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Galwan valley: PLA Soldiers mourn martyred heros and swear not an inch of land can be ceded

PLA painted " Beautiful land, Not an inch can be ceded" on the exact location where 4 Chinese soldiers gave their lives. This clash location is still in China hands.

Chinese troops gear and there training is so far ahead of the rest of us. do they do weight training they look well developed unlike Pakistan army some our troops do need to this
That is great footages. The gangu peasants are put on short notice
When did this ceremony take place?
PLA painted " Beautiful land, Not an inch can be ceded" on the exact location where 4 Chinese soldiers gave their lives. This clash location is still in China hands.

Consecrated ground, holy ground now for the PLA and Chinese people. To leave it would lose face. India is now in a quagmire.
Consecrated ground, holy ground now for the PLA and Chinese people. To leave it would lose face. India is now in a quagmire.

Indian leadership, both civil and military, are fully aware of their utter weakness, in front of China. That is why, there is a great emphasis on "negotiations" and "peaceful means". As for the chest thumping, by Modi, Amit Shah, Arnab, General Bakri etc etc etc, that is merely to fool the Indian public.
The Indians had hoped that the QUAD strategy was at zero cost to itself with the benefits of the economic advantages that membership would bring to India to pay "lip-service" to "tackling China".

The Chinese have neutralised India's membership/effectiveness of being a security partner in the QUAD - leading to the demise of the QUAD and the subsequent rise of AUKUS ...

Now that the world is coming out of the pandemic and they have very serious economic issues to fix - the "economic sponsorship" of India will need to be rethinked and in the same way that countries want to bring back home to their devasted economies from China, they will soon start to think of doing that for India aswell.

The economic sponsorship of India for the last 35-40 years has not led to the benefits that the west were hoping for.

The increased threat from China coupled with decreased economic sponsorship from the west will be a nightmare scenario for India.
Bollywood director to see clearly plz, Chinese soldiers under the age of 40 have no a flabby belly.
Plz don't find a bunch of marshmallows-man to play Chinese soldiers.

Don't joke. Brave Indian soldiers are there to crush Chinese army. Be ready. They will come in "Dhotis". :lol: :lol:

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