat curry asian ppl.
Indian doctors probably measure the heights having the patients stand on five inch blocks. 😂
Freedom for Manlets!

Broski all stats coming from India is fake or highly doctored numbers business as usual.

East Timor escaped from the jaws of @Indos decades ago but strangely enough @Indos still wants to reclaim East Timor :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

but after this they may change their opinion😂
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i read also that Chinese got taller, due improved economy etc.
Yes certainly. Although Northern Chinese have always been the tallest Mongoloid race.
Broski all stats coming from India is fake or highly doctored numbers business as usual.

East Timor escaped from the jaws of @Indos decades ago but strangely enough @Indos still wants to reclaim East Timor :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

but after this they may change their opinion😂
I guess that negative half inch is worth it 😂
I don't understand tho why they would want to reclaim it they have like 10000s of islands and to stretched out land mass wise hence why reclaim a tiny place like East Timor that only has like 1.3m population entirely it has no benefits for them but politically it seems like they want to reclaim it again I necessarily don't agree with it and I find it unnecessary tho
Simple= messaging
can start a chain reaction secessionist movements
Do you have link for this and where is all of the charts??

Hahahahahaha :lol: @Indos you dodged a bullet there bro by letting go East Timor otherwise it would have dragged Indonesia's height down and Indonesia is probably thinking good riddance to East Timor now as these manlets would have dragged the country's height down

Indonesia (white) vs East Timor ( red )

Indonesia (white) vs East Timor ( red )

The stats itself has not been done properly since most of it is based on guess work. The Indian height was based on a fallacy example hence it is not correct

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