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Taliban Unleashed Iron Rain Today

Intelligent people not only act but calculate consequences of their action ..If you think Taliban will give you stability then all the best..

We already tried Ashraf ghani regime. It responded by hosting BLA terrorists

Now let's give chance to Taliban. Ashraf Ghani time is up
really sir ? pakistan bombed every city village where TTP was should we post here ? every gov do so to be safe for terror .

Pakistan only bombed Fata and swat and even that was condemned by many in Pakistan

Pakistan didn't bomb heavily populated urban centers like peshawar like Kabul regime is doing in Afghanistan

Not to forget American B52 bombing cities which even a murtad like you can't defend
Since the US taken control in 2001 , people of pakistan has been killed like mosquitoes, thank God those white terrorists runaway from Afghanistan now we hope we can live peacefully due to taliban in our neighborhood
Our backyard was filled with snakes before 2001. Afghan Taliban accomodated Al-Qaeda Network in the region [1] - a militant organization that was sponsoring attacks in foreign lands including 9/11. Durand Line and surroundings were lawless at the time. It was very easy for terrorists to create safe havens in lawless lands. This was a ticking time bomb that would have exploded at some point (and it did).

US-led War On Terror spurred much needed reforms in lawless lands and dismantling of the Al-Qaeda Network in the region by extension. TTP emerged to resist these developments and stands exposed in the process. Now many know what kind of elements existed in (formerly) lawless lands of the region. Pakistani military forces received much-needed funds and equipment to improve itself across the board as well. The Pakistan of today is shaped by its experiences in War On Terror in fact.

This blind romanticism of Afghan Taliban is misplaced; these people are also responsible for much of the mess in our region (refer back to [1] above). These people still have relations with the Al-Qaeda Network and more. These people want Pakistan to grant virtually unrestricted access to Afghans in Pakistan - news from Spin Boldak. These people are attempting to overthrow the Afghan government by force as well.

Much of the world including Pakistan (in official capacity) is seeking 'political solution' for Afghanistan, to no effect.

Have THEY learned anything? Does not looks like it. THEY don't care much about what WE expect from them. THEY have their own interests to pursue.

Some people have short memories unfortunately.
the core issue is extreamism . are you agree to handover a country to terrorist group like taliban ? will any sane human give their own country to taliban for rule sir ?
i would argue that they are not terrorists. they are a faction among many others, who took control of the country, were ousted by a foreign invader, and are back now. extremism is a core issue for sure, but that can be managed if the world engages with them. hand them grants, fund projects, but tie those funds to moderation. USA has already tried the path of stick, didnt turn out too well.
the core issue is extreamism . are you agree to handover a country to terrorist group like taliban ? will any sane human give their own country to taliban for rule sir ?
also this:

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stupid people burning and destroying own country killing own citizens . its jehad ????????? really ?
the blame is on Kabul govt as they thought they are put in Govt by Amrica hence Afghan people will support them.

Taliban couldnt get fast success if Afghan common people don't support them.

now its time Taliban work to get international approval and approval from Pakistan with doing good things for Afghan people who are deprived of progress for the last 20 years due to US war and don't let Afghanistan land used by vogue elements like Raw and India to use it against Pakistan & China.
stupid people burning and destroying own country killing own citizens . its jehad ????????? really ?

The original post is extremely misleading. @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE you are misleading and labelling American strikes as Taliban. Delete the misinformed thread.

First tweet of MLRS is wrong and an old video, Taliban dont have any, only Masood son mikitia ( 2nd resistance) has 8 MLRS.

The remaining tweets are of governemnt and american ( B-52) airstrikes on kunduz and lashkargah on markets, clinics and a school. ( 20 civilians including 2 doctors were martyred in just one B 52 airstrike yesterday).
But whats the alternative
You honestly dont think ANA will do anything about TTP
USA was on and off hitting them but not ANA

Pakistan unfortunately missed a window where pakistan should have used USA influence to mold ANA to accept pakistan boarders, refugees back and action against TTP

This wasnt focused at all

Taliban are actually fighting Daesh in Afghanistan. Where as TTP is using daesh falg as India is combining its proxies ( TTP, PTM and BLA and Kakars/Achakzai).

The bottle on the table is talking and giving green chit to Indian/CIA proxies. The attacks on CPEC or especially in Balochistan is a tell take sign of Achakzai ( recently really butthurt over the loss of Spinboldak)

Get rid of TTP PTM BLAand the likes of Achakzai proxies, Pakistan will see peace.
Is any of these system operational ??? I really don't know the current status.

I believe these were old systems of Soviet era left behind by Socialist regime of Afghanistan, as US or ISAF never provided MLRS to ANA.

Therefore even if we accept that MLRS are in working condition with live rockets then the question arise

how the Taliban operating it ???

MLRS is not a simple AK-47 which any militant could use .... ??? its use require proper training
Bhai I have no information about its current status or numbers but a wikipedia page, without quoting any source, mentions it to be 50 with ANA.

BM-21 Gra.png

Other than that, I am sharing an old video of a parade of Afghan Taliban. It sheds light on their arsenal and capabilities back in the 90s. I have timestamped the arrival of BM-21 Grad in the parade.

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Taliban dont have M
Whats this equipment thats firing missiles? How come the talis have such seemingly advanced equipment?

Taliban dont have MLRS, the video is probably old or irrelevant.

The other videos are from US B52 airstrikes in Lashkargah and Kunduz markets and clinics.

US is destroying afghanistan and here the drinkers are anxious about loosing their bottles.

The most brutal war Pakistan saw was when Taliban were at their weakest and US troops were at their highest deployment, free hand to NDS CIA and RAW.

I can go on and on but some people hate of their religion and Pakistan and love for drinking adultry is driving them to these conclusions.
Sir I have no information about its current status or numbers but a wikipedia page, without quoting any source, mentions it to be 50.

View attachment 768459

Other than that, I am sharing an old video of a parade of Afghan Taliban. It sheds light on their arsenal and capabilities back in the 90s. I have timestamped the arrival of BM-21 Grad in the parade.

Taliban dont have any, only panjishir militia are in possession on of 8 MLRS.
Bhai I have no information about its current status or numbers but a wikipedia page, without quoting any source, mentions it to be 50 with ANA.

View attachment 768459

Other than that, I am sharing an old video of a parade of Afghan Taliban. It sheds light on their arsenal and capabilities back in the 90s. I have timestamped the arrival of BM-21 Grad in the parade.

In 1990 the mujaheedeen even used fighter jets to bomb each other
In 1990 the mujaheedeen even used fighter jets to bomb each other
Only Dostum Faction had Aircrafts (Mig-21) as Dostum was part of Air Force of Socialist Government, He at the time of fall of the Socialist regime switch side and became ally of Mujahideen force.

Some of his planes were destroyed by Hikmatyar Faction as Dostum was using fighter planes in possession of his faction to bomb the position of Hikmatyar's militia.
The remaining tweets are of governemnt and american ( B-52) airstrikes on kunduz and lashkargah on markets, clinics and a school. ( 20 civilians including 2 doctors were martyred in just one B 52 airstrike yesterday).
Afghan Taliban are fighting ANA in these cities. What do you think will happen? How many civilians have died in clashes between Afghan Taliban and ANA? How many civilians are displaced by these clashes? UN is reporting thousands of 'families' displaced.

Let us not pretend that Afghan Taliban are human rights champions or something.
I see many Pakistanis on Facebook and twitter sharing videos of Taliban being branded as heros with Islamic music as background music.

I expect many jobless youth being inspired and brainwashed by this. Lets do Jihad.
your defination of terrorist is so cute sir :lol: if taliban are not terrorists then whom else it ? you pakistanis went too far in hate of ANA and afghan gov that cant see a terrorist group capturing country with gun power . other side when same was done to you guys in just swat valley janab ki cheekheen asmaan tak ja rahi theen :P
You pakistanis??? You yourself aren't a pakistani?
You have a Khan name ,by any chance you got a afghan heritage , relatives living overthere?
Otherwise such soft corner for ANA and afghan government who are extremely anti pakistan doesn't makes sense.
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