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Pentagon makes China top priority in new directive as deputy defense chief says $715bn budget will ‘deter aggression’ by Beijing

Agreesive China?!!! What is USA doing thousands of kilometers away from home in South China Sea? Who is the aggressive terrorist here? The answer is clear, USA is the aggressive force condemning Chinese self-defense in Chinese territorial waters as an act of aggression.

You haven't read the news about China sending ships to Hawaii or Alaska? Or their ships along with the militia ships taking over the EEZ areas in South American waters?
The aggresive act of independence, defending yourself and standing up to American bullying.

No its preparing for China's attempt to take over the Pacific Ocean, its no secret China wants the Pacific Ocean. They even said so.
Which aggression?

Are Chinese warships patrolling US claimed waters or Chinese fighter aorcraft flying through US Air Defence Identification Zone?

Yeah China sent ships to Hawaiian and Alaskan waters. And their ships are in other countries EEZ and taking over their fishing.

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