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Taliban Spokesperson Interview from 2001


Apr 17, 2009
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This interview was aired before the 9/11 attacks, which pretty much sums up the entire situation at that time.
Also notice just like today how much Americans were obsessed and concerned about Pakistan's role in Afghanistan.

As per the video description:

After watching this video I was shocked!
The Taliban offered to put Osama Bin Ladin on "Trail" and they were even willing to send him to Saudi Arabia for a Trail! i.e. the Saudi government is a puppet government of America a so-called "Great Allie" of the WEST or more accurately the Ally of America and Britain but yet the Americans refused this offer.
The reason why I uploaded this video "of another youtube channel" was to show people that we need to bring the British troops back from Afghanistan!
The entire war was flawed from the start, and we are only there for political and financial reasons! If the politicians truly wanted to help the Afghans they would have not dropped "bombs" on them and simply support them with food aid, medical aid and allow them to grow and form their own governments and organizations rather than putting and helping "Pro-Western" dictators e.g. Hosni in Egypt, the Saudi government the Tunisian regime, etc.

This interview was aired before the 9/11 attacks, which pretty much sums up the entire situation at that time.
Also notice just like today how much Americans were obsessed and concerned about Pakistan's role in Afghanistan.

As per the video description:

After watching this video I was shocked!
The Taliban offered to put Osama Bin Ladin on "Trail" and they were even willing to send him to Saudi Arabia for a Trail! i.e. the Saudi government is a puppet government of America a so-called "Great Allie" of the WEST or more accurately the Ally of America and Britain but yet the Americans refused this offer.
The reason why I uploaded this video "of another youtube channel" was to show people that we need to bring the British troops back from Afghanistan!
The entire war was flawed from the start, and we are only there for political and financial reasons! If the politicians truly wanted to help the Afghans they would have not dropped "bombs" on them and simply support them with food aid, medical aid and allow them to grow and form their own governments and organizations rather than putting and helping "Pro-Western" dictators e.g. Hosni in Egypt, the Saudi government the Tunisian regime, etc.
i m really surprised u didnot knew about taliban offer to put obl on trial. Taliban clearly said to US and to UN that if OBL is complicit in 9/11 then give us the proof and we will put him on trial but US was hell bound to invade Afghanistan so they rejected every single offer by Taliban and invaded Afghanistan.
The main target of Afghanistan invasion was not russia or china or iran it was NUCLEAR PAKISTAN (Islamic Bomb).
Didn't watch the video. 9/11 was an act of war and a crime against humanity. OBL's trial was practically of no concern after that. US was seeking revenge, declaring 'with us or against us'.
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Pakistan will always have significant influence in Afghanistan. Dunya chon karay ya chan karay.
Some Pakistani irredentists say Afghanistan should be a part of Pakistan.

This interview was aired before the 9/11 attacks, which pretty much sums up the entire situation at that time.
Also notice just like today how much Americans were obsessed and concerned about Pakistan's role in Afghanistan.

As per the video description:

After watching this video I was shocked!
The Taliban offered to put Osama Bin Ladin on "Trail" and they were even willing to send him to Saudi Arabia for a Trail! i.e. the Saudi government is a puppet government of America a so-called "Great Allie" of the WEST or more accurately the Ally of America and Britain but yet the Americans refused this offer.
The reason why I uploaded this video "of another youtube channel" was to show people that we need to bring the British troops back from Afghanistan!
The entire war was flawed from the start, and we are only there for political and financial reasons! If the politicians truly wanted to help the Afghans they would have not dropped "bombs" on them and simply support them with food aid, medical aid and allow them to grow and form their own governments and organizations rather than putting and helping "Pro-Western" dictators e.g. Hosni in Egypt, the Saudi government the Tunisian regime, etc.
Everybody knows this. Cannot blame the Saudis for what they are doing in their national interests. Although most would like to ditch USA for China which is the alternative.
i m really surprised u didnot knew about taliban offer to put obl on trial. Taliban clearly said to US and to UN that if OBL is complicit in 9/11 then give us the proof and we will put him on trial but US was hell bound to invade Afghanistan so they rejected every single offer by Taliban and invaded Afghanistan.
The main target of Afghanistan invasion was not russia or china or iran it was NUCLEAR PAKISTAN (Islamic Bomb).

The Taliban wouldn't do it, especially the Taliban leader who married his daughter to the leader of Al Qaeda and who assassinated Masood the enemy of the Taliban few days prior to 9/11 attacks. And we know OBL did in fact planned 9/11 attacks. Even explained why he did it and justified it.
Didn't watch the video. 9/11 was an act of war and a crime against humanity. OBL's trial was practically of no concern after that. US was seeking revenge, declaring 'with us or against us'.

I recommend you should watch it.
i m really surprised u didnot knew about taliban offer to put obl on trial. Taliban clearly said to US and to UN that if OBL is complicit in 9/11 then give us the proof and we will put him on trial but US was hell bound to invade Afghanistan so they rejected every single offer by Taliban and invaded Afghanistan.
The main target of Afghanistan invasion was not russia or china or iran it was NUCLEAR PAKISTAN (Islamic Bomb).

Maybe. But the main reason was an endless war that can wash out taxpayers money and benefit their defence contractors i.e. Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing Co and Northrop Grumman.
The Taliban wouldn't do it, especially the Taliban leader who married his daughter to the leader of Al Qaeda and who assassinated Masood the enemy of the Taliban few days prior to 9/11 attacks. And we know OBL did in fact planned 9/11 attacks. Even explained why he did it and justified it.
only western crusaders and ur corporate media claimed that obl planned the 9/11.
i m really surprised u didnot knew about taliban offer to put obl on trial. Taliban clearly said to US and to UN that if OBL is complicit in 9/11 then give us the proof and we will put him on trial but US was hell bound to invade Afghanistan so they rejected every single offer by Taliban and invaded Afghanistan.
The main target of Afghanistan invasion was not russia or china or iran it was NUCLEAR PAKISTAN (Islamic Bomb).

Some people are quite young, these events are from 20 years ago. Even at the time it was whitewashed over.
only western crusaders and ur corporate media claimed that obl planned the 9/11.
No, the Saudi government tried to deny their citizens were involved but admitted later they were involved. Many Muslims refuse to believe it thinking no true Muslims would do something like this. Even you wouldn’t believe it. Likes that saying Muslims don’t do suicide bombings even though you see it thousands of times.
No, the Saudi government tried to deny their citizens were involved but admitted later they were involved. Many Muslims refuse to believe it thinking no true Muslims would do something like this. Even you wouldn’t believe it. Likes that saying Muslims don’t do suicide bombings even though you see it thousands of times.
tell me how obl managed to destroy 3 towers with 2 planes???? how jet fuel manages to melt/vaporise steel beams but not the passports?? how 3000 jews were told to stay at homes on 9/11 was it obl all the way?? how the most secured airspace in the world was left unguarded for almost 3 hours??? how was it that not a single cctv camera was operational in pentagon when a plane struck it?
u want to tell us that obl did it with a laptop from caves in afghanistan 1000s of miles away???
how how how???????????????????????????????????????????
tell me how obl managed to destroy 3 towers with 2 planes???? how jet fuel manages to melt/vaporise steel beams but not the passports?? how 3000 jews were told to stay at homes on 9/11 was it obl all the way?? how the most secured airspace in the world was left unguarded for almost 3 hours??? how was it that not a single cctv camera was operational in pentagon when a plane struck it?
u want to tell us that obl did it with a laptop from caves in afghanistan 1000s of miles away???
how how how???????????????????????????????????????????

No amount of evidence presented would change your mind.
tell me how obl managed to destroy 3 towers with 2 planes???? how jet fuel manages to melt/vaporise steel beams but not the passports?? how 3000 jews were told to stay at homes on 9/11 was it obl all the way?? how the most secured airspace in the world was left unguarded for almost 3 hours??? how was it that not a single cctv camera was operational in pentagon when a plane struck it?
u want to tell us that obl did it with a laptop from caves in afghanistan 1000s of miles away???
how how how???????????????????????????????????????????
Osama Bin Laden wasn't a footsoldier but leader of his organization. He made decisions and plotted attacks. Thousands of willing individuals were at his disposal to do his bidding. These people weren't cave dwellers or anything of the sort but ideologically motivated.

You will find some answers in following links:

Have you been to USA in 1990s? There was no such thing as the most secured airspace in the world back then. It was easy to enter USA back then.

WTC was attacked in 1993 as well. This was the work of a man Ramzi Yousef.

9/11 necessitated a significant shift in American homeland security calculus. American security agencies were allowed to exchange information, and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was created.

Some questions for you now.

Who killed Ahmed Shah Massoud? When? Why?

How can you distinguish potentially hostile passenger aircraft from others over an airspace where thousands of them can be on flight at any point in time? If you shut down transponder, what is the effect?

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