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'No smoking, no shaving': Taliban restore old rules in newly seized Afghan territory

I'm sorry, Stockholm syndrome worked 100 years ago, when it was possible to keep people segregated, shuttered from the outside world and made pliable.

Today, every Afghan child knows the riches and opportunities to be had just a few miles away. The Taliban will be the first to get disillusioned once they see what their efforts have wrought.

And don't forget, there will always be the covert efforts from outside countries to break the spell.

Realistically, if Taliban win decisively there will be millions of refugees. If they don't win, there will be civil war and still refugees. Afghanistan is doomed for another decade and I can't see Pakistan being insulated.

Smartphones were not available in 2001. Never mind the Taliban cavemen would ban them because it is unIslamic.
My definition of winning is exactly what winning is

it is a nice circular way of putting things
Smartphones were not available in 2001. Never mind the Taliban cavemen would ban them because it is unIslamic.

it is a nice circular way of putting things

No amount of violence can make people unsee an opportunity. They might not fight the Taliban but they will be escaping in droves.

Pakistanis are busy bashing Pres Ghani, but they don't realise how much they need Kabul to ensure a stable border for Pak.
Well so far on this thread I have seen arguments supporting both end of the spectrum so I thought I should post what Suheil Shaheen (spokesman for the Taliban) have to say about it... start at 17:07 mins in the video below:

BTW how honestly and in a very non sensical manner he have answered all the questions UNLIKE politicians from some of the very enlightened Countries...

Bottom line is that this is Afghanistan's internal matter who ever rule Afghanistan should NOT be dictated on how they implement their rule given adverse impacts of it (IF ANY) MUST not be allowed to effect any other Country. It is not a rocket science that a peaceful, stable and progressive Afghanistan (in its own way) is essential for the growth and prosperity of the region.

Note: Hello to ALL the guests on this thread :D
I'm sorry, Stockholm syndrome worked 100 years ago, when it was possible to keep people segregated, shuttered from the outside world and made pliable.

Today, every Afghan child knows the riches and opportunities to be had just a few miles away. The Taliban will be the first to get disillusioned once they see what their efforts have wrought.

And don't forget, there will always be the covert efforts from outside countries to break the spell.

Realistically, if Taliban win decisively there will be millions of refugees. If they don't win, there will be civil war and still refugees. Afghanistan is doomed for another decade and I can't see Pakistan being insulated.
We have 1.4 billion zombies in modern china , ably represented in pdf. When people have limited or zero choices , they adapt or perish.
If you can't beat them , join them , etc.
Both Shaving and Smoking are allowed, there is no prohibition to trim your beard in Islam, Beard itself is Sunnah of Prophet and he just encourage his Companions to grow them not forced them or prohibit them to trim it. I thought Taliban learnt their lesson from losing lots of people and 20 years of cat and mouse game with countries.
If they persecute the liberals and the women, we will persecute their conservatives.
'No smoking, no shaving': Taliban restore old rules in newly seized Afghan territory

View attachment 762474
They say they'll protect human rights but according to “Islamic values” that are interpreted differently across the Muslim world.

AFPPublished about 23 hours ago

Days after the Taliban captured a remote district in Afghanistan's north, they issued their first orders in the form of a letter to the local imam.

“It said women can't go to the bazaar without a male companion, and men should not shave their beards,” said Sefatullah, 25, a resident of Kalafgan district.

The insurgents also banned smoking, he added, and warned that anybody violating the rules “will be seriously dealt with”.

The Taliban are making huge advances across the country as they capitalise on the final withdrawal of foreign troops — capturing districts, seizing key border crossings, and encircling provincial capitals.

In some areas, they are again introducing the harsh interpretation of Islamic rule that earned them notoriety until being overthrown by the US-led invasion that followed the September 11 attacks.

Last month, they took Shir Khan Bandar, a northern customs post that connected the country to Tajikistan over a US-funded bridge that spanned the Panj river.

“After Shir Khan Bandar fell, the Taliban ordered women not to step out of their homes,” said Sajeda, who told AFP she worked in a local factory at the time.

“There were many women and young girls doing embroidery, tailoring and shoe-making [...] The Taliban's order has now terrified us,” she told AFP by phone.
View attachment 762475
A nurse checks the blood pressure of a patient for an antenatal care visit at a government-run maternity in Dand district of Kandahar province, Afghanistan, October 1, 2020. — AFP/File

The Taliban ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001 according to a hardline interpretation of the Holy Quran.

Women were ordered to stay indoors unless accompanied by a male relative, girls were banned from school, and those found guilty of crimes such as adultery were stoned to death.

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A nurse (R) registers a patient at a mobile clinic set up at the residence of a local elder in Yarmuhamad village, near Lashkar Gah in Helmand province, Afghanistan, March 28, 2021. — AFP/File

Men had relatively more freedom but were ordered not to shave, would be beaten if they didn't attend prayers, and were told to only wear traditional clothing.

Afghanistan is deeply conservative and some rural pockets of the country adhere to similar rules even without Taliban oversight — but the insurgents have tried to impose these edicts even in more modern centres.

'Marry your daughters to the Taliban'

A statement purporting to come from the Taliban, circulated on social media this week, ordered villagers to marry off their daughters and widows to the movement's foot soldiers.

“All imams and mullahs in captured areas should provide the Taliban with a list of girls above 15 and widows under 45 to be married to Taliban fighters,” said the letter, issued in the name of the Taliban's cultural commission.

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Women wait for their turn at a mobile clinic for women and children set up at the residence of a local elder in Yarmuhamad village, near Lashkar Gah in Helmand province, Afghanistan, March 28, 2021. — AFP/File

It brought back bitter memories of the edicts issued by the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice during the Taliban's first stint in power.

Keen to project a softer image this time around, they have denied issuing any such statement and dismissed it as propaganda.

“These are baseless claims,” said Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesman for the group.

“They are rumours spread using fabricated papers.”

'Nobody can leave home at night'

But people in areas recently taken by the insurgents insist there is truth to the social media buzz.

In Yawan district on the Tajikistan border, the Taliban gathered residents at a local mosque after taking over.

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A midwife (R) speaks to a woman during a house visitation in a rural area of Dand district in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, October 1, 2020. — AFP/File

“Their commanders told us that nobody is allowed to leave home at night,” Nazir Mohammad, 32, told AFP.

“And no person — especially the youths — can wear red and green clothes,” he said, referring to the colours of the Afghan flag.

Their orders didn't stop there.

“Everybody should wear a turban and no man can shave,” said Mohammad.

“Girls attending schools beyond sixth grade were barred from classes.”

The Taliban insist they will protect human rights — particularly those of women — but only according to “Islamic values”, which are interpreted differently across the Muslim world.

For Sajeda on the Tajikistan border, just a few days of Taliban rule was enough — and she fled south to the nearby city of Kunduz.

“We will never be able to work in areas under the Taliban,” she said, “So, we left”.

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Farzana, who fled her village in Helmand province when it was taken over by the Taliban, waits to see a doctor at a mobile clinic for women and children set up at the residence of a local elder in Yarmuhamad village, near Lashkar Gah in Helmand province, Afghanistan, March 28, 2021. — AFP/File

Header image: Afghan Taliban fighters listen to Mullah Mohammad Rasool Akhund (unseen), the newly appointed leader of a breakaway faction of the Taliban, at Bakwah in the western province of Farah, Afghanistan, November 3, 2015. — AFP/File

That's a perfect punishment imposed by pakistan on all those namak harams afghans who barked on pakistan :lol:
seeing from your avatar (if that is your photo) you would've been their most favorite after dinner companion, had you ever had the good fortune to have visited that emirate
Tera qasoor nahi hy! Your soldiers have told you horrific stories about taliban because they have faced the wrath of these mujahideen. But no one invited you to the Afghan land. Your brainless queen have sent your soldiers for such shameless treatment at the hands of these rag tag fighters!
Seal the borders before they infiltrate into our country.
One thing which I cannot understand is that why some people in pakistan are so unnecessarily scared of afghan taliban?
Afghan Taliban will never be able to impose their rules or government in pakistan. Because in afghanistan they have a public support whereas in pakistan there is no place for Taliban and their ideology. Secondly afghan society even without Taliban is very tribal,primitive and conservative. Even without taliban those strict rules are being followed in some areas. Pakistani society except the very few 2% is composed of moderate Muslims who can talk big but in practice they have adapted themselves well to a modern lifestyle. Never ever in pakistan such extreme conservative radical political parties ever got a majority of vote to rule a country. How can a huge 220 million will ever allow such Taliban ideology,it's impossible. And for Taliban it's far easy to impose their ideology on 30 million willing afghans than on 220 million pakistanis who will never support their interpretation of Islam.
Situation Normal, All Fouled UP.

That "No smoking" thing is just decoration. The rest of the things : no shaving, women to not go out, women must compulsorily wear the burqa, women should not work etc are the real deal.

Of course NATO is leaving the country in the hands of those they themselves created.

Your heroes, eh @Areesh ?

@Zarvan ?

So u can pick and choose and believe what u want? No smoking rule is decoration for u because it breaks the myth of drugs trade by taliban.
What is wrong in not letting women go out alone? This rule been in saudi too. What is wrong in making the veil compulsory?? When countries like france bans wearing a scarf, all u cockroaches are silent and still beat that drum of freedom but when a country enforces a veil, u all start getting diarrhea.
If so called western and free countries can enforce a dress on people then they should not shout when others enforce a veil too.
Without a male companion.

That would bar those women who are going to educational institutes and working in healthcare, in the police, in journalism etc.

If "no burqa allowed" can be a rule in western countries which otherwise may warrant heavy fines, jail time and even expulsion from job and college/uni ?

than why there can't be a rule saying "must wear burqa" in Afghanistan.???

Burqa has nothing to do with Islam. It is a Jewish garment. Please read this post of mine about an Egyptian woman parliament member and academic who has researched on this and has called for a ban on the burqa.

Its funny when france imposes Burqa ban then liberals are like "Their country, their rules" completely ignoring the freedom of choice.

Now the same liberals want to play by "Their country, our rules" philosophy when it comes to Taliban. Though this news could just be pure trash but i am just assuming this to be true.

You have to draw a line somewhere for me everywhere it should be "Their country, their rules"

Please see above.

Shrimaan chinta ka vishay yeh hai k yadii is soochna m agr thori c b sachai hai to is parashan ka uttar kahi yeh to nahi k talib Deen ki arrd m apni sanskriti laago krna chahty hain ? @jamahir

Beshakk !

there is theory. there is practice

a millenium of Islam in Afghanistan has done wonders to Afghan society :partay::partay::partay:

I wonder if Afghanistan was the same when Alexander passed through it.

Back to the islamic medieval times.....

Islam in medieval times was sophisticated than current India. :)

If Europe had the Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution it was through the ball set rolling by the Muslims in Europe and elsewhere.

Not funny dear! Beard, Hijab are all shaira related things.

What is your understanding of "hijab" ?

Stop talking out of your poop hole for once.

Please speak with respect if you wish to be taken seriously.

Please be clear in your statement : Are you in favor of the Taliban and its distorted interpretation of Islam ? Or are you not ?

So u can pick and choose and believe what u want? No smoking rule is decoration for u because it breaks the myth of drugs trade by taliban.

Then you don't know that the Taliban were forcing Afghan farmers to grow opium which would then be given to CIA. This is the same kind of collaboration as the US air force carrying away Afghan Taliban to the battle fields of Syria to fight the Syrian forces.

What is wrong in not letting women go out alone? This rule been in saudi too.

1. Since when did Saudia become the ideal ?

2. Why can't women go out alone ? This kind of thing is the same as the self-styled fatwa some years ago from the Indian Deoband mullah school forbidding Muslim women to travel alone beyond 100 kms.

What is wrong in making the veil compulsory?? When countries like france bans wearing a scarf, all u cockroaches are silent and still beat that drum of freedom but when a country enforces a veil, u all start getting diarrhea.

The veil is anti-human. And please see my mention of the burqa at the top of this post.
That would bar those women who are going to educational institutes and working in healthcare, in the police, in journalism etc.

Burqa has nothing to do with Islam. It is a Jewish garment. Please read this post of mine about an Egyptian woman parliament member and academic who has researched on this and has called for a ban on the burqa.

Please see above.

Beshakk !

I wonder if Afghanistan was the same when Alexander passed through it.

Islam in medieval times was sophisticated than current India. :)

If Europe had the Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution it was through the ball set rolling by the Muslims in Europe and elsewhere.

What is your understanding of "hijab" ?

Please speak with respect if you wish to be taken seriously.

Please be clear in your statement : Are you in favor of the Taliban and its distorted interpretation of Islam ? Or are you not ?

Then you don't know that the Taliban were forcing Afghan farmers to grow opium which would then be given to CIA. This is the same kind of collaboration as the US air force carrying away Afghan Taliban to the battle fields of Syria to fight the Syrian forces.

1. Since when did Saudia become the ideal ?

2. Why can't women go out alone ? This kind of thing is the same as the self-styled fatwa some years ago from the Indian Deoband mullah school forbidding Muslim women to travel alone beyond 100 kms.

The veil is anti-human. And please see my mention of the burqa at the top of this post.

What is ur proof of taliban forcing opium? If u were not a stupid indian u would have known that opium trade ceased when taliban were in power, its the warlords that grow them. US flying taliban to syria? U are even stupider than i thought, what else? There are aliens in area 51?
Veil is anti human and banning scarf is human? Maybe u rats have different definition of humanity.
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