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Chinese, Russian bombers hold joint patrol, safeguarding world strategic stability amid Western provocations


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Chinese, Russian bombers hold joint patrol, safeguarding world strategic stability amid Western provocations
Wang Qi
01:56 Nov 20 2021
Two Su-35 fighter jets and a H-6K bomber fly in formation on May 11, 2018. The People's Liberation Army (PLA) air force conducted patrol training over China's island of Taiwan.File photo:China Military

Two Su-35 fighter jets and a H-6K bomber fly in formation on May 11, 2018. File photo:China Military

Chinese and Russian air forces have conducted a joint strategic air patrol in the Asia-Pacific region on Friday, the Chinese and Russian defense ministries announced, which shows that all the three major military branches (navy, army and air force) of China and Russia have carried out strategic cooperation in 2021 facing regional instability.

The Chinese Defense Ministry said that China sent two H-6K aircraft to form a joint formation with two Russian Tu-95MC aircraft over the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea.

During the patrol, the aircraft strictly abided by the provisions of international law and did not enter the airspace of other countries, the ministry said.

According to the ministry, this is the third joint strategic air patrol by the Chinese and Russian militaries, aiming to further develop the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era, enhance the level of strategic coordination and joint operational capabilities, and jointly maintain global strategic stability.

The operation is part of the annual cooperation plan between the Chinese and Russian militaries and is not targeted at any third party.

This kind of joint strategic air patrol between China and Russia has been normalized. With the deepening of political and military contacts and mutual trust between the two countries, there will be more and more joint exercises and strategic patrols in the future, Song Zhongping, a military expert and TV commentator, told the Global Times on Friday.

In addition to safeguarding national interests and regional peace and stability, experts said that the joint strategic air patrol is also a practical action to warn some countries outside the region and some neighboring countries, like AUKUS and QUAD, not to stir up trouble. China and Russia share common positions on major issues and common means to deal with them.

Aside from three strategic air patrols, China and Russia wrapped up their first joint maritime patrol in October and a joint army drill in Northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in August.

Song said that China and Russia are likely to normalize these mechanisms and may even launch joint air and sea patrols.

The strengthening of all-round cooperation between the China and Russia militaries is conducive to maintaining regional peace and stability, and can deter some troublemakers, experts said.
H6 is copy of Tu16

Tu16 1st flew in 1952

now if it was a Tu16 and heavily upgraded and equipped with latest technology maybe I would give it a pass since B52 is also flying

but B52 is a totally different beast compared to the toy Tu16

but H6 ? no chance
H6 is copy of Tu16

Tu16 1st flew in 1952

now if it was a Tu16 and heavily upgraded and equipped with latest technology maybe I would give it a pass since B52 is also flying

but B52 is a totally different beast compared to the toy Tu16

but H6 ? no chance

H6 is not the same as a Tu16. Latest versions have glass cockpits.


Here is a Xian H-6A (early model, looks similar to a TU-16)

This is the latest H-6K (plenty of differences)

I am surprised they kept the nose area profile intact, they were supposed to modernize them sometime ago with a more updated profile, as done to other adopted Chinese platforms.

B52 H's have not changed however. They were supposed to get new B737 type high bypass turbofan engines (unlike the eight turbojets B52s have now), don't know if they got funding to change those. At eight per aircraft, not cheap.

B52 and H6 may not have the same roles.

B52's are long-range, subsonic, jet-powered strategic bombers.

H6 is a medium sized bomber with much more limited range which suits Chinese doctrine (different from US one). Can't compare H6 with B52s.

The role-analog of the B52 in Russian service is the turboprop powered Tu-95 and is as fast (or faster) at nominal cruise than the B52's.
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It's a message to Japan and Korea. A war with China will start a world war and Russia will join in.

Not only regarding Japan.
In South China Sea, Russian also Support China & will join in if flare erupt.

In 2016 after ICJ clown tribunal regarding South China Sea. Russian act fast, sending their Warships & Marine Expeditionary Unit to conduct 'Exercise' together with China in South China Sea
Not only regarding Japan.
In South China Sea, Russian also Support China & will join in if flare erupt.

In 2016 after ICJ clown tribunal regarding South China Sea. Russian act fast, sending their Warships & Marine Expeditionary Unit to conduct 'Exercise' together with China in South China Sea
View attachment 794874
China is now started to change stance on the Kuril, the Japs like to play with Taiwan, we will openly support Russia on the Kurils
H6 is not the same as a Tu16. Latest versions have glass cockpits.

B52 H's have not changed however. They were supposed to get new B737 type high bypass turbofan engines (unlike the eight turbojets B52s have now), don't know if they got funding to change those. At eight per aircraft, not cheap.

The B-52s will get the new engines. Increased the range to about 20,000km. Also another benefit is that the new engines are in large supply as well as ease of maintenance. So less worrying whenever they have to change the engines.
China, Russia conduct joint air patrol over Sea of Japan
22 NOVEMBER 2021
by Jon Grevatt

Chinese and Russian air forces held a joint aerial patrol over the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea on 19 November, the Chinese Ministry of National Defense (MND) has said. The patrol was the third joint Sino-Russian military exercise in 2021, underscoring growing bilateral military ties.

According to the MND, the air patrols featured two Xian Aircraft Company H-6K strategic bombers from the People's Liberation Army Air Force and two Russian Air Force Tupolev Tu-95 ‘Bear' bombers.

It said the aircraft abided by international protocols and did not enter the airspace of other countries.

Despite this, Japan and South Korea expressed concern about the patrol.

Japan's Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi said Tokyo had lodged a protest with Beijing and Moscow. “We informed Russia and China via diplomatic channels about our concerns about similar actions from the viewpoint of the regional security,” he said.

South Korea reportedly scrambled F-15 and F-16 fighter aircraft in response to the China–Russia air patrol. South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said in media reports that the Chinese and Russian aircraft had been detected off South Korea's eastern coast. The JCS added that it had assessed the patrol as a “joint exercise between China and Russia and [that] additional analysis is needed”.

According to the Chinese MND, the air patrol is further evidence of strengthening Sino-Russian military ties. It said joint military activities are aimed at developing the Sino-Russian partnership, upgrading co-ordination and joint capabilities, and protecting stability.

Joint air patrol... this is very different from a mere joint exercise, a sign of military alliance?
I hope so. Western imperialists are constantly improving their militaries on Russian and Chinese borders. Sooner or later they will start another World War. Both you and we remember that in WW2 main goals of our enemies were China and USSR. Nothing has changed since then. NATO Axis have some chances against Russia or China one by one. But they have zero chances against Alliance of China and Russia.
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Welcome and safe passage

the airspace above is free and open for all

try anything different and the JMSDF Maya Class can empty its entire VLS canister of 96 missiles within minutes not to mention BMD
I hope so. Western imperialists are constantly improving their militaries on Russian and Chinese borders. Sooner or later they will start another World War. Both you and we remember that in WW2 main goals of our enemies were China and USSR. Nothing has changed since then. NATO Axis have some chances against Russia or China one by one. But they have zero chances against Alliance of China and Russia.
Alliance of China and Russia is unbeatable by any force on this planet.
Welcome and safe passage

the airspace above is free and open for all

try anything different and the JMSDF Maya Class can empty its entire VLS canister of 96 missiles within minutes not to mention BMD
We will empty out 96 ICBMs and end those school girl pervs in an instant.
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