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Pentagon makes China top priority in new directive as deputy defense chief says $715bn budget will ‘deter aggression’ by Beijing


Oct 2, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Agreesive China?!!! What is USA doing thousands of kilometers away from home in South China Sea? Who is the aggressive terrorist here? The answer is clear, USA is the aggressive force condemning Chinese self-defense in Chinese territorial waters as an act of aggression.
You know the whole earth belongs to Americans.Other people living on this planet without permission from Americans is a threat to the US. :azn:
They just can get China out of their heads. Ironically that means more shills telling us that China will collapse and implode too 😂

Agreesive China?!!! What is USA doing thousands of kilometers away from home in South China Sea? Who is the aggressive terrorist here? The answer is clear, USA is the aggressive force condemning Chinese self-defense in Chinese territorial waters as an act of aggression.

It is about shipping lines.. china wants to control everything in south china sea.. which includes fishing regions.. which located closed to other countries in SCS. .. Malaysia located other corner in south china sea.. yet China reached their islands... based on maps.. that's quite lunatic..

Agreesive China?!!! What is USA doing thousands of kilometers away from home in South China Sea? Who is the aggressive terrorist here? The answer is clear, USA is the aggressive force condemning Chinese self-defense in Chinese territorial waters as an act of aggression.
As I said before. Geo politics doesn't care about your feelings or mine. Nations have always engaged in great power play for dominance and established powers always try to maintain their leadership by all means necessary since the beginning of mankind . It has nothing to do with race or skin colour or particular country etc .
A rising power will always have to contend with the established one. Only a fool will think that an established power will just remain indifferent/overlook the rise of its near competitor. The ottomans ottomans the same. We didn't go to war with Germany (and Japan) for nothing. We(as a rising power back then) didn't have to contend with the established Spanish armada centuries ago for nothing, the Soveits didn't have to contend with the Americans for nothing. . Etc etc. So expecting to simply take over a leaders position peacefully/without any struggle is only wishful thinking .
That's mankind for you and will always be the case as long as we dominate planet earth. 😁😆
As I said before. Geo politics doesn't care about your feelings or mine. Nations have always engaged in great power play for dominance and established powers always try to maintain their leadership by all means necessary since the beginning of mankind . It has nothing to do with race or skin colour or particular country etc .
A rising power will always have to contend with the established one. Only a fool will think that an established power will just remain indifferent/overlook the rise of its near competitor. The ottomans ottomans the same. We didn't go to war with Germany (and Japan) for nothing. We(as a rising power back then) didn't have to contend with the established Spanish armada centuries ago for nothing, the Soveits didn't have to contend with the Americans for nothing. . Etc etc. So expecting to simply take over a leaders position peacefully/without any struggle is only wishful thinking .
That's mankind for you and will always be the case as long as we dominate planet earth. 😁😆
Loved this one in RT comment section.
"Not a word about the fact that America doesn't have $713 billion for anything, unless someone gives it to them or, more likely, it's just created out of air on a computer. The threat to America isn't China or any other country. The biggest threat is the largest debt any country in history has amassed. When the dollar dies, America dies. No need to fire a shot. Coming up."
Loved this one in RT comment section.
"Not a word about the fact that America doesn't have $713 billion for anything, unless someone gives it to them or, more likely, it's just created out of air on a computer. The threat to America isn't China or any other country. The biggest threat is the largest debt any country in history has amassed. When the dollar dies, America dies. No need to fire a shot. Coming up."

US tax collection was about $4 trillion for 2021. And that’s with tax heavens to big and established companies like Amazon, Apple, etc. So yeah they got enough Money

and if they start taxing the tax haven companies that’s another $3 trillion. Our total GDP/debt is lower than China, Japan.
The effective Tax rate for US was 17% of gdp
The effective tax rate for China was 30% of gdp
So there is so much potential tax revenue that US can increase tomorrow where as countries like China are close to maxing out the percentage. And that potential is why US debt is the most sought after commodity

The world and their economists and their central bank aren’t stupid buying our debt if we can’t pay it back. Peace
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It would be better if they'd divert some funds from the defence sector to developing the domestic situation. Ignoring the many problems the US is ignoring and has been ignoring for so long has and will continue to drain it.

Did they not learn from the cold war that in order to win a long confrontation you need to improve your domestic systems to be more competitive. If defence spending could save you than the USSR would still be here.

The Chinese have caught up with the US when the US and the West had such a massive technological and economic advantage.

The question should be asked why did the US allow it to happen? What gave the Chinese the edge?

Unless a massive introspection is done on war footing, the US would just spend itself into its own destruction.
US tax collection was about $4 trillion for 2021. And that’s with tax heavens to big and established companies like Amazon, Apple, etc. So yeah they got enough Money

and if they start taxing the tax haven countries that’s another $3 trillion. Our total GDP/debt is lower than China, Japan

The world and their economists and their central bank aren’t stupid buying our debt if we can’t pay it back. Peace
Sanctions are returning that debt to home. Don't forget USA failed to bully Germany over nord Stream pipeline. US leadership have found out that with sanctions policy dollar will fall and USA will lose its leverage over world trade.
Sanctions are returning that debt to home. Don't forget USA failed to bully Germany over nord Stream pipeline. US leadership have found out that with sanctions policy dollar will fall and USA will lose its leverage over world trade.

That’s not even remotely how that debt works. Sanctions cut uou out of the dollar system but whatever you hold you keep. And US failed to do anything under that orange fatass joke of a president. EU was so scared they didnt put sanction on China, they did the deal with china. Trump didn’t even believe in the virus didnt, didn’t start vaccine on time

When a decent president came the China deal got frozen , sanction were put byEuropean and blinked is still in talks with German to pull the plug. US got back in the vaccine game produced better vaccine,vaccinated US and now in motion to start donating to other countries.

Trump fucked up the office of the presidency and portrayed the image that US was taken advantage of when in reality as a global power you have to spend and be ahead on interests outside of your country to maintain as a superpower

And according to a recent poll by PEW US out look has vastly changed under Biden

Pew: U.S. Image Rebounds Across the World Under Biden

Trump fucked up the office of the presidency and portrayed the image that US was taken advantage of when in reality as a global power you have to spend and be ahead on interests outside of your country to maintain as a superpower

That's a very good point. I think the damage Trump did wasn't as big of a problem than the fact that nearly half the people voted for him. A massive number voted for him for a second term. Despite all that he did, and it says a lot of Americans are okay with whatever he did.

This means next time you could have another president like him or worse. I think the real damage was done with that realisation. Trump wasn't a freak accident, he had popular support. A large segment of the US voters are willing to vote his type.

That is also the thing that has, imho, permanently damaged the US's standing. The Chinese are saying the US system is broken, because it elected Trump once and almost got him a second term.

The Covid response failure was not seen as a Trump failure by the world at large, rather it was a failure of the US system.
Creating money out of air again.

Debt was a big problem in 2008 and why Fed started printing lot and lot of money.

In 2008 China assisted USA to averts its worst recession but instead an ungrateful USA administration today is trying very hard to start a war so that it will provide them with an excuse for them not to pay their loans interests.

So is USA in a DEBT TRAP?

Since then, the Feds has been printing more and more money.
Now it became a big big bubble waiting to burst.

But looks like the end is near. The reset is coming.

Every baby in USA is born with a debt of USD85,201

Debt per taxpayer is USD226.113

US M2 Money Supply now is USD20,624 trillions.

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