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Afghan Taliban in Kabul; Amnesty announced and Interim setup rumored

PM Boris Johnson calls Cobra meeting

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UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has called a Cobra meeting later on Sunday to discuss the worsening situation in Afghanistan.

Cobra is an emergency response committee, involving ministers, civil servants and others personnel relevant to the subject under discussion.

Parliament will be recalled from its summer recess on 18 August, the House of Commons have confirmed.

Oh God, not this Boris jack-as.s in UK.
From July 16 to August 15, a total of 30 days. There are 300k Afghan government troops.
Within 30 days, all of them were destroyed by the Taliban.
This is 300k troops! Even if they are 300k camels, the Taliban can't catch them in 30 days.
Americans are so good at training Puppet Armies, at least they are easier to catch than camels.
we need to brace for reprisal attacks by Indian sponsored groups and once the chaos dies away the Afghan Taliban must be held responsible for eradicating BLA, ISIS and TTP that are sworn enemies of Pakistan and have carried out many terror activities against Pakistan.
There was no TTP or Daesh when IEA was in power the previous time (not sure about BLA).
I am hopefull the new Afghan government will take the right steps in this regard.
In the meantime Pakistan has to be extra vigilant about any miscreants sneaking in.
These Taliban leaders wear slippers!
How much the Taliban like slippers!
Well, maybe we have to thank the Taliban. At least they didn't wear slippers when negotiating with Wang Yi.
The slippers are not a preference but a symbol of the poverty and dedication of the IEA troops.
People literally out there falling to their deaths trying to get out. I think it's more to do with people taking this as a chance to leave Afghanistan and go to western countries just as immigrants and less to do with the Taliban taking over.
Wasn't this the same woman representing Muslim voices after CAA in an interview with Mr Subramanian
I just cant help notice the irony.

These are just pretenders who deceive people. That is all these people are - deceivers.
Talibans initiated tactical Ops for recapturing Afghanistan almost 10-12 days ago. They’ve captured more than what US+ISAF+ANA had. Haven’t heard or see any single bad incident with any civilian or even Govt official. No innocent killed, not a single women related story, no school, college-uni-burned, no tv station destroyed, they didn’t killed anybody because of his/her faith, not even force anyone to leave homes or shops. They openly announced that if any group or warlord want to go, they can without any fear. They didn’t killed or harmed any single ANA soldier.

WTF western media trying to sell? More lies, more propaganda. A-stan is their land, no group can survive 20 years without “Mass local support” whether they have money or not. The equation of having money won’t work. Ex regime has more support, money and power so why they’ve surrendered? Simply because they don’t have domestic support. Ex A-stan Govt, ANA, NDS was entirely dependent on Americans and Indians. It’s clearly evident that the Talibans played rigorously with comprehensive strategy in kinetic and non-kinetic both).

The game is over for all!

Must say historic humiliation and largest surrender in the history. 40,000 approx US/ISAF + 300,000 Afghan force surrendered with in just 10 days without firing a single bullet even though they’ve world’s best war fighting capability and technology.

Number one lesson, you can only win wars by winning hearts and minds not by forcing or imposing ur BS idea of so called demoCrazy that has malicious agenda to destabilize region and other countries. At the end, truth prevails!!

Now you’ll gradually see the western media suddenly calling these talibans “terrorists to fighters and fighters to Talibans”. Why simply because the western establishment has to accept and recognize the legitimacy of Talibans and they can’t do that without building a new and different narrative. The perceptions built by the western govts through the media is against Talibans (they’re militants/terrorists). So, there are serious repercussions and consequences. Its not an easy job…. Wait and watch…

PS: Those who believe on this BS that the Talibans having Pakistan’s intelligence agency aka ISI support, they should ***** themselves. No sane mind with common sense accept this non-sense. Basically they’re trying to say that $850Billion budgeted military might along with NATO, + with world’s best war fighting machines defeated by few million dollars budget intelligence agency? If thats true then everyone should tell US to sack all the commanders and generals and dumps all the military equipment.

While Afghans are left to be dragged and dropped from American C-130s, American Dogs are saved and taken abroad in respect of life.

This is reality of America. Their dogs are better than Afghan humans.

US Airforce refusing to take Afghan refugees onboard.

Oh American dogs... of course, come aboard.
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Life inside Kabul after the Taliban take over


BBC video journalist Malik Mudassir has been filming in Kabul today.

The Taliban are everywhere, at the checkpoints which used to be official police or army barricades. There is no panic in the city today. The Taliban were controlling traffic, they were searching cars, and they were especially searching those vehicles which used to belong to the police and army. They have taken all those vehicles and they are using them.

In the city centre, life is normal. Traffic is much less. Most of the shops are closed. But people look much calmer than yesterday, when everybody was furious.

I saw a couple of females out on the street. They were wearing [Covid] face masks and a head scarf. They were walking on the streets, doing whatever they want to do, and the Taliban were alright with them.

There is no music on the streets at all. I am staying in Serena hotel, where they used to play background music. They have stopped it as well. People are scared. But the city is still going on.

But… the scene at the airport was catastrophic. Families, kids, young, old, they were all walking towards the airport, struggling to flee this country.

As soon as you approach the main entrance gates of the airport, there were Taliban with heavy ammunition there, trying to disperse people by shooting in the air. People who wanted to get into airport, they were climbing on the walls, even the barbed wire, even the gates. Every single person was pushing to get into the airport.


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Afghans bitching to the West on social media for “betraying” them is so embarassing, they don’t have any shame.

US-NATO was there for 20 years and spent trillions. They have every rights to give up after Afghans failed to live up to their expectations.
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