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Spicy eyes! It’s stunned that Indian military officers taught soldiers how to properly pull “poo“


Jun 2, 2020
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United States
United States
"Eat, drink and sleep" are the five most important elements in human life. These elements are also the natural instinct of human beings; of course, the correct way to "eat, drink and sleep" is also What needs early teaching is usually done at an early age, but a new video exposed on social networking sites recently shows that Indian military officers teach soldiers how to properly poop. Some readers may be wondering, what? These are all grown-ups, and can't pull "poo" correctly? Readers who have a certain understanding of Indian history and current situation may know that the randomness of Indian people's "poo" is very strong, and it is not necessarily correct and hygienic.


Spicy eyes! It’s stunned that Indian military officers taught soldiers how to properly pull “poo“

Because the troops are stationed or trained in the field, the Indian army will not build fixed toilets or mobile toilets to solve the personal hygiene problem (there are not many toilets in cities, this situation is universal Know), so there is no limit to pulling "poop" in the wild. But the Indian officer told the soldiers that this was wrong, so he personally demonstrated how to properly pull "poop" in the field.

Spicy eyes! It’s stunned that Indian military officers taught soldiers how to properly pull “poo“

To pull "poop" in the field correctly, first dig a squat and then a bucket.

Spicy eyes! It’s stunned that Indian military officers taught soldiers how to properly pull “poo“

It can be seen from the mask held by the officer that the shooting time of this video should be recent.

Spicy eyes! It’s stunned that Indian military officers taught soldiers how to properly pull “poo“

The Indian military officer demonstrated squatting in a squat, moving his feet to adjust to the most comfortable state, and told the soldiers onlookers his experience and key points.

Spicy eyes! It’s stunned that Indian military officers taught soldiers how to properly pull “poo“

The officer may have thought of something, and suddenly put on the mask, which may mean that the mask can reduce the odor.

Spicy eyes! It’s stunned that Indian military officers taught soldiers how to properly pull “poo“

After the officer’s simulation of “pooping” was over, he didn’t show how to use toilet paper to wipe it correctly (is it still scraping with his hands?), and then he held up a handful of soil to bury the “poop” ". It seems that not using toilet paper is still a tradition and habit.

Spicy eyes! It’s stunned that Indian military officers taught soldiers how to properly pull “poo“

After burying the "poo", the officer picked up the bucket on the side and waited! Why not go to the bucket to wash your hands first and then take the bucket? I can't figure it out, he is just such a "sorrowful operation".

Spicy eyes! It’s stunned that Indian military officers taught soldiers how to properly pull “poo“

Then, the officer placed the bucket directly on the squat covered by soil. If the soil is very thin, wouldn't the bottom of the bucket directly touch the "poop" again?

Spicy eyes! It’s stunned that Indian military officers taught soldiers how to properly pull “poo“

Finally, the officer went to the bucket to simulate washing his hands; since then, the so-called "poop" process has been demonstrated.

Spicy eyes! It’s stunned that Indian military officers taught soldiers how to properly pull “poo“

Seeing this, the author was also stunned. There are still pollution sources in the water bucket in this intermediate link. If the virus is carried, it will be transmitted to the next user in the form of "feces" .

India has an open defecation issue where people poop everywhere. Their army can't people pooping everywhere like their mess halls, gun enplacements, supply depots, etc. so they are taught the rudimentaries.
Open defecation is the area where Indian soldiers can teach Chinese soldiers. :enjoy:
What’s so funny? In areas where you are supposed to operate there won’t be kitchens, washrooms and any beds to sleep, you need to learn the hard way to live in such environments.

Learn the hard way? What you need to learn anyway? Its your national skill to take dump whenever and wherever.
Learn the hard way? What you need to learn anyway? Its your national skill to take dump whenever and wherever.
It’s a video of BSF not Army, and BSF guys have to perform a lot of stretch ops in Jungle so they are being trained how to do such things, there are many awkward things that happen in Military, will that mean you’ll laugh on everything? Last I checked a lot were laughing on Bayonet drills of the Army which have it’s own purposes. So I don’t think there’s any need to mock anything.
It’s a video of BSF not Army, and BSF guys have to perform a lot of stretch ops in Jungle so they are being trained how to do such things, there are many awkward things that happen in Military, will that mean you’ll laugh on everything? Last I checked a lot were laughing on Bayonet drills of the Army which have it’s own purposes. So I don’t think there’s any need to mock anything.

Thats not my issue. As Indians, its you lot national sport to take dump out in open skies, you people do not need any training on that.
He might be protesting against Indian Railways.

Possibly. Indian Railways seems to be full of poop.

I don't understand the reason behind pooping on train tracks. I would think that the natural place to take a poop is behind bushes or trees. Pooping on rails seems dangerous and feels almost like a statement -- like pooping on someone's driveway or on the doorstep of a government building. So maybe it is a form of protest.

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